Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For his mercies enduerth forever Amen! For his mercies enduerth forever Amen!. I will lift up my voice, I will joyfully sang not for what You have done but for You! You are song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I sing is to praise you Lord! He reigns, Jesus reigns, Yes He reigns forever more, forever more!!!!!!!!!!!
It is good to praise the Lord alleluia! It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia! it is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, Praise the Lord alleluia Praise the Lord Alleluia, Praise the Lord alleluia!!!
Yes Father we Praise your Holy Name! Thank for the month of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, august, September, October, November and December,
Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne You are the Mighty God! I feel like dancing, dance, dance, dance, I feel like clapping! clap, clap clap!!!
Beloveth are dancing in the Lord yes! I am dancing in the Lord everyday! Dance, dance, dance, I am dancing in the Lord everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glory be the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!, Father thank You for the year 2020, alleluia to the One Who is and Is yet to come, what a beautiful November, the Lord took us through without a hitch. The Word of the Lord is Yea and Amen! Had He said it, will it not come to pass? All His Word to us in this ministry have never fallen to the ground, rather By His Outstretched Hand He delivered and made Whole, He brought every of His Word to pass, Praise the Living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our year of from glory to glory is getting ready to run off the stage but without the mind for God concerning us in this month of December, Praise the Lord! alleluia!!!
This is our glorious month we have been waiting for, a month with so much manifestation of the Name God. A month the Lord will decorate us again to the glory of His Name! for He will restore beauty for Ashes, the Oil of Joy for mourning, the Garment of Praise for the Spirit of heaviness: that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified (Isa 63:1-3) Praise the Lord!
Beloveth, indeed God have glorify Himself in us, He picked us from horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set our feet upon a Rock and establish our goings. (Ps 40:1-2) The Lord hath put a new song in our mouth, even His Praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord (vs 3).
Beloveth has the Lord put a new song in your mouth? If yes can you worship Him in your style, Praise the Lord!
We have good news with great tidings and we are pleased to announce to us the mind of God towards His people in this last month of the year “From glory to glory,” Beloveth, “Welcome to your month of Ceaseless Praises and Miracles through Christ Jesus” (Ps 40:1-17, Isa 60:1-22,Isa 61:1-11)
Come on!!!!!!!!!!! The Lord is good! Come and see the Lord is good! there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good! He gave me victory, He gave me peace of mind, Come and see the Lord is good! come and the Lord is good!!!!!!
Yes! The Lord is good to us Praise the Name of the Lord! Alleluia
We are in the season of Ceaseless Praises and Miracles, it will not pass you by but you and I must be partakers in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!! amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come and see with your eyes the work the Lord has done all through this year your life for the manifestation of His promise “from glory to glory” to come to past in Your life, come along:
“Thou hast made summer and winter.” Psalm 74:17
My soul begin this wintry month with thy God. The cold snows and the piercing winds all remind thee that He keeps His covenant with day and night, and tend to assure thee that He will also keep that glorious covenant which He has made with thee in the person of Christ Jesus.
He who is true to His Word in the revolutions of the seasons of this poor sin-polluted world, will not prove unfaithful in His dealings with His own well-beloved Son.
Winter in the soul is by no means a comfortable season, and if it be upon thee just now it will be very painful to thee: but there is this comfort, namely, that the Lord makes it. He sends the sharp blasts of adversity to nip the buds of expectation: He scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes over the once verdant meadows of our joy: He casteth forth His ice like morsels freezing the streams of our delight.
He does it all, He is the great Winter King, and rules in the realms of frost, and therefore thou canst not murmur. Losses, crosses, heaviness, sickness, poverty, and a thousand other ills, are of the Lord’s sending, and come to us with wise design. Frosts kill noxious insects, and put a bound to raging diseases; they break up the clods, and sweeten the soul. O that such good results would always follow our winters of affliction!
How we prize the fire just now! how pleasant is its cheerful glow! Let us in the same manner prize our Lord, who is the constant source of warmth and comfort in every time of trouble. Let us draw nigh to Him, and in Him find joy and peace in believing.
Let us wrap ourselves in the warm garments of His promises, and go forth to labours which befit the season, for it were ill to be as the sluggard who will not plough by reason of the cold; for he shall beg in summer and have nothing.
God forbid! We shall not borrow but work diligently with our hands in Jesus Name! We will submit ourselves to the Master and be a sources of great delight unto our God after the winter is over, the Lord will glory us in our the summer, in Jesus Name Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Beloveth it is well with us in this ministry, for again and again the Lord have shown His great mercy upon us and shower upon us blessings bigger than our store house.
Endeavour to stop by everyday to drink from the fountain of life and be refreshed always. Glory be to Jesus!!!!!!!!
Once again we welcome you to your “season of ceaseless Praises and Miracles Through Christ Jesus” Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord