Excellent Jehovah, Wonderful Jehovah…there is no one greater than Jehovah love Divine… Excellent Jehovah! Excellent Jehovah, Wonderful Jehovah…there is no one greater than Jehovah love Divine.// Every Living soul every living soul Praise the Lord! Every Living soul every living soul Praise the Lord! Are you are living soul… Every Living soul every living soul Praise the Lord!
Yes we Praise the Name of Lord for His Goodness and His Wonderful works, for the life and provision He bestows on us, glory be His Holy Name forever and ever Amen. our Father in heaven we thank You for the gift of a new week, brand new day.. blessed be Thy Holy Name amen!
Beloveth, our God is good all the time; all the time the Lord is good. Praise the Lord! Is a brand new day and by God’s grace you made it through, let Praise the Name of the Lord! By the grace of God this week will do us good, the Lord will protect us from all evil, He will surround us with fire of the Holy Ghost, He will meet all our needs and He will make His word burning in our heart… yes burning in our heart.
Beloveth, when God’s Word is alive in our lives, the resultant effect in us is that we live by revelation. When you live by revelation, you gain insight to what the Spirit of God is saying per time, you are living by trial and error but you are living out the will of God. You are moving from pillar to pole rather every step is ordered by the Spirit of God. You are tossed by every wind of doctrine rather you stand on solid Rock –Jesus Christ….
Beloveth, living out the Supernatural Breakthrough life as spoken to us by the Spirit of is a sure-one when you gain insight in what God wants you to do per time, when He leads you and you follow, when He speaks and you obey.. That way dearly beloved you will live triumphantly, did you read the topic? without revelation people run wild… but one who keeps the law will be happy, Praise the Living Jesus…
Come along with us for more revelation:
Without revelation people run wild, but one who keeps the law will be happy.—Proverbs 29:18
The world operates on vision. God’s people live by revelation. The world seeks grand and noble purposes and goals to achieve. People dream up the greatest and most satisfying things in which they can invest their lives. Institutions establish goals and objectives and then organize themselves to achieve them.
God’s people function in a radically different way. Christians arrange their lives based on the revelation of God, regardless of whether it makes sense to them. God does not ask for our opinion about what is best for our future, our family, our church, or our country. He already knows! What God wants is to get the attention of His people and reveal to us what is on His heart and what is His will, for God’s ways are not our ways! (Isa. 55:8–9).
Whenever people do not base their lives on God’s revelation, they “cast off restraint.” That is, they do what is right in their own eyes. They set their goals, arrange their agendas, and then pray for God’s blessings. Some Christians are living far outside the will of God, yet they have the audacity to pray and ask God to bless their efforts!
The only way for you to know God’s will is for Him to reveal it to you. You will never discover it on your own. When you hear from the Father, you have an immediate agenda for your life: obedience. As the writer of Proverbs observed: “Happy is he who keeps the law.”
Beloveth, your read it… when you hear Word to you, yours is to obey…
Are ready to live in obedience to God’s instructions? Revelation or insight make journey easy, work enjoyable and future with hope…beloveth look unto Jesus, ask for the revelation knowledge be granted on you and the day go by you will reign with Christ because you will be living an overcomers life… Praise the Lord….
Beloveth… look unto Jesus and ask Him to reveal the power of enthronement on you…as He do that give Him Praise.
On this note we declare this week open and by God’s grace you will emerge an overcomer at the end in Jesus Name….
Remain blessed in the Lord.