It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, it is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, it is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, Praise the Lord alleluia Praise the Lord alleluia.// Thank You thank You Lord, thank You Lord thank You Lord for everything You have done. Thank You thank You Lord, thank You Lord thank You Lord for everything You have done.

Our Father in heaven we thank You we bless Your Name, we adore You, we give You Praise, adoration, and glory be to Your Name forever in Jesus Name. Receive our Praise, may the earth Praise You, May the works of Your Hand adore Your Name forever. Thank You Father for the gift of another day and all the blessings You have programmed from the foundation of the earth, be glorified in Jesus Name.

Arise O! Lord and be exalted in Jesus Name, Father we bow to worship You, receive our Praise Father, we magnify You forever. Thank You for inhabiting the Praise of your people, Lord! we bow to honour, we Praise You now and forever.

Beloved, how are doing? Hope you rejoicing? There will be no end to our joy, no matter what is happening around us, every difficult situation God allowed is for a purpose, it meant to build us up and make us stronger than our enemies. I don’t know what you may be going through but I know that in the Presence of God there is liberty, joy and peace.

Beloved yours should be to find out how to be in His Presence 24/7. From my findings “Praise” is a powerful instrument that keeps us in the Presence of God, see what the Psalmist said in Ps 42 from verse 5-6 “
5 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.  6  O my God, my soul is cast down within me: therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar. “ Ps 42:5-6 (KJV).

Is possible that is situation as you are reading this devotion or you have someone going through difficult situation then I have goodnews for you.

Beloved, it’s time to change the subject. I invite you today to exchange your complaints with Praise… but why, you may ask? Here’s what the Word God says, “But You are Holy, Enthrone in the praises of Israel.” (Ps 22:3).

Beloved, as I mentioned yesterday that God creates a throne of our Praise. Secondly, there, where we Praise Him, He reigns in victory. Thirdly, Praising God changes our state of mind.

“21  This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. 22  It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 23  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:21-23 (KJV)

 David understood… he could have succumbed to discouragement in the midst of his family problems, Saul’s rejection, and all the scheming and mockery of his enemies. But David knew that God was good, and he chose to bring this truth into remembrance until it was fully revealed in his life.

So it’s time to change the subject.…! Choose to Praise rather than complain, and watch God act…! Thank Him for all of His benefits, and you won’t have time to complain any longer.

Yes begin to Praise Him from and see your long lists of wants/needs run down to zero. In Praising God after He gave me the theme of this month, the Lord did a surgery in my heart. Someone is asking how do I know? Beloved, when you walk with God; you will know when the heavenly host is in operation in your life. Some years back he did same in my eyes, so I know.

Beloved, Praise is an extraordinary weapon for victory, it bring impossible to possibility. This month of wholesomeness through Christ, God has promised to do wonders don’t be left out. Key into everything the Spirit of God is giving us instruction to do, don’t argue, don’t doubt, keep unbelief far from you. Never be afraid even when fear is griping you dearly beloved, do it afraid. Yes! Get up and walk. Launch out afraid, carry your baby afraid. Get out from that financial mess afraid. Yes! Don’t let Satan hinder you again, is better you do it afraid than not taking a step of faith at all and see God honour your faith in Him. Yes! He will honour your faith Him.

Can you look at the topic of today, “we become what we say” it therefore means that that whatever we pronounced, beloved, it means we become whatever we say. So what are those things you are saying? Are you saying positive things about yourself, spouse, and children? Are you speaking life into your business or career or you are busy saying negative things about it, your boss, your colleague, complaining other than Praising.

Beloved, let us chose to Praise God rather than spending time doing otherwise. May the Lord give us understanding in Jesus Name.

Join me to discover more:

2 Samuel 7:1-9:13, Psalm 68:28-31, Proverbs 15:1-3, John 9:28-10:6

We Become What We Say

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge attractive, but the mouth of fools blurts out foolishness.—Proverbs 15:2

Why is the tongue so important? Because the expression of a thing deepens the impression. A word uttered becomes a word made flesh—in us. We become the incarnation of what we express. Jesus said, “For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned” (Mt 12:37). After I saw that a person becomes what he says, I have looked at this verse in a different light. If you tell a lie, you become a lie. The deepest punishment of a lie is to be the one who tells the lie. That person has to live with someone he cannot trust.

Now look at what I am saying from the opposite perspective. When we express good things, positive things, loving things, scriptural things, these things go deeper into us. Clear expression deepens impression. A brilliant young physicist tells how he often discusses complex issues relating to physics with his wife who doesn’t know the first thing about the subject. He told a friend, “I describe in detail what I am doing and she doesn’t understand a word. But sometimes when I’m through—I do.”

If it is true—and I believe it is—that we become the incarnation of what we express, then how careful we ought to be to ensure that what we say is guarded and governed by truth, integrity, and kindness. Always remember: every word you utter becomes flesh—in you.


O Father, how awesome is this thought—I become the incarnation of what I express. Cleanse me deep within so that I may be pure in soul as well as speech. I would be a clarified person. Grant it please, dear Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study       

1Tm 4:1-12; Ps 34:13; Php 4:8; Pr 21:16-31

In what areas was Timothy to set a good example?

What should our thoughts be focused on?

Did you read it that, “you become what you say” that means if you call yourself poor, you are poor. Do you know you may be rich but you are have poor mentality. It means that even in your abundance you will be afraid to give out from what you have no matter how necessary it is. You will be scared that it will soon run out, instead of thinking big and strategizing  on how to expand and move forward from where you at the moment.

Is also possible that is why you are not moving forward because you cannot even trust God with your resources, so you don’t contribute even to mission or church projects, may God help us in Jesus Name.

Beloved in our walk with God we must trust in Him and believe in Him too and it shall be well with us.

Remember next time you are tempted to complain chose to Praise instead. Always remember to change the subject from complain to Praise. Can someone start praising right now.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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