Glory honour power and majesty be unto Christ Amen!!! Glory honour power and majesty be unto Christ Amen!!!// His Name is higher far above other Name, His Name is Jesus, His Name is God…His Name is higher, far above other names, His Name is Jesus, His Name is God…

Be lifted high…be lifted high…O Lord be lifted high…for you are worthy, righteousness, power…O! Lord be lifted high…

Blessed Redeemer we thank You…we bless Your Holy Name. thank You Jesus for Who You are…glory be unto Thee O Lord, who is like unto Jehovah…our Father, we worship and exalt Your Holy Name, let Your Name be lifted high in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, is Friday…Praise the Name of the Lord! thank God for His mercies that enduerth forever… thank His for watching over us and all that are us through the power of the Holy Spirit… faithful is our God…His mercies enduerth forever and ever… we worship and adore His Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.

As our topic rightly pointed out “truth is to be experienced.” If you yet to experience the power of God in your life and situation, it will be difficult convey same to another person but if you have seen or experience the miracles and doings of the Almighty God, beloveth….will run to everyone and everywhere to share His wonders…

Peter believe Jesus after seeing the other of His miraculous wonders, Peter left his fishing business to join the business of our Lord Jesus because he has proof of the power in Jesus ministry…

Beloveth, are you experiencing the wonders of the Lord Jesus where you are right now? Is God showing you proof that He is the One sending you? What God did for one; He is still able to do for another….You need to experience the working wonders of the Most High God in your life as did Peter and other disciples. Come along with us for more:

When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”—Luke 5:4

When Christ teaches you something about Himself, He implements it into your life through experience. As the crowds gathered around, Jesus chose to board Peter’s boat and teach the people from there. All day long Peter sat in the boat listening to Jesus teach the multitudes. At the close of His discourse, Jesus allowed Peter to experience the reality of what He had just been teaching the crowd. The crowd had heard the truth, but Peter was to experience it.

Jesus put His teaching into language a fisherman could understand. He told Peter to put out his nets into the deep water. Peter hesitated, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing.” Peter had been fishing all night, had washed and repaired his nets in the morning, and then listened to Jesus teach. He was tired. He probably was not expecting a dramatic encounter with God at a time like that. Yet, as Peter obeyed Jesus, he pulled in such a miraculous catch of fish that his boat almost sank! Peter was filled with amazement and recognized that he had just experienced the power of God (Luke 5:4–11).

Peter learned that with a command from Jesus, he could do anything. Thus, Jesus was able to reorder Peter’s priorities from catching fish to catching men (Luke 4:10). Peter’s obedience led to a dramatic new insight into the person of Jesus. This was an invitation to walk with Jesus in an even more intimate and powerful way.

God does not want you to merely gain intellectual knowledge of truth. He wants you to experience His truth. There are things about Jesus you will learn only as you obey Him. Your obedience will then lead to greater revelation and opportunities for service.

Beloveth, obedience is the key to experiencing God miraculous doings in your life, make sure you are following and obeying all His instructions. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you so that you will not miss His leading in your  life as we see the Supernatural Breaking through  as He promises us at the beginning of this year…like Peter we too will experience it in Jesus Name. Amen.

Beloveth, you will not miss out God’s appearing to you…note that Jesus used Peter boat and afterward blessed him…what can you offer Jesus to use, what is He asking you to release for His use and you still in doubt if He will able to pay…when Peter obeyed Jesus at His instruction, the order of His breakthrough supersedes the overnight toils …Peter called for help to accommodate the order of his breakthrough…Jesus rewarded Peter opening that his mockers will see the Lord’s doing in his life.

I decree into your life the order of your breakthroughs will be a dumbfounding breakthroughs in Jesus Name…The Hand of the Lord will bring it to pass…you will not be able to hide or cover it…because the world will see it and glorify your Father in heaven Amen….…. (Ps 86:17)

Have a wonderful weekend; see you on Monday if Jesus tarries in Jesus Name Alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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