I will glorify the Lord… He is worthy to be Praise… I will magnify the Lord…He is worthy to be Praise… Hosanna.. Blessed be the Lord! Honour to the Lord! let the Rock of my salvation be exalted… Hosanna blessed the Lord…honour the Lord… Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted…// Who is like unto Thee O Lord! Who is like unto Thee… O Lord! Among the gods…Who is like Thee… You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising… doing wonders alleluia!!!
Our Father You are glorious… You are Wonderful, You are marvelous…. You are Powerfull eheheheh.
Father You are more than what we call You…alleluia to Your Holy Name… Who in heaven besides You… Who can be compared with You here or on earth… glory be to Your Holy Name…forever and ever in Jesus Name….
Thank You for the gift of a brand new month… this is awesome month we have been waiting for when You will demonstrate Your power in the midst of your people…
Great are You Lord…. Great are You Lord!! Great are You Lord!!! Great are You Lord!!!!
Yes! Great is our Father… He is the Mighty man in battle… thank You Father for Your guidance all through the month of January… February, march, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct. and now in November …Thank You for watching over us Father… we bow in worship… glory be to Your Holy Name… in Jesus Name.
Our Father, we offer back to You all our worship… Father this is our worship; all of our worship in Jesus Name… receive it as sweet smelling sacrifice in Jesus Name…
Beloveth…. we welcome you to the month of November…. Praise the Name of the Lord…. our God is so Good…Awesome
(Song) Our God is Awesome, He can move the mountain.. Keep me in the valley… forever He will reign…
Beloveth we glad to “Welcome you to the month of November Your month of Awesome Demonstration of God’s Power….”(Isa 40:9-11;Exo 13:20-22;14:13-31).
Beloveth you see God’s power in it raw form, so don’t be surprise when you see some things happening… just know that God is about show forth His power in the midst of His power… just be still and fear not and you will see God’ power in that situation… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!!!
Join us as we celebrate the Only True God Who loves us with an everlasting love…. Praise the Name of Lord…
Come on for more:
All Things Are Pure
To the pure, everything is pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; in fact, both their mind and conscience are defiled.—Titus 1:15
Your heart’s condition will be expressed through your life. It will be evident by your attitudes, your words, and your behavior. Jesus said that you can clearly see others only when your own eyes are unobstructed (Mark 6:42). If your vision is hindered by sin, you will not look at others properly.
If your heart is pure, you will approach life without malice. You will not question the motives of everyone around you; you will not doubt the truth of everything others tell you; you will not look for fault in others. Instead, you will look for the good in others, finding what is praiseworthy. You will not be naive or gullible, but you will seek what is good rather than what is evil. If your heart is pure, you will see others the way God sees them (Matt. 6:22).
If your heart is defiled, everything with which you are involved will seem corrupt as well. You will assume evil motives in others because you know what you would do given the same circumstances. You will be cynical about what you hear because your own words are deceitful. You will be drawn to evil people and evil things.
How do you look at the words and actions of others? Are you critical of them? Are you judgmental? If so, ask God to purify your heart. Once He has, you will be free to see yourself and others as God does.
Beloveth, our reception of God’s Word sometimes comes from our experience… but God is tell us to today to simply believe in Him.. relate with Him base on His Word…
This breakthrough agenda must be achieved…. Yes our God is set to make it happen… He is not dependent on you rather He is bring to past all He has put your destiny from the foundation of this world… yes nothing can hinder it; nothing will be able to change..whatsoever…it may be…Praise the Name of the Lord…
So if you are happy as I am and if you believe that God is able to do what He says He will do… Remember His Word is infallible and His power is from Everlasting to Everlasting… then be ready as we go through the days of this month to encounter Go. Because you will see the Raw Power of God demonstrated in your life and situation as it was of the time of old….
Once again welcome to Your month Awesome Demonstration of God’s Power …
Further Reading-Ps 11:1, 2Cor.13:11, Phil. 4:4, Ps 17:8, Ps 138:5, Isa 40:11, Ps 118:1-18
Remain blessed in the Lord.