He has done me well… He has done me well… He has done me well Jesus…. He has done me well… He has done me well… He has done me well Jesus…. // Glory Glory Alleluia His banner over me is love…. All Glory Glory Alleluia His banner over me is love… All Glory Glory Alleluia His banner over me is love… His banner over me is love…. Glorious God! Beautiful King! Excellent God we bow before Thy Throne…2x.
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee Ancient of Days, who is like unto Thee… who can be compared with Thee….
Blessed assurance Jesus is mine… o what a foretaste of glory divine… Heir of salvation, purchase of God… born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood….
That is the confidence we have that when we come before Him or call on Him He will answer us… Father we thank You for the great and mighty things you are doing in our midst… glory be to your Name… alleluia to Father… in Jesus Name we worship… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth our God is a wonder working God… He is the King of kings.. The Lord of lords… the Unchangeable Changer… He has no beginning and He has no end… Jehovah is His Name… He is the Might One in battle…. Great is His Faithfulness …. Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the first session of our faith clinic beloveth in this month … and we are taking off with this topic “Trusting in God’s Wisdom,” let start like this…. Are you trusting in God’s Wisdom?
Do you think that God is with you even in that difficult situation as it seems … you may occasional ask questions like ‘isn’t God seeing all I am passing through?’ ‘Is He not aware of these torments?’
As hard as it may be to accept some difficult moments in our lives … it will be more blessings to “trust God’s Position and Judgment at all time….
Beloveth, I have places I do struggle…. But before long… the Spirit of God will give me insight and I tell you before long … the pains, struggles, hurts will vanish as if it was never there…
I don’t know where your are struggling in your life at the moment of reading this piece…. All I want you to take away from here is that God is aware and will give you a way of escape that will shield you from hurt…
To achieve this beloveth, it requires us to spend quality time with God both in prayer and on His Word… you are not in any battle because Jesus has won you victory on the Cross… but you need to constantly reminding yourself of … God is love… and He loves you … You must keep telling yourself that “Even though He slay I will always Trust Him.”
Beloveth, the point here is that you and I mighty have missed it in one way or the other … the interesting thing is that God cannot reject us base on our days of ignorance… but if we acknowledge that He love us; we will see the manifestation of His Wisdom and Love in every step we take… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!
Come along for more:
“Go and tell Hezekiah that this is what the Lord God of your ancestor David says: I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Look, I am going to add 15 years to your life.”—Isaiah 38:5
The fundamental premise of Christianity is that God knows what is best better than we do. When we are experiencing God’s blessing, it is easy to believe that God knows what is best. But when God allows sickness and sorrow in our lives, we may be tempted to question His wisdom.
The Lord told King Hezekiah that his life was coming to an end. God advised him to prepare himself for death and to make arrangements to turn over the kingdom. Instead, Hezekiah pled for his life, begging God to spare him from death (Isa. 38:3). God loved the righteous Hezekiah and, in His grace, granted him an additional fifteen years to live. Those fifteen years would prove that God’s wisdom far exceeds human wisdom.
During those added years, Mannasseh was born, and he eventually succeeded Hezekiah as king of Judah. Mannasseh, who reigned for fifty-five years, was the most evil king ever to rule over Judah (2 Kings 21:1). Mannaseh encouraged the worship of idolatry throughout the nation. He passed his own son through fire according to the abominable practices of idolatry.
He shed much innocent blood during his reign; every part of the nation suffered from his cruelty. Manasseh’s wickedness provoked God to anger, but Manasseh ignored God’s warning (2 Kings 21:16; 2 Chron. 33:10). All these hardships were caused by Manasseh, a king who would never have been born if Hezekiah had accepted God’s will for his life! Furthermore, Hezekiah’s extended reign led to Judah’s eventual defeat by the Babylonians (2 Kings 20:12–20).
So much suffering resulted from Hezekiah’s unwillingness to accept God’s will for him. God knows what is best. Whether your circumstances are easy or difficult, you can completely trust His guidance.
Beloveth, above is the result of the rejection of God’s Wisdom… when the children of Israel rejected Samuel and desire a King even when God have separated them to Himself… there was a consequence… God gave them Saul… his reign as a King brought devastating effects to them…
Beloveth… we are encourage by this teaching to always look up to God in any difficult situations or challenges we may be facing and ask for His directives and then trust Him that He will not lead us astray…. We need patience to trust the wisdom of God… Father grant unto us the spirit of patient to hold on to you even in the most difficult moments in Jesus Name…… Amen Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia…
Hope you enjoyed the teaching and your spirit was also blessed amen!!! Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!…
Further Reading… 1 Sam.8, 2Cor.3:5, Job 13:13-15, Rom.5:5, 15;5. 2 Cor 4:8….
Let us sing along the concluding part of the Blessed assurance:
Perfect submission, all is at rest
I in my Savior am happy and blessed
Watching and waiting, looking above
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
Remain blessed in the Lord.