Jesus, Jesus, Jesus You are the love of my life, 2x O Jesus You are the love of my life, yes Jesus You are the Lord of my life.// All glory glory glory to the Lord, 2x alleluia hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, blessed be the Name of the Lord, alleluia hosanna, hosanna hosanna blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Father we worship You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore Thee, we give You praise, we give You houonr, we glorify You forever and ever. Thank You for mercies that enduerth forever and ever blessed be thy Holy Name forever.

Eternal Rocks of  Ages, You are worthy to be glorify and we are here to worship You, Thank You for You Greatness enduerth forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Dear beloveth, how has been with you?  Still counting on God’s faithfulness I suppose. Thank God for being there for us. Thank Him because His mercies is forever assured. His goodness is from generation to generation unto them that feareth His Name, I hope you are one?

I recently met someone who was separated from his from family because of wife battering. I have been helping out in writing letters and making suggestions on how to unite him back with his family but it has not been working out. And when he made mention of taking another wife and starting all over again, I became worried and rebuked him opening and hard too. However, I made further suggestion and step to ensure that the reunion is speed up. However, when I come across him again, he revealed what he has been covering from me for a while. He battered his wife and was ask to leave the state. Wow! What a smart way of getting around issues in life. However, we got talking again but this this time, he was so concern about his children who are now threatened with finances for their upkeep. He want to apply for visa to go back to state. After that encounter, I was grief not because I was not in the know of what the issue was but because of how people commit sin, cover it and think that no one will know.

Why was he applying for visa to go back? Because he met a friend who had same case, and he has gotten a visa back to the state based on certain proclamation by the president. Afterward, when I was recounting the whole incident the Holy Spirit prompt me in my Spirit and told me what he must done if he will ever get back to his wife and family and am yet to meet him and rely back the message but for the benefit of this ministration you will get the full story.

The Holy Spirit said “ he must repent of his sins, and confess same to God for reconciliation with the wife to work out.” He told that, it was not as difficult as he think it is but he must first repent of his act then ask forgiveness both from God and from his wife and their reconciliation will works out easily.

Beloved, often times a covered sin causes more havoc than we can imagine in any man’s life. However when we confess our sin, we must also repent of it else is of no effect.

When David committed sin, he confessed that sin before God and God forgave him as we saw in our yesterday text of 2 Sam 12:13  (sorry for the typographically error of the text). Open your bible to read it. Same as in Ps 32, where David was recounting his experience when he cover up his sin thinking that no one should know, what happened to him. Then when he was confronted, he own up and repent of his sins. Is very possible that David would denied the act and pretended before the prophet that he is not in the know of what he is saying, considering what is happening in our world today.

But not David, he confessed his sin and repent of it and the Lord forgave him and pronounced blessings rather than curses upon him and his generation. Praise the Lord.

Today’s teaching is coming our way to help us uncover all the sins we have covered, confess it and repent of it so that the blessings which God promised us will come to us without further hindrance.

You cannot have dominion when you have covered your sin, God’s goodness will not locate a man living in sin and pretending before the children of God that all is well.

Repent therefore today and confess all your sins before God. Jesus went to the cross because of you, He is ready to welcome you back to the fold if only you will repent. He has the power to forgive sins also. So get on your knees now and confess your sin. Never say you have not sin “for all have sin and fall short of the glory of God.”

Confess and repent of your sins now, then let’s get going:


He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Prov. 28:13


Here is the way of mercy for a guilty and repenting sinner. He must cease from the habit of covering sin. This is attempted by falsehood, which denies sin; by hypocrisy, which conceals it; by boasting, which justifies it; and by loud profession, which tries to make amends for it.

The sinner’s business is to confess and forsake. The two must go together. Confession must be honestly made to the Lord Himself; and it must include within itself acknowledgment of the wrong, sense of its evil, and abhorrence of it. We must not throw the fault upon others, nor blame circumstances, nor plead natural weakness. We must make a clean breast of it, and plead guilty to the indictment. There can be no mercy till this is done.

Furthermore, we must forsake the evil: having owned our fault, we must disown all present and future intent to abide in it. We cannot remain in rebellion and yet dwell with the King’s Majesty. The habit of evil must be quitted, together with all places, companions, pursuits, and books, which might lead us astray. Not for confession, nor for reformation, but in connection with them we find pardon by faith in the blood of Jesus.

Have you confessed your sin and repented of it? Don’t allow any guilt to weigh you down, because Jesus has the key to forgive your sins and to set you free.

“The Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins.” Matthew 9:6

Behold one of the great Physician’s mightiest arts: He has power to forgive sin! While here He lived below, before the ransom had been paid, before the blood had been literally sprinkled on the mercy-seat, He had power to forgive sin. Hath He not power to do it now that He hath died?

What power must dwell in Him who to the utmost farthing has faithfully discharged the debts of His people! He has boundless power now that He has finished transgression and made an end of sin. If ye doubt it, see Him rising from the dead! behold Him in ascending splendour raised to the right hand of God!

Hear Him pleading before the eternal Father, pointing to His wounds, urging the merit of His sacred passion! What power to forgive is here! “He hath ascended on high, and received gifts for men.” “He is exalted on high to give repentance and remission of sins.” The most crimson sins are removed by the crimson of His blood.

At this moment, dear reader, whatever thy sinfulness, Christ has power to pardon, power to pardon thee, and millions such as thou art. A word will speak it. He has nothing more to do to win thy pardon; all the atoning work is done. He can, in answer to thy tears, forgive thy sins today, and make thee know it.

He can breathe into thy soul at this very moment a peace with God which passeth all understanding, which shall spring from perfect remission of thy manifold iniquities. Dost thou believe that?

I trust thou believest it. Mayst thou experience now the power of Jesus to forgive sin! Waste no time in applying to the Physician of souls, but hasten to Him with words like these:—

“Jesus! Master! hear my cry;

Save me, heal me with a word;

Fainting at Thy feet I lie,

Thou my whisper’d plaint hast heard.”

Jesus not only forgive sins, he also heal the maladies that are attended to your sin, come to Him now and be set free.

As many as are having one challenges or the other as a result of their sins to another, confess your sins one to another and be set free. Make restitution where necessary God will help you if you are truly sorry for your faults. Praise the Name of the Lord.

And as you do that, the mercies and goodness of God will locate you now and lift you up and make you whole indeed.

Welcome into the fold where liberty abound – the Presence of God.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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