I will magnify the Lord…Who is worthy to be Praise.. I will glorify the Lord…Who is worthy to be Praise, the Lord reigneth, bless be the Rock, honour to the Rock…let the rock of my salvation be exalted… The Lord reigneth blessed be the Rock… honour be the Rock, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted….// Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty… In the morning, our song shall raise Thee… Holy Holy Holy Merciful and Mighty…God in three Persons…Blessed Trinity.
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name… thank You for today O Lord thank You for mercies that enduerth forever… Thank You for Your Mighty works that You wrought in our midst… Father we worship and adore Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…
How Excellent are You Lord! how Wonderful are You Father… Ancient of Days we worship You for answers to our prayers… for great and mighty things You do in our midst.. blessed be Thy Holy Name forever. Arise O Lord come and take Your place in our midst and do that which no one can do… have Your way again and lead us in the path of righteousness in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… Good morning, how are doing today? Hope you are good? Praise the Lord! welcome to this session of Faith clinic, our God is here to bless and I know you will be richly bless… Praise the Lord…
Wow! Our topic today is my best ever… anytime, any day… God First is my motto…my watch word… Today we are considering “Trusting God First…” Wow… such a heavy one I guess you may saying in your mind… who do you trust first when issues arise in your life? Hummmmmm
I guess different answers will be coming up… why… some will say depend on the circumstance, some others will expressly call their parents, wife, husband, brother, sister…. All is right but is that what should be… we probably hope with my parents am good to go… oh my husband is there am safe… thank God for wife, she is my back up… I praise God for my brother, or that my sister they will give me a soft landing…Father thank You for my children, they are always there for me… so many answers … (mind you, am not a mind reader…but these are likely answers you will hear from different people on survey) but very few will call God first… as in all sincerity…
Is there anything wrong in trusting the aforementioned persons… not at all but the truth is that all these people might fail you when it matters most… why? Because they are not sufficient on there own… they are limited and as such may not meet up with your request not out wickedness but out of lack…
The lesson we are bring to us here is, beyond your parents, your children, wife, husband, brothers and sisters… we ought to trust God for that need, that situations, that breakthroughs, that healing, that deliverance, that provision and then whoever God wants to use or how He chose to supply it will then be laid in your heart where you are not able..
I forget to mentioned too…some also look up to themselves for solution where they are able… their bank account becomes they resort and they don’t remember God at all… if ever they do, it is to smile up to Him and say “ God you can see… am well able”
But hear thee… what the prophet had to say to us about the Mind of God on it… cursed is the man who trust in mankind, who makes (human) flesh his strength and turns his heart from the Lord. (Jer 17:5)
Beloveth where do you place your trust in man or God? I had a share of my experience this week and I was disappointed, I had to go back to God to say to Him, “God send me your help….” In fact this morning I prayed it again… God I need You to help me… Send me Your help… Help me O God! (Ps 119:173).
Beloveth, why must we look up to God to help us…come with us to Ps 24:1- “The earth is of the Lord and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein….”
So men are incapable of helping you all the times… because they are limited… more so you will not start assuming such an individual as God instead… so God want you to see Him as God and no other… (there is a curse placed on it) “curse is the man….” beloveth…I don’t want to be cursed by God and likewise you… so we must do the needful by “looking up to God in our hour of our need” He will come through for us…
Yes God can use man to bless you, lift you up, direct you, and guide you but you must never look up such to such a one and give the place of God to him/her.
Human by nature are arrogant and prideful… that was what brought Lucifer down from heaven… the Word of God said He is most beautiful of all the angels and he pride himself equal to God… so naturally man is proud and when you see or place them where God should be in your life… God will be not be please and you are curse… why because that is the Word of God (Jer.17:5)
May God help us… not to fall into such sin in Jesus Name… May we not incur the wrath/ terror of God by our conducts and actions in Jesus Name…. O God help us to look up to you in everything by all means in Jesus Name….
Come along with us for more:
This is what the Lord says: Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind, who makes [human] flesh his strength, and turns his heart from the Lord.—Jeremiah 17:5
The Israelites of Jeremiah’s day believed they could trust in their army, the diplomacy of their king, and their foreign alliances to protect them from the powerful Babylonian empire. They gave lip service to their trust in God, but their actions showed where their faith really was: in their military and financial might. God spoke through Jeremiah to warn them that He would not bless those who trusted in anyone or anything instead of Him.
Placing your ultimate trust in anything other than God is idolatry. How can you know if your faith is not truly in God? Ask yourself these questions: Where do I turn when I experience a crisis? When I am hurting or afraid, to whom do I go? When I have a financial problem, whom do I want to tell first? Where do I seek comfort when I am under stress or discouraged?
Could it be that you are saying you trust in God but your actions indicate otherwise? God often uses other people as His method of providing for you. Be careful lest you inadvertently misdirect your faith toward His provision instead of toward the Provider. God may meet your need through your friends, but ultimately your trust must be in God.
The Israelites were so stubbornly committed to trusting in human strength instead of God that, even as the Babylonian army approached Jerusalem, they continued to desperately seek for a person, or a nation, or an army that could rescue them. They realized too late that they had neglected to trust in the only One who could deliver them.
Don’t make the same mistake as the Israelites. Go straight to the Lord when you have a need. He is the only One who can provide for you.
Yes…run straight to God your Maker… when you have need.. He will make a way for you but that way is not where your trust will be but in Him, God.
I hope you are blessed… in case you are in the middle of crises as I am now… beloveth just lift your eyes and gaze on God alone… He will open doors, He will make a way, He will surround you with strength and will delivery you… He will never be late… that I know… let go of desperations, let us of anxiety, let go of fear and insecurity…. Look up straight to the Lord… He will send you help… Amen.
Yes I have enjoyed this type of help severely but sometimes also I fear and like Peter I will start sinking and at last I shout “Lord, help me!” And He will… May God help us to trust in Him at all times, in all things… even when we are not seeing His shadow, His finger or Hand… in Jesus Name….
Further Reading: Nah 1:7, Habk. 3:2, 1Tim.4:10;12, Isa 63:9, Rom 10:17, Ps 27:8, Eph 5:8.
Join us as we conclude the song we started earlier:
Holy, holy, holy
All the saints adore Thee
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea
All the cherubim and seraphim are falling down before Thee
Which wert and art and evermore shalt be
Holy, holy, holy
Though the darkness hide Thee
Though the eyes of sinful man Thy glory may not see
Lord, only Thou art holy and there is none beside Thee
Perfect in power, in love and purity
Holy, holy, holy
Lord God almighty
All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea
Holy, holy, holy
Merciful and mighty
You are God in three persons, blessed Trinity
You are God in three persons, blessed Trinity
Oh, God in three persons, blessed Trinity
Remain blessed in the Lord.