I will lift Your Name higher… I will lift Your Name higher… O Jehovah Alpha Omega, I will lift up Jesus Higher… //Come Praise the Lord…(Come Praise the Lord)… O yea servants of the Lord… O yea servants of the Lord who stands by night in the house of the Lord… lift up Your hands… in the Holy place…. Come Praise the Lord… come Praise the Lord… come Praise the Lord… come and Praise the Lord…
Our Father we thank You…we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee…we lift Your Name higher, Great are You Lord… blessed be Thy Holy Name… Thank You for the gift of a brand new week, brand new day… we are in for another glorious encounter from the Throne of grace…. Blessed Thy Holy Name… Father we worship and adore Your Holy Name… let Your Name be glorify forever in Jesus Name….
Our Lord is good, Our Lord is good, He is so good… Our Lord is good… Our Lord is good…He is so good… Our Lord is good… He is good… Our Lord is good, He is so good, Our Lord is good, He is so good…. (Eph.3:20-21).
Yes our God is good to us…. and His mercy enduerth forever… Praise the Name of the Lord…alleluia!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody!!! Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May the blessing of the Lord fall upon us as He declare to us this month in Jesus Name…. hummum “Waiting”! Who likes “waiting”? Whenever this word is mentioned, we always look at the negative side of it but that is not always the case… I guess nobody likes to wait… but there is a positive side of “Waiting” – when we wait on the Lord!
How best can you wait on the Lord? We wait on the Lord as our topic suggested to us – We wait on the Lord being courageous and being strong in our heart too…, most importantly we wait on the Lord by surrendering to Him.
Yes! sometime, the Lord can ask us to wait … The period of waiting is usually a stressful period but when we surrender our control to God it becomes a lot easier…. Waiting on God does not mean sitting idle or doing nothing… a period of waiting on God is a period God is using to sharpen our tools – intellects, skills, or knowledge… you may not venture into real production, work or platform but God is renewing your strength, knowledge, skill and making it better… it can signify lack, delay and anxiousness.
But note this, what you have lost in the place of waiting can be gain under twenty-four hours and catapult you to your place of destiny. Joseph (Gen 37:5, 13, 23, 28;Gen 39:1-2, Gen 41:39-46). Moses (Exo 2:11-15, Exo 3:4-15, 4:19-21) David (Isa 16:13, 19-21, I Sam 18:12, 1 Sam 21:10-12, 2 Sam 5:3-4)…
When we surrender our control to the One who knows it all; He will take us to the place where He wants us to be… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth to make it through times of crisis with your emotional health intact, you will need to control what is controllable and trust God for the rest. God is active in your mental, spiritual, and emotional health even during your waiting period. He wants you to make wise choices based on His Guidance from the Bible and through prayer.
And then, when you encounter something out of your control, can you surrender it to God and trust Him to work it out for good.
There is a great example of this in the Bible with Abraham: “You see that his faith and his action were working together, and his faith was made complete by what He did” (Jas 2:22 NIV)… God made Abraham to wait until He is ready to bless Him…
There is a singular problem between us and God when it comes to blessing … “Time” our time is usually different from God’s timing… yes when God sent forth His Word to us, O! we want it now…immediate, but God having sent forth His word … it will surely come to pass (Hab 2:3-4, Isa 55:9-11).
Beloveth, it is easy to go to extremes with this. For instance, you can say it is all up to God and becomes passive to the point where you do nothing. On other hand, you can act like God doesn’t play a part in your life and assume everything depends on you. Both extremes are wrong.
Like we rightly pointed out earlier “waiting” on God demands us to surrender our control so that God will bring to pass what He intends to achieve through that situation…
Come along for more:
Wait for the Lord; be courageous and let your heart be strong. Wait for the Lord.—Psalm 27:14
Waiting is one of the hardest things to do. We want to be people of action. We feel better if we are doing something to address our need, but waiting forces us to rely on God. David learned what it meant to wait. He was chosen by God to be the next king of Israel, then spent years waiting for the day God’s word would come to pass in his life.
As he waited, a paranoid, egocentric king occupied the throne that had been promised to him. David spent his time hiding in caves and living among his enemies. As he waited he saw good friends murdered and his family and possessions taken. He saw Israel’s enemies wreak havoc on his nation. Perhaps no one ever faced greater adversity while waiting upon God’s promise than David did. He certainly understood what it meant to become discouraged and fearful.
But David also enjoyed the reward for waiting upon the Lord. He became the greatest king in Israel’s history, and, more importantly, through his trials he became a man after God’s own heart. The psalms David wrote during his days as a fugitive have been cherished words of encouragement for millions of people through the ages. Through David’s descendants came the Messiah. David’s willingness to wait has blessed us all.
Times of waiting on the Lord can be some of the most precious moments in your life (John 11:1–6). If you are waiting on God for something, read Isaiah 40:31 and find encouragement as you wait for Him to fulfill His promises to you.
Beloveth… for the men we cited above just a few… Abraham, Joseph, Moses and David…. Waited and was blessed by God… it is important to know that while in their “waiting,” they were getting better to be use of God…
So are you in ‘waiting’ for God’s blessings… make sure you are not idling away… rather you are moving in line with God’s instruction and at the appointed time beloveth our God will remember you and do you good… Praise the Name of the Lord….
On this note beloveth, we declare this week open and by the grace of God we will return at the end with greater testimonies and we will be ten times better than we are today… in Jesus Name….
Further reading- Habk 2:2-4, Ps 27:7…
Remain blessed in the Lord.