When I come into Your Presence Lord am happy! When I come into Your Presence Lord am glad! In Your presence there is anointing, the Spirit of God will surround us in Your presence anointing breaks the yoke… Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne…// Holy Most Holy is Lord God! Is the Lord God! Is the Lord God! Holy Most Holy is the Lord God! Is the Lord God Most High…
Our Father in heaven O! God! we worship You, we bless Your Holy Name! we adore You we give You Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name! Receive our praises Lord! Receive our honour Father! Glory to Your Holy Name forever in Jesus Name!
Thank You Father for the gift of another day in Your Presence! We do not take for granted! For You Lord is Faithful and gracious to us Your children! We worship and adore Your Holy Name forever and ever… Thank You for watching over us and making it possible for us to sleep and wake up against the tribulation and raging storms of wicked You preserved us and keep us, receive our praises Lord! Receive our honour Father! Let Your Name be magnify forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth good morning, how are doing today? Has God been Faithful to you? Are you basking His love, grace and mercies? Our God is a good God! What a wonder He is! In heaven He is God! On earth He remaineth God! There is none to be compared with Him. Praise the Name of the Lord! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Song- I have seen the Lord Goodness His mercies and compassion. I have seen the Lord Goodness alleluia Praise the Lord!
Have you seen the Lord goodness dearly beloved? Beloveth, money is the least of God’s blessings… so don’t look at your pocket to count God’s goodness rather look on those gifts that money cannot buy like the Holy Spirit, His love, protections, safety, mercies, grace, favour, breakthroughs and so many others you can help me to fix in.
The gift of Holy Spirit is received at salvation, when we got born again, money cannot buy it (Acts 8:17-20). The Holy Spirit is the power of God living inside of us, is not given on merit but by grace. So if you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you then you enjoying God’s goodness. Likewise every other gift mentioned above. Do you know beloveth that in God’s favour is life (Ps 30:5)
Money cannot buy God’s favour neither will works but when the mercies of God bestows His favour on us, things begin to work out well in our favour… Beloveth, God’s protection cannot be measured. Country invest so much to protect their territories against invades and enemies still it is not guaranteed but with God’s arm of protection or His watchful eyes on you and all that is yours, you are completely assured that you are secured and safe.
God’s goodness is uncounted, as you desires so the Lord makes available for you all you will ever need and under you are His everlasting arms (PS 37:4). Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Come along with us for more revelation on God’s goodness:
“Underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deuteronomy 33:27
God—the eternal God—is Himself our support at all times, and especially when we are sinking in deep trouble. There are seasons when the Christian sinks very low in humiliation. Under a deep sense of his great sinfulness, he is humbled before God till he scarcely knows how to pray, because he appears, in his own sight, so worthless.
Well, child of God, remember that when thou art at thy worst and lowest, yet “underneath” thee “are everlasting arms.” Sin may drag thee ever so low, but Christ’s great atonement is still under all. You may have descended into the deeps, but you cannot have fallen so low as “the uttermost”; and to the uttermost He saves.
Again, the Christian sometimes sinks very deeply in sore trial from without. Every earthly prop is cut away. What then? Still underneath him are “the everlasting arms.” He cannot fall so deep in distress and affliction but what the covenant grace of an ever-faithful God will still encircle him.
The Christian may be sinking under trouble from within through fierce conflict, but even then he cannot be brought so low as to be beyond the reach of the “everlasting arms”—they are underneath him; and, while thus sustained, all Satan’s efforts to harm him avail nothing.
This assurance of support is a comfort to any weary but earnest worker in the service of God. It implies a promise of strength for each day, grace for each need, and power for each duty. And, further, when death comes, the promise shall still hold good. When we stand in the midst of Jordan, we shall be able to say with David, “I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.”
We shall descend into the grave, but we shall go no lower, for the eternal arms prevent our further fall. All through life, and at its close, we shall be upheld by the “everlasting arms”—arms that neither flag nor lose their strength, for “the everlasting God fainteth not, neither is weary.”
Beloveth, thank be to God Who give us victory over sin, sorrow and death through salvation, we are standing on His everlasting Word that never fail- I will never leave you nor forsake you. therefore if you have not given your life to Jesus now is the accepted time. Now is the hour of your salvation, give you life to Jesus now by clicking here and then receive the free gift of the Holy Spirit right now and you will being to operation in the power of God as enable you by the Holy Spirit.
Is free, no price/works attached, just confess Jesus as your Lord and person Saviour and you are save. And if you have been again we encourage you to stand fast therefore on the liberated wherewith Christ hath made us free, and not entangled again with the yoke of bondage (Gal 5:1).
Remember that His arm is underneath always so fear not rather bask in His grace forever (2 Cor. 9:8) Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.