Glory glory alleluia! Glory glory Praise the Lord! Glory, glory alleluia! Glory glory Praise the Lord! // Unchangeable God! Unchangeable God! Unchangeable God! Unchangeable God!  Reliable God! Reliable God! Reliable God! Reliable God! Reliable God!…

It is a great thing to serve Jesus! It is a great thing to serve Jesus! It is a great thing to serve Jesus! walk in the Light of the Lord…O! Walk! Walk! Walk in the light! O! Walk! Walk! Walk in the light! O! Walk! Walk! Walk in the light! Walk in the Light of the Lord!

Our Father we thank You! We worship You! We give You Praise, adoration and honour, glory be unto the O! Lord for a blessed week You have guided us through, protecting and upholding us by Your Right-Hand O Lord!

What the Lord has done me I can not say it all… what the Lord has for me I cannot say it all… what the Lord has done for me ..i cannot say it all.. he save me and guide me by His Hands.. so I can shout alleluia…I can shout alleluia… I can shout Praise the Lord!!1 so I can shout alleluia! I can shout alleluia! I can shout Praise the Lord!!!

Our Father we give you Praise… adoration to our Holy Name…be Thou exalted Father for all the wondrous things you have done and doing and will continue to do in our lives be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Beloveth our PLC is here again… are you happy? Is another time with the Spirit of God… He is here to bless us and make us all that He want us to be… glory be to our Father because we are moving higher… we stepping forward… Praise the Living Jesus!!! alleluia!

.Our topic today is worth our note and practices. So many are in despair but we as children of God must never be found in that… we must live a life that await for the glorification of God when he will appear again in His glory We must not be in despair but we must live patiently waiting for the adoption by our own Father as He has promised.

Our work is to live ready… beloveth are you living ready and waiting patiently on God for that situation you cannot help.. for that condition you cannot change… for that illness that refuted all medication… Beloveth let us live ready for adoption into glory as the second coming of Jesus is nearer to us more than we first believe. May God bless His Word into our heart in Jesus Name…

Come along with us for more:

“Even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.” Romans 8:23

This groaning is universal among the saints: to a greater or less extent we all feel it. It is not the groan of murmuring or complaint: it is rather the note of desire than of distress. Having received an earnest, we desire the whole of our portion; we are sighing that our entire manhood, in its trinity of spirit, soul, and body, may be set free from the last vestige of the fall; we long to put off corruption, weakness, and dishonour, and to wrap ourselves in incorruption, in immortality, in glory, in the spiritual body which the Lord Jesus will bestow upon His people.

We long for the manifestation of our adoption as the children of God. “We groan,” but it is “within ourselves.” It is not the hypocrite’s groan, by which he would make men believe that he is a saint because he is wretched. Our sighs are sacred things, too hallowed for us to tell abroad. We keep our longings to our Lord alone. Then the apostle says we are “waiting,” by which we learn that we are not to be petulant, like Jonah or Elijah, when they said, “Let me die”; nor are we to whimper and sigh for the end of life because we are tired of work, nor wish to escape from our present sufferings till the will of the Lord is done.

We are to groan for glorification, but we are to wait patiently for it, knowing that what the Lord appoints is best. Waiting implies being ready. We are to stand at the door expecting the Beloved to open it and take us away to Himself. This “groaning” is a test. You may judge of a man by what he groans after.

Some men groan after wealth—they worship Mammon; some groan continually under the troubles of life—they are merely impatient; but the man who sighs after God, who is uneasy till he is made like Christ, that is the blessed man.

May God help us to groan for the coming of the Lord, and the resurrection which He will bring to us.

Is that your heartfelt prayer dearly beloved? God will surely perform His Word in our lives in Jesus Name…

Have a beautiful weekend, see you next Monday God’s willing in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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