Thank You so much Lord Jesus everlasting Father, thank You so much Lord Jesus we Praise You BaBa, Thank You so much Lord Jesus, we thank You we thank You we thank You.// Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good, Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good.
Everlasting King of glory we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, we exalt You above all the gods, Thank You so much for Your unending love, we cannot thank You enough what You have done and You are doing in our lives and situations, glory be unto Your Name alone in Jesus Name. Thank You for the gift of the new month and Your assured Word that You stand to perform, we bow with the twenty and four elders in heaven before Your presence and worship You, we bless You, we adore You forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Father, You been so good to us, from the beginning of this year, You have been Wonderful, Excellent, Marvelous, Dependable, Glorious, receive our praise adoration and honour in Jesus Name. Thank You for answers to prayers, glory be to Your Name. We come again today with our faith strong that You will do the impossible for us and Your Name alone will be exalted in Jesus Name. Glory be unto thee on high, alleluia.
Beloved, how are doing? Are excited? Are you happy? Our God is a very big God and He is more than able to do what we can ever think or imagine. He is an excellent Jehovah, the unchangeable changer, the Beginning and the End, there is no other God like Him, so let us rejoice before Him and exalt His Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
This is our first faith clinic in the month and we will consider “waiting on the Lord.” as our topic for the day. How easy it is to wait if I may ask you? Take for instance you are thirsty and there is water in sight, how will you feel? Comfortable and relax or uncomfortable and edger? How comfortable do you feel when you are hard pressed and there is no convenient within reach, how easy will it be to wait?
Sincerely it is not easy to wait, we have the nature that will always suggest to us to be busy doing something and we ahead doing that irrespective of whether we having desirable result or not. I believe God knows that this virtue is not easy to practice in man therefore the word ‘courage’ always o with it. As God’s own children we must learn to wait. Whether is easy or not?
When we cannot wait it means we are impatient in the resolving the matter at hand. The truth is that going round the circle or chatting or our own course may not solve the problem but rather compound it at the end, so the best will have been to wait patiently for God to see us through the blind spots of life.
Waiting does not mean that we are waiting for God to do what we are suppose to do rather the “waiting” we are discussing here is having done all and nothing is happening then what next.
I have experienced delay in so many ways and I have learnt to wait having done all, it will then done on me that God wants to do something on the matter, then I have to wear my patient garment not without the help of the Holy Spirit because it is possible humanly speaking there is no time again so what do you do?
Waiting on God is not optional and is something that pop up when and where we are not expecting it. As true children of God thoroughly discipled, three things we need to do when we see our self in such a situation is to be humble, obedient and patient.
We must learn to humble ourselves before God, Whose Right Hand will always grant us victory. If only we know or remember in such situation that victory has already been ordained from the foundation of the earth, we will reduce our struggles.
Secondly, we must learn to follow God’s instruction on the matter. Open the Word, read and apply. King Saul missed his leadership position just because of disobeying Prophet Samuel instructions from God. Unfortunately we quote the scripture but we don’t also follow the instruction thereof (1 Sam 15:22).
Thirdly, we must learn to exercise patient at such a time as God is Sovereign and does not operate in time as we do (2Pet 3:8). King David had a lot of testimonies that he could not but share with us, you will read more about him from the ministration below.
Two common weapons use by the devil against us when are waiting is fear and anxiousness. But the psalmist have propounded a solution that fit for situation like that in Ps 56:3.- What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. Yes, he put his trust in God and he was saved. The same testimony can also be our testimony if we do what he did. Praise the Lord.
Beloved, I therefore invite you to the school of trust with waiting as one of the course to study and master. If you still want to learn more about waiting meet a farmer or an expectant mother. They will share their experience with you. Let read more from below:
Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord! Psalm 27:14
Waiting is one of the hardest things to do. We want to be people of action. We feel better if we are doing something to address our need, but waiting forces us to rely on God. David learned what it meant to wait. He was chosen by God to be the next king of Israel, then spent years waiting for the day God’s Word would come to pass in his life. As he waited, a paranoid, egocentric king occupied the throne that had been promised to him. David spent his time hiding in caves and living among his enemies.
As he waited, he saw good friends murdered and his family and possessions taken. He saw Israel’s enemies wreak havoc on his nation. Perhaps no one ever faced greater adversity while waiting upon God’s promise than David did. He certainly understood what it meant to become discouraged and fearful.
But David also enjoyed the reward for waiting upon the Lord. He became the greatest king in Israel’s history, and, more importantly, through his trials he became a man after God’s own heart. The psalms David wrote during his days as a fugitive have been cherished words of encouragement for millions of people through the ages. Through David’s descendants came the Messiah. David’s willingness to wait has blessed us all.
Times of waiting on the Lord can be some of the most precious moments in your life (John 11:1–6). If you are waiting on God for something, read Isaiah 40:31 and find encouragement as you wait for Him to fulfill His promises to you.
Beloved, may God give to strength to wait and be better instrument in His Hand in Jesus Name. our God is ever faithful forever dependable. I want to share with us a man despite age and obstacles in life he still waxing strong for the Lord. At age 76, he is still ready to take another mountain for the Lord, wont you rather be like him. come along for more:
Are You Caleb’s Caliber?
Recently I took several friends of mine to visit a 76 year old stalwart of the faith who has influenced scores of men and women for Christ around the world for over a half a century.
During our visit, I was arrested by the love of Christ that radiated from this rugged individual, as he graciously took a few minutes’ leave from the around-the-clock care of his dying wife… his life partner of over 50 years.
As we visited, one of my companions asked, ” Bob, what are your aspirations in these latter years of your life, especially as you face the departure of your beloved wife?“
Without hesitation he replied, ” To take another mountain for God, as did Caleb.“
You may recall the story of Caleb: After Israel’s trek across the desert from Egypt to Jordan, God commissioned Moses to send 12 spies into the Promised Land, only to have 10 return in fear, and disbelief. The two exceptions of course were Caleb and Joshua, who urged Moses to take the land. (Joshua 13:30)
Forty-five years later Israel had still failed to acquire portions of the land promised to them by God. Caleb, who by now was eighty years of age, rises to the challenge:
” I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I‘ m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day… ” (Joshua 14:10-12)
SO THE QUESTION IS: “Are you ‘CALEB’S CALIBER’ — like my friend Bob, who, in his old age, still chooses to believe God for new mountains to conquer?”
Or do you resemble the other 10 who shrank back in fear of the giants in the land?
” But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him… ” (Hebrews 10:38).
Beloved, may we be strengthen in our time of waiting. May we never be discourage or despair when we wait on the Lord. May like King David exclaim of the Lord’s goodness as we wait upon Him and whatever we believing God for the remaining part of the year, may we receive grace to wait patiently to receive it in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.