Glorious God Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy Throne… I will call upon the Lord, Who is worthy to be Praise… I will glorify the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise… The Lord reigneth… Blessed be the Rock… Honour to the Rock… Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted…x2

Our Father we exalt Your Holy Name… we worship and adore Thee the King of Glory… Hallow be Thy Name Jesus… What can be compared with Thee..O Lord who can be likened unto Thee Jehovah Ralph… Be Thou exalted Unlimited God… Thank You Matchless Jesus… we adore Thee We magnify Thee… indeed You are God… Thank You… and Thank You… forever and ever in Jesus Name Amen!!!

Jesus what a Wonder You are!!! You are so Precious, So Good and So Kind… You Who Shines like a Bright Morning Star… Jesus what a Wonder You are….

Thank You Jesus for making me so bright like You are… Thank You for giving me reason to laugh again…. Thank You for helping me to walk in the path of righteousness… be Thou exalted Unlimited God…

(Song) Be Thou exalted… be Thou exalted… Be Thou exalted… Unlimited God… (dance, clap)…

O Jesus be Thou exalted forever and ever Amen!!!

Thank You for answers to prayers… Thank You for making a way where there is no way… Thank for Your peace that passes all understanding… Thank You Jesus … be Thou exalted unlimited God

Beloveth… We serve a Living God even the devil know say na true ooo… We serve a Living God biko help me sing na Him dey reign ooo… Alleluia… Jesus reign… forever more He reigns…

Beloveth…shout alleluia… am so excited this morning because it pleases God that you and I should be part of part of eternity… He chooses from the furnace of fire… therefore we preserve and use us for His glory alone….

Oftentimes we get worried, sad and unhappy because of how things are going around us… we would have preferred it the other way round… but is that His Will, Purpose and Plan for us… is that what He wants happens for us… I read this somewhere “Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.”

Do you see happening around you? or is it happening in your life or someone you know? Beloveth…calm down…look steadily unto Jesus… He knows what to do… God made you for a Purpose…. Ask for it and walk therein…stop trying to make sense out of life… you rather ask God the manufacturer of you what He wants of you…

Come along with us to see for yourself…

Trying To Make Sense Out Of Life

Life is unfair: The righteous suffer while evil men prevail. Justice is capricious as life appears to unfold in random fashion: Innocent children are victims of war and flood, while piggish dictators ravage their people for personal gain. Good people get cancer and the brutish often live in wealth and enjoy good health into old age. (Ecclesiastes 3:11; 7:15; 8:14; Daniel 4:35; Job 11:7-9; 33:13; Romans 11:33, 34)

One could reason: If God is good, then He is weak. Otherwise He would stop the suffering and injustice. If He is strong and sovereign, then He is cruel or indifferent for allowing the carnage to continue. The book of Job however, shatters such thinking.

Here is the essence of Job: One day Satan, in conversing with God, accuses Job of following God because He is blessing him. In order to demolish his argument, God gives Satan permission to take everything of Jobs except his life. As Job loses his health, children, and resources, his friends argue that his suffering is due to his sin. In the end, God vindicates Job, and restores everything twofold.


  1. God reserves the right to use us for His glory as He so chooses:

But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earthWould you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself ?” (Exodus 9:16; Job 40:8) (See Isaiah 45:9; 64:8)

  1. Job demonstrates the fact that it is possible, amidst extreme suffering to maintain one’s faith:

At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: Naked I came from my mothers womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.‘” (Job 1:20, 21) (See Job 1:22; 13:15)

  1. Job’s counselors wrongly assumed that his tribulations were related to sin; that righteous people always prosper, while suffering is always our punishment for engaging in evil:

If [the righteous] obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.” (Job 36:11)

  1. Suffering deeply enhanced Job’s relationship with God:

My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.” (Job 42:5)

  1. God owes us no explanation for His actions. He gave Job none.”

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

Beloveth, anytime I read about Job’s ordeal… hummmuh I always shake my shoulder… for no fault of his, he went through so much… for standing on the Lord sides… he went through a lot… but wait a minute… Is it still happening in our time? Good people still suffering and the bad ones living large?

Yes! It is still happening… and like we read on No.5 on the itemized … God owes us no explanation for His actions… He gave Job none…. So what next…. God is our Refuge and our Fortress… He promises to keep us till end… bearing in mind that whatsoever you are going through… the utmost purpose is to bring your destiny to past…

So long as you are suffering due to your sin… even at that Jesus offers you salvation and if you accept Him you will walk on gold… Alleluia somebody…. We are referring to something more than gold…. Eternal life….you are in for it… though God gave back Job double of what He lost…most importantly having stood on His “Will” he received eternal life… the ultimate goal of existence… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!

Let sing this song together if you it if not then you learn…

Something more than Gold… Something more than gold… The Spirit of God in the life of a believe… is something more than gold… Alleluia!!!

Keep holding on to God’s Word; it is a flames of fire nothing will escape it…. It keep every doubt away… it levels every mountains of questions and exalt Christ instead… Praise the Name of the Lord…

Further Reading-Josh.24:21, Ps.103:2, 2Cor.5:20, Gal.5:16, Jn.14:3, Matt.12:20, Isa.9:6, 1Tim.4:14, 1Pet.5:4, 1Cor.2:4, Rom.6:23, Rom.8:37, Jn.8:12.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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