You are the Lord that is Your Name .. You will never share Your Glory with anyone… You will never share Your Glory with anybody… All Mighty God… that is Your Name…// Father we declare that we love You… we declare an everlasting love for You… Father we declare that we love You.. we declare an everlasting love for You…
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Name, we worship You, we give You Praise glory alleluia… to the King of kings… The Lord of lords… The I AM that I AM.. Faithful is Your Name… Wonderful are You Father Who can be compared with Thee…
Ancient of Days… How Old are You now? Jehovah Shammer You are Deliverer… I lift Your Name Higher… Higher… Higher blessed be Thy Holy Name… Thank You for Your Leading in the first half of the year… we are trusting You for Your Presence and Leading in the second half O Lord…O Lord…we bow at Your Throne and Worship You King of Glory… Thank You Father… for the Great and Mighty Things You are doing in our midst… glory Alleluia!!! In Jesus Name…
You are Wonderful… You are Worthy to be Praise… You are Wonderful… You are Worthy to be Praise…
Thank You for bring us into the second Half of the year… is gonna be Great…for what You O Lord has ordained for us will surely come to pass… Alleluia!!!
Yes! Beloveth… we are in the seventh month of this year… seventh stand for perfection…. I see God perfecting all that concerneth You… Alleluia!!! Our Lord Jesus is already ahead of us perfecting all that concerneth us in the Name of Jesus… if you believe say Amen!!! And so shall it be.. In Jesus Name…Amen!!!
He is alive forever He is alive… my Jesus is alive forever He is alive Amen!!!
Beloveth, we are glad to welcome you to the seventh month of year 2023… Our month of All-round Perfection in Christ Jesus…1Pet.5:10, Jas.17.
He is alive forever… He is Alive.. My Jesus is alive forever He is alive Amen!!!
Beloveth… I am lead to tell you that God Himself has promise to be with you all through this month…all through the second half of this year… so you don’t need to be afraid….Amen!!! All that You are trusting Him to do or to come to pass… will surely come to pass… alleluia!!! Amen!!!
Beloveth I am super excited and I know that our Faithful will do all His has promise us… this is our year of Unending Goodness… The angels are at work 24/7 all through this year… to ensure that God’s promises surely come to pass… Amen!!!
As we step into the second half of this month… beloveth God’s promises will come to pass in our lives… He will make us beautiful for all situations by helping us to project His Imagine well to those around us…
Beloveth… we are called to represent Christ every where we are… or sent to… so we must work to do just that… Yes! God’s faithfulness will help us be all that He created us to be… Alleluia Amen!!! Yes! We will testify… we will glorify the Name of the Lord as the strong tower… Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Come along with us for more:
Creating God In Our Image
As our society continues to slide into its moral and spiritual abyss, we believers tend to follow suit by calibrating our view of God downward, in order to ensure the fact that the stark contrast between our duplicity and God’s holiness is not too obvious.
After all, it’s tough to keep one foot in each camp if the contrast between the two is too great!
In truth, the gap between man’s perception of God and the reality of the true God is shockingly greater than most of us can ever imagine. Isaiah the Prophet, for example, when visited by the Holy One declared,
“Woe to me!… I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” (Isaiah 6:9)
One way we calibrate our view of God downward is through rationalization:
- We rationalize the filth we regularly drink into our system through “entertainment“. God’s standard however is that,
“[You] will set before [your] eyes no vile thing… If anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think on these things.” (Psalm 101:3a; Philippians 4:8a)
- We rationalize our self-indulgent lifestyle. Christ’s calling however is that,
“If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will save it.” (Luke 9:23, 24)
- We rationalize our work ethic. Christ’s warning however, is that,
“Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:20)
CREATING GOD IN OUR IMAGE by rationalizing our flesh-driven behavior? The Word of God does not allow us that option:
“Make every effort… to be holy.” Because, “without holiness no one shall see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14)
Beloveth, we are created in the image of God… we are project same nature to all those we meet or around us… Amen!!! Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…
Once again beloveth we welcome you to month of All round Perfection…and so shall it be…. You will testify…I will testify… sicknesses and failure are packing away in Jesus Name… Jobless and bitterness is cancelled… in Jesus Name… beloveth we went enter our rest in Jesus Name…sYes! Let us lift our voices in prayer and tell God all we want from Him…. Yes insure every second, minute, hour, day, week, into the blood of Jesus…
Beloveth don’t keep quite… a close mouth is a closed destiny…Ask the Spirit of God to help you… Amen!!!
On this note we declare this week open… and we will return at the end with plenty testimonies in Jesus Name… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!! Alleuia!!!
Further Reading- 2Tim.1:7,1Cor.6:20, 1Pet.5:7,1Tim.6:11, Jas.5:8, 2Sam23:5, Exo.33:19, 1Cor.4:10.
Once again Welcome to your month of All-Round Perfection
Remain blessed in the Lord.