You are Worthy, Saviour, You are Worthy. Jesus You are Worthy, O Lord! Thou are Worthy, O Lord You are Worthy Worthy to be Praise, Jesus You are Worthy, Worthy to be Praise, Saviour You are Worthy Worthy to be Praise Redeemer, You are Worthy Worthy to be Praise. Let the living praise the Lord; let the living praise the Lord. . Let the living worship the Lord; let the living Praise the Lord.

O father in heaven thank You I Praise Your Name. I glorify Your Name, I worship You, thank You God for all love toward Your children. I will magnify Your forever, I will exalt You forever for You are God, You do miracle so big, there is no one else like you, Lord there is no one else like you. Thank You for counting us worthy to be among the living to glorify You Holy Name, blessed be Your Name forever and ever. What a Wonder You are, Lord!

Matchless Jesus, who is like unto thee, all power, all glory, all honour to You. Your reign is from generation to generation. I will bless Your Name at all time and Your Praise will continual be in my mouth, glory be to Your Name again.

Beloved, how are you doing? Are taking steps in the right direction? Are you seeking counsel from the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you on the way to go. Are you calling on that Name that knows the way? Jesus is way; He is truth and the life. (Jn 14:6) do you want to go the Father, then Jesus is way.

Jesus walked worthy of His Father hence the invitation to walk like Him. Apostle Paul commended us to walk worthy of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The big question is are “you walking worthy of your calling in Christ Jesus or are the cares of this world luring away from Him?”

The best thing that can ever happen to us is walk with our Lord Jesus, He knows the way; He has the map, so let go with Him for a smooth journey. Beloved, is good to know that going with Jesus may not always be smooth as envisage because there dangers, thieves, storms, fears on the way waiting to attack you but the beautiful thing about being in Jesus company is that He is by your side to lift you up, help you, encourage you, smooth your pain, and whisper words of kindness to you. At the end you will emerge a winner.

Apostle Paul understand it all that even when he was imprisoned, had a ship wreaked, was flogged by the Jews, was thrown down from the city wall, he did not deny Jesus neither did he threatened to stop following Him. Is not easy I tell you but when you know who is at work, when you know your God and His thoughts towards you, you will shout out praise unto the King of kings like two blind men even the crowd were asking to keep quiet; they shouted even more or the woman with the issue of blood that made a determination to touch the hem of His garment despite her weakness and outward appearance. She took a step in the right direction and was made whole. (Matt 9:27-30; 20-22)

Likewise us, we must be determine to stand strong when the tempest is high, we must not forget the One who still the storm, He will still it. I am currently undergoing one of those storm, my children misplaced a camera someone gave me to do a project last Sunday, just this Monday I gave my pone to a repairer to fix the charging point, beloved he spoilt phone instead, the touchpad stop working further examination revealed that the IC on the panel has been damaged so the phone is gone as if that was not enough the manqué in my shop fell and got broken, looking like one day one trouble. I came back feeling very bad and down, I went into prayer and ask this question “how long will you allow satan to trouble me” and by yesterday when the phone was declared damaged and beyond repair, my Spirit swell up in praise because I know if God permits it; then He has a plan.

I did not tell you like David I started recounting all the beautiful ministrations the Spirit of God has been dishing out from this alter and I was highly encouraged, I recounted all His blessings too. I also picked a book I bought some time ago and have not had time to read and started reading “Hinds feet on high places” written by Hannah  Huranard, I felt better and before long I slept off, I am still reading it and my mood is improving daily. Not neglecting my prayer and the written Word of God that must not broken.

So Apostle Paul recounting all what he went through during his sojourn is to help us to stand and stand through. Peradventure evil comes our way, we will able to stand strong. Beloved, I know that God will not forget us, His eyes see even in the thick darkness, He will come and delay no more. He will help you to walk worthy of Him.

We have another man of God who fail walk worthy of God and what happen to him and his entire household as a result. Therefore dearly beloved, we cannot not afford to walk unworthy of the One created us and bless us with all heavenly blessing.

May God help us to walk worthy of Him daily till the end comes in Jesus Name, let’s discover more:

Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27


Paul never lost his wonder at having been called by God. He understood that the way he lived ought to be worthy of the King who had chosen him. He knew that the mystery of the gospel had been hidden for generations and had only been revealed in his day through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Col. 1:26–27). Paul also understood that until people accept the gospel, they are spiritually dead and therefore without hope (Col. 2:13).

As a result of God’s plan of salvation, those who trust in Jesus are not only made alive in Christ but are also adopted as the Father’s children (Rom. 8:16–17). Paul recognized that though the gospel sounds like foolishness to the world, it is the power of God that brings eternal life to those who accept it.

Because Paul’s life had been radically transformed by the gospel, he was intent on living to honor the gospel that gave him life. It would have been tragic to receive the riches of the gospel and then to live as a spiritual pauper. It would have been disgraceful to be saved from death by the blood of Christ and then show no reverence for that sacrifice. It would have been foolish to accept such love from Christ and then to resent what He asked in return.

The way you live your life ought to be a tribute to the matchless grace that your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has bestowed upon you.

For God promise to honour those who honour Him in return let’s find out more:


For those who honor Me I will honor, and those  who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.

1 Samuel 2:30

One of the many truths of the kingdom of God is that if we will honor God, He will honor us. If, however, we dare to treat Him disrespectfully, we will also be treated as least in His kingdom. The initiative rests with us. Our response to God determines His response to us.

Eli had been the priest of Israel for many years, and he knew the standards for righteous living that God required. Yet Eli faced a dilemma, for his sons were living in direct opposition to God. As their father, Eli had to decide whom he would honor. He could not defer to his immoral and ungodly sons and also exalt the God he served. By default, Eli chose to honor his sons, for he did not insist that their behavior conform to God’s standards. Eli would have pleaded that he still loved God but that he simply could not bring honor to God with his family. Yet God viewed Eli’s behavior differently (1 Sam. 3:13–14). Eli revealed his own heart when he failed to honor God before the people of Israel by the way he dealt with his sons. This is why God punished Eli and his sons severely (1 Sam. 4:17–18).

God is not pleased if you praise Him at church but not at your workplace. It is not acceptable for you to revere God when you are with other Christians but not in your school or neighborhood. He expects you to honor Him completely, with your words, with your actions, with your life. If you honor Him, He will honor you.

May our lives honour God daily in Jesus Name. May we reverence God not only in His house but also in the market place and our neighborhood in Jesus Name.

May His Name alone be glorify in Jesus Name amen!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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