Alleluia Joy Alleluia joy…Alleluia Joy will be on that day!!! Alleluia Joy Alleluia joy…Alleluia Joy will be on that day!!!// Father we declare that we love You we declare an everlasting love for You…. Father we declare that we love You we declare an everlasting love for You…

Our Father we thank You for the another wonderful opportunity to declare our love for You, Thank You for Your Awesomeness in our live and situation all through this month, is been wonderful and glorious…Our heart is full of rejoicing of what You O God has done, is doing and will continue to do in our midst, glory be to Your Name on high in Jesus name…

The month of march was indeed a month of faith…trusting You at every step and every turn…You were so faithful to Your Word and did not allow it to fall to the ground…glory be to You Father in Jesus Name.

(Song)You have been faithful Lord from the ages past…that is why Your Name O Lord is forever more….

Beloveth, shout a resounding alleluia!!!!!!!! the Lord is good; all the time…Our God is indeed Faithful…He is a wonder to be hold the Very Present Help in hour of need…..let us magnify His Name forever more…..

Let the earth rejoice for the Lord God reign…..praise the Lord somebody alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, what more can we say than to say thank You Lord for Your goodness and Your Wonderful works to the children of men… the children of men….praise the Lord somebody!!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody testify You are good…You are good Jehovah You are good…everybody testify You are good… You are good Jehovah, You are good!!!

All through this month I was a witness to the perpetual Help from God, I also believe you a living witness too. (Song)The God that never fail; let me be in you, let me be in you, in you there is power…

The power of God is so mighty that nothing is impossible for Him to do…no situation is too hard or too difficult for the Lord to handle…He gave us life, peace, joy, sound mind, good health, security and protections from the workers of iniquities…(Song) Call Him Jehovah Jireh! Jehovah Jireh! We will call Him Jehovah Jireh! Jehovah Jireh!!!

Beloveth, at the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, if any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink: He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall floe rivers of living water…

Beloveth, today is the last day of this month and Jesus is inviting us to Himself…it is not late to receive that miracle you been waiting for…if you come to Him with faith..He is more than able to deliver and to save…beloveth…He is our Present Help in our of need so you need not to be afraid, doubt or faint for our God can still do it irrespective of what the situation is saying concerning you…keep holding on, keep on trusting and believing Him…as truth is a Person and truth is to be experienced too….

Peter tasted and see that the Lord is good and His Word enduerth forever, the Blind Bartimaeus also tested and see that Jesus is truly the son of David that sheweth mercy, the woman with the issue of blood was also a witness to the goodness of Jesus. The man  that was born blind also was a witness and the woman caught in adultery witness the help of Christ, Mary Magdalene also experienced the mercy of Christ.

Beloveth, beyond all these names mentioned many more and up until this present time is experiencing the perpetual help of Christ in one way or other….

Trust is a person and our Lord Jesus demonstrated it as He was travelling with His disciple to the other side…beloveth there is always the other side of life which is not palatable, not good enough, not as desired or well thought out…like the disciple of Jesus who have seen Him preformed many miracles but have not seen Him speak to the winds and waves and they obeyed Him and they declared, even the winds and the waves obey Him…

Somebody is making that declaration today… because Jesus will speak to that situation(s) and it must obey… Praise the Name of Jesus….alleluia…

Our Lord Jesus is still in the business of doing good, you next on line Praise the Lord….come along for more:


They came and woke Him up, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to die!” Then He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves. So they ceased, and there was a calm.

He said to them, “Where is your faith?”

They were fearful and amazed, asking one another, “Who can this be? He commands even the winds and the waves, and they obey Him!”—Luke 8:24–25

Truth is a Person, not a concept. Jesus said He was the Truth (John 14:6). That means that you can never know the truth of your circumstances unless you have first heard from Jesus.

The disciples thought they were perishing in the storm. They were fishermen who knew the sea and knew what their condition was. They had allowed their circumstances to convince them that the “truth” was their imminent death. But they were wrong. Truth was asleep in the back of their boat!

Since some of the disciples were fishermen, they trusted in their own expertise and wisdom rather than recognizing that only Jesus knew the truth of their situation. At times, our human knowledge in certain areas of life can blind us to our desperate need to hear a word from Truth.

When Jesus spoke, the disciples saw the real truth of their situation. There was absolute calm. The disciples had seen Jesus perform other miracles, but they had not yet witnessed His power over nature in such a dimension.

Often we are like the disciples. God may have recently demonstrated His power to us in a mighty way; we may have experienced many spiritual victories in the past. Yet, when a new and frightening situation comes upon us we, too, panic and say, “Lord save me. I’m perishing!” God will remind us of His provision, saying, “I can handle this situation, too, and you will know more of Me because of it.”

Have you become fearful instead of faithful? If you have, prepare for the rebuke, for it will come.

Beloveth, we believe instead of rebuke you will be commended by the power in the Word and teachings we receive today …Jesus is speaking to that situation you are passing through and it must obey Him…don’t be afraid or terrify with the situation around you just keep believing God and all shall be well with you in Jesus Name….

Let us with one voice thank God for His Faithfulness and ask Him for His Presence in the coming month…to manifest Himself in greater dimensions in Jesus Name…..Amen

Further Reading- Jer 2:13, 17:13, but this will not be your portion in Jesus name. you will not forsake the Lord rather you will embrace Him in Jesus Name.  See you in the new month alleluia!!!!!!

Join us to sing


Come and see what the Lord has done for me
He has taken away my sorrows and now I’m free!
Agam e buru hallelujah e buru (I will carry hallelujah)
Agam a para hallelujah para o (I will carry my praise)

Because of Jesus everyday na shakara I dey do
(Because of Jesus everyday I have a life worth showing off)
Double double heavenly blessings na him I dey receive (from Him I receive)
God Your Grace and mercies always dey follow me… Aiyee! God has given me victory
Aiyee! He has given me victory… If Jesus has given you victory,
Come let’s dance, let’s give Him praises now

Thank God for His faithfulness towards us… and we thank you for reading and obeying the Word of God alleluia!!!!


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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