Oh Come, all ye faithful, Joy and triumphant! Oh, come ye. Oh come ye to Bethlehem…Come and behold Him, born the King of angels…. Oh come let us adore Him…Oh come lets adore Him…Oh come let us adore Him Christ the Lord……./// Our Father we thank You ..we bless Your Holy Name..we exalt You we give You Praise…hallow be Thy Name…Let Thy kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven,….Almighty Jehovah Glorious, Immortal Redeemer… we worship and adore Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…. Praise the Living Jesus!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth … Praise the Lord! The reason for the season is Christ…. Don’t forget as you hustle and bustle ….. Jesus must remain At the CENTER of it all…. Praise the Lord somebody!!!!!!!!!!
Today in place of prayer we will be lifting ourselves up before the MIGHTY ONE… Who can never be weary or tried or exhausted…. (I marvel at the strength of God)… The Bible said He is never tried, never weary, never sleep, never forget, never stop blessing…. Who can be likened unto our God…. Praise the Name of the Lord…somebody…. alleluia!!!!!!!!!!! (Ps.121:4, Heb.4:12, Heb.13:5, Isa 49:15)
So we go before Him who neither sleep nor slumber to be refresh again even as the year is ticking away…. So many are at their crushing point…hurting seriously… not smiling at all… causing and wishing they never came this way at all…
Beloveth for such a time like this when so many are carried away with the euphoria of the season ….such people can be neglected or relegated to the back ground…. So what do we do as children of God….
First, we must look out for such people in our midst and show them love…. Love can come in diverse ways…just put smile on their faces, let them for once laugh…. Even it means to laugh at what is happening…yes in so doing they may turn at the other side…(always the better side of life) and appreciate God or see what God is doing and appreciate Him…. is someone receiving this message with the help of the Holy Spirit…..Exo 3:3-4.
Give gift items to commemorate the season if you can and give hope to this hopeless man/woman/ boys and girls of our time…. remember God is counting on you and I to be His Legs and Hands at such a season as this…. So do something….. Praise the Lord, somebody…..
However, today, we are going to pray… pray for the Christian all over the world… speak to God concerning our brethren all over the world, ask God for specific needs to these groups of people…. Pray for the ministers of the gospel it will amaze you to hear what they are also going through… pray for those you think that had it all together brethren … you don’t know that their also have their own trying times… what about that brother or sister trusting God for the fruit of the womb who against all odd believe God that this is the year but till this moment no sign O!…. beloveth let us pray for those in the beds of afflictions of all kinds… pray that God will by Himself lift them up from those points and make them laugh again…
Let us pray for those whose children and wards has strayed in faith… talk to God concerning them that they will not given up in praying and interceding for such ones… pray for families that are at the verge of disintegrating, ask God for His intervention…. Pray for those who that are captives to the kingdom of darkness, beloveth pray that God’s outstretched Hand will recues as many as possible from the lake of fire….
Our God is able to do all things… and all these things we have listed are too small for God to do…. So pray with faith in your heart that God is restoring all those we have prayed for to their destinies from the foundation of the world ….
In case you weary yourself I intercede on your behalf to the Throne of mercy that strength from the Throne of mercy will surge strength into your body now in Jesus Name… Receive restoration from all your losses in Jesus Name… I pray for you that having doing the work of the Kingdom of God that God will arise on your behalf and do you good….because of your faithfulness God is visiting your home right away and He is that which has caused you sleepless night in Jesus Name…. arise and move forward in Jesus Name… no more hindrances , no more delays, no more obstacles , no more darkness in Jesus Name… arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of God is risen upon you by the reason of this ministration in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see you go in the strength of the Lord into the new year in Jesus Name…you are breaking through beloveth….i say no more hindrances in Jesus Name…. the siege is over and the battle is won on your behalf in Jesus Name…. O! I saw the heaven open and new heaven and a new earth appearing for your sake in Jesus Name… The Lord is going to surprise you before this year 2022 sings off in Jesus Name…. beloveth arise…. For your set time has come…..in Jesus Name watch out with faith eye….
Come along with us for more….:
“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. All of you, take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for yourselves.”—Matthew 11:28–29
If you find that Christianity exhausts you, draining you of your energy, then you are practicing religion rather than enjoying a relationship. Jesus said that a relationship with Him would bring rest to your soul. Your walk with the Lord will not make you weary; it will invigorate you, restore your strength, and energize your life.
Hard work or lack of sleep can make you tired. This fatigue can usually be remedied by a good rest. But there is a deeper fatigue that goes beyond physical tiredness. There is an emotional exhaustion that comes from experiencing heavy burdens and draining crises.
There is a tiredness deep within your soul that comes from carrying the weight of the needs of others. You can go on a vacation, but your soul will not be restored. This condition can only be rectified by finding rest in Christ.
Some zealous Christians want to do all they can to serve Christ, and they exhaust themselves in the process. It was to these that Jesus extended His invitation to go to Him and learn from Him.
Jesus spent most of His earthly ministry surrounded by needy multitudes. He faced relentless opposition, He often prayed throughout the night, and He rarely had any privacy, yet He always received the rest and strength that came from His Father.
It was not that Jesus did not work hard but that He knew the path to spiritual rest. Are you weary? Go to Jesus and let Him give you His rest. His rest will restore your soul as nothing else can.
Beloveth… lift up hands and began to Praise the Lord Who can do all things…kill that doubt, kill that fear…. Root out that bitterness…say no to laziness in the place of prayer…vigorous yourself in God’s Presence, you can just be still in Presence even if you don’t know what to pray for the Spirit of God will intercede on your behalf and you will be amazed at what relationship with Christ can do to the spirit of a man…I am a living testimony …. So I am sure of my testimony…. God will put His strength in you and you will jump up and run like a cheetah …. Praise the Lord somebody…………… alleluia…..
Somebody is blessed…. Somebody is restored…somebody is joyous… somebody is revived…someone is celebrating….someone is healed… if you are one jump up and celebrate Jesus…. alleluia…the snares of these afflictions are broken…never to rise again in Jesus Name….
Celebrate Jesus in your life and in the live of you have intercedes for … great things are happening in the realm of the Spirit…. yes angels are ascending and descending from heaven down to earth……. Your life and situations are changing for good right now in Jesus Name…. being to celebrate Jesus ….
Our Father we worship You because You are worthy of our praises… help us this day as we look up to You for Divine Intervention…. Input Your Spirit and let strength surge into everyone that is weary all over the world in Jesus Name… be Thou glorify….
Beloveth let us pray….
Further Reading- Jn.16:27, Rom.8:28, Heb.3:14, 2 Cor.5:20, 2Cor.1:20, Col.1:13, Rom.10:15, Ps 18:35, Ps 119:49
Remain blessed in the Lord.