Praising the Lord always, Praising the Lord always, Praise the Lord with all my heart, Praising the Lord with all my heart, Praising the Lord with all my heart always. The Lord is good my Lord is good. my Lord is good , my Lord is good, my Lord is good, my Lord is good, yes He is good to me// I will lift up my voice, I will gladly sing, not for what He has done, but for who You. You are the song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I sing is to Praise You Lord! He reigns, Jesus reigns, Yes He reigns forever more! Yes He reigns, Jesus reigns, Yes He reigns forever more!

Father in heaven O! God! who is like unto Thee! Wonder working God! Alleluia to Your Holy Name! You are Greater than the greatest, Bigger than the biggest! You are Mightier than the mightiest, glory alleluia! Thank You Merciful and All-Powerful Father for bring us into this new month! Thank You for upholding us and make our feet like the hinds’ feet and setteth us upon our high places. Thank You for preserving us from all evils that have whisked lives away in thousands, Glory Alleluia!!!!! our hope is you O! God!

Beloved the Lord has brought us into another glorious year! He is a good God! there is nothing is impossible unto Him, beloveth our God is good! it pleased Him to make us part of this glorious month for the greater plans He has in stock for us.

We glad therefore to welcome you into yet another month of the Lord with loaded benefits with the angels all standing by to deliver as many that will pray, Praise, believe, and disciple the lost for kingdom benefits. Gloria alleluia!

We are glad to welcome you to another wonderful month of the Divine Favour (Ps 30:5, Ps 102:12-22, Ps 5:7-12) Glory be to the Lord Alleluia! Glory be to the Lord Alleluia! Glory be to the Lord Alleluia! Glory be to the Lord Alleluia!// All the Nation-wide Praise the Lord, let us Praise Jehovah, Praise the Lord!

Beloved, this called for celebrations with thanksgiving to the Lord Who keep you and all that is yours up until now! He did miracle so great and there is no one like him, there is no one like Him. Gloria alleluia!

Beloved, our God performs all things, glory alleluia! in the season of God’s favour upon His people you shall not be left out! The Lord will meet all your and fill your mouth with laughter. It is time to favour Zion, the set time is now! Beloveth, when you encounter God’s favour, your life will never be the same.

Lines will being to fall in pleasant places for you, sickness will be far from you as it can never co-habit with the Presence of God (Ps 16:6). Poverty will not locate you as the Lord will enrich you and fill you to overflowing (Ps 24:1, Exo 23:25 ). Dangers will be far from you as He will surround you with favour as a shield (Ps 5:11-12, Ps 91:9-16).

Belovedth, I don’t know what you have been trusting God for since the beginning of this or even before it, but I want to assure you that if you believe in God and Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of God as God than you are in for this season (Rev 3:11). Praise the Lord!

The God of harvest is here to crown your year with His Goodness! Can somebody shout alleluia!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, we have not pass this way before now therefore I want you be full of expectant, make sure you are fully engaging the scriptures as the secret of the Lord made known to His own lie therein. I will testify and so will you (Rev 22:7,12).

Let us discover more below:

“Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness.” Psalm 65:11

All the year round, every hour of every day, God is richly blessing us; both when we sleep and when we wake His mercy waits upon us. The sun may leave us a legacy of darkness, but our God never ceases to shine upon His children with beams of love.

Like a river, His lovingkindness is always flowing, with a fulness inexhaustible as His own nature. Like the atmosphere which constantly surrounds the earth, and is always ready to support the life of man, the benevolence of God surrounds all His creatures; in it, as in their element, they live, and move, and have their being.

Yet as the sun on summer days gladdens us with beams more warm and bright than at other times, and as rivers are at certain seasons swollen by the rain, and as the atmosphere itself is sometimes fraught with more fresh, more bracing, or more balmy influences than heretofore, so is it with the mercy of God; it hath its golden hours; its days of overflow, when the Lord magnifieth His grace before the sons of men.

Amongst the blessings of the nether springs, the joyous days of harvest are a special season of excessive favour. It is the glory of autumn that the ripe gifts of providence are then abundantly bestowed; it is the mellow season of realization, whereas all before was but hope and expectation.

Great is the joy of harvest. Happy are the reapers who fill their arms with the liberality of heaven. The Psalmist tells us that the harvest is the crowning of the year. Surely these crowning mercies call for crowning thanksgiving! Let us render it by the inward emotions of gratitude.

Let our hearts be warmed; let our spirits remember, meditate, and think upon this goodness of the Lord. Then let us praise Him with our lips, and laud and magnify His name from whose bounty all this goodness flows. Let us glorify God by yielding our gifts to His cause.

A practical proof of our gratitude is a special thank-offering to the Lord of the harvest.

Beloved did you read that “A practical proof of our gratitude is a special thank-offering to the Lord of harvest”

Be engaging all this month through prayers, praises and thanks-giving offering as we were directed to do. Give God a fat offering for His benevolence since the beginning of the year! The Lord has covered with wings and you dwell in safety under the shadow of His wings. Praise the Lord!

As the Lord liveth, I believe the Holy Spirit is ready to navigate us through the month, make sure you grieve Him not (Eph 4:30). Praise the Lord!

On this note we declare the month blessed, this week opened for wonders and we return at with testimonies in Jesus Name!

Beloveth, favour is the house already, touch and claim us in Jesus Name.

Once again welcome to our month of Divine favour. Go and prosper in Jesus name

Remain blessed in the Lord!

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