April 14
Everlasting Father, hallow be Thy name, thank You for a great week ahead of us, a week to be remember of Your great love and mercy to mankind. Thank You Father, for You are great God. Glory and honour, adoration be ascribe unto You alone Who is worthy of our praise.
Dear friend, when you come to Christ, you are in for a great experience. The Awesome God knows how to put “WoW” in your mouth, you can never be the same again after your encountered Jesus.
Don’t seek only to hear other’s testimony, seek to have a personal experience with the King of kings, the Lord of lords. Then your salvation will be real and you can testify of His goodness in the land of the living. Someone wants to know how?
You are not alone in this even the apostle was once like you but when they encountered Christ, they had a great change and they never looked back. The Lord Jesus made it clear that you will not only read or hear about truth; you will also experience “truth”.
The death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus is indeed an experience we must all have. Paul was never same when he encountered Jesus. The two disciple on their way to Emmaus had an encounter with Lord and their eyes were opened. The woman with the issue of blood also has a testimony to share about her encounter. “Jesus is the truth”
Can that be said of you? Come-on, let us consider the good news below:
When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”—Luke 5:4
When Christ teaches you something about Himself, He implements it into your life through experience. As the crowds gathered around, Jesus chose to board Peter’s boat and teach the people from there. All day long Peter sat in the boat listening to Jesus teach the multitudes. At the close of His discourse, Jesus allowed Peter to experience the reality of what He had just been teaching the crowd. The crowd had heard the truth, but Peter was to experience it.
Jesus put His teaching into language a fisherman could understand. He told Peter to put out his nets into the deep water. Peter hesitated, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing.” Peter had been fishing all night, had washed and repaired his nets in the morning, and then listened to Jesus teach. He was tired. He probably was not expecting a dramatic encounter with God at a time like that. Yet, as Peter obeyed Jesus, he pulled in such a miraculous catch of fish that his boat almost sank! Peter was filled with amazement and recognized that he had just experienced the power of God (Luke 5:4–11).
Peter learned that with a command from Jesus, he could do anything. Thus, Jesus was able to reorder Peter’s priorities from catching fish to catching men (Luke 4:10). Peter’s obedience led to a dramatic new insight into the person of Jesus. This was an invitation to walk with Jesus in an even more intimate and powerful way.
God does not want you to merely gain intellectual knowledge of truth. He wants you to experience His truth. There are things about Jesus you will learn only as you obey Him. Your obedience will then lead to greater revelation and opportunities for service.
Are you ready to go an extra mile with Christ? This period is a good time to demonstrate God’s love to people around so don’t miss out. Be part of this great move and be bless.
Talking about being blessed. Do know that God’s blessings always leads to abundance? So many people find it difficult to part with things even when they are longer in use. They felt that they blessing is due to their wisdom or hard work. They depend so much on their ability than God. For such God laugh at them and if they repent not, He smote them like the angel of death did to Herod (Deut 8:18). So be careful how you manage what God gave you to keep. Don’t neglect His work and children especially the poor among you.
He is ready to give you grace in area of your life, ask of Him and He will speedy grant you.
And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.—2 Corinthians 9:8
When you relate to God you always deal with abundance, for God does nothing in half measures! This is true regarding His grace. The Lord is not miserly when it comes to providing grace to His servants. When you seek to perform a good work that God has asked you to do, you will always find an ample supply of God’s grace to sustain you. If you begin to lose heart in the work you are doing, God’s grace upholds you and gives you the love for God and His people you require in order to continue.
When you face criticism and are misunderstood, God’s grace enables you to forgive your accusers and to sense God’s pleasure even when others do not understand what you are doing. When you make mistakes in the work God has appointed you to do, God’s grace forgives you, sets you back on your feet, and gives you strength to continue the work. When you complete the task God gave you and no one expresses thanks for what you have done, the Father’s grace surrounds you, and He reminds you that you have a heavenly reward where everything you have done in the Lord’s service will be remembered.
God does not promise to provide all you need for your dreams and projects. He does assure you that, for every good work you attempt, you will never face a shortfall of His grace in order to successfully complete the task God has given you.
May you find grace for every good work at this special season in Jesus Name? Don’t lose heart if you are yet to experience His goodness, it will surely come. Hang on him and be careful for nothing Phil 4:6
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu