Thank You… Thank You Lord… Thank You Lord… Thank You Lord for everything You have done… in my life… Lord we lift Your Name higher… You lift Your Name higher… O Lord You lift Your Name higher… Jesus You lift your Name higher… shout alleluia… Alleluia shout alleluia alleluia… shout alleluia alleluia!!!!
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Name… we adore Thee we give you Praise… Let all the Glory, All the Honour, All Adoration belongs to You… Praise the Name of the Lord!!! Alleluia!!!…
Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!
Thank You for the gift of a new week… full of Your Mercy and Blessings… and Peace…. Yes! a week that usher in the blessing of Joy to the world….. Peace upon humanity… Glory be to You Lord….
Beloveth… Wow!!! Praise the Name of Jesus… yes beloveth… were you able to share Jesus to those you encountered? In case you were not … Is good to let you know that you should be on look for… any one Jesus will bring your way…
That will make it easy for you and I so that we not feel guilty of not be the doer of God’s instruction or command… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia….
Beloveth Praise the Name of Jesus… today we will be looking at the topic – “Two Options For A Follower of Christ.”
Beloveth what are the options available to you as a follower of Christ…. Is possible you will be as shock as I was when I first read it…
Come let get to the root of this then we reflect on it….
Two Options For A Follower Of Christ
As a follower of Christ, I have two options as to how I will live my life:
- By the “clock” — That is, manage my life by such external forces as my
- By the “compass” — That is, lead my life by such internal values as my
Our struggles come when we sense a gap between the clock and the compass; when what we do doesn’t contribute to the values we hold most dear. To help determine whether you are a slave to the clock or are guided by the compass, take a few minutes to prayerfully evaluate and answer the following questions:
- What is my calling in life?
- What is my vision?
- What are my core values?
- What is my mission in life?
- What is my direction?
- Can I defend how I answered the above questions Biblically?
It is God’s intention that we are guided primarily by our inner “compass” when it is based on the leading of the Spirit in accordance with the truth and authority of God’s Word:
“Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposely and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.” (Ephesians 5:15-17 – Amplified)
QUESTION: If your life is managed primarily by the “clock,” rather than led by the “compass,” what changes do you need to make at this time?
Beloveth… are you here with us…. So how are you living your life… by the Clock or by Compass?
The better option we have is to live by compass… here Jesus is the Master Planner, He aid us in the execution by Divinely Direction.
I think I am guilty to an extend here… and I know someone is acknowledging same too…
Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit Who going forward will step in and help you and 1 to live by compass and as many as will key into it in Jesus Name…
Have your way O God we pray Thee in Jesus Name…
Beloveth on this note we declare this week open and blessed in Jesus Name… God will do that which you cannot do… There will be sounds of rejoicing in your camp in Jesus Name…. And the Name of the Lord will be glorify in Jesus Name Amen!!!
Further Reading- 1Jn.1:7, Isa.9:6, Jn.5:14, Rom.10:10, Heb.5:8, Rev.4:8, Prov.10:28, 2Cor.13:11, Ps.119:76.
Remain blessed in the Lord.