Glory be to God in the highest Amen… Glory be to God in the highest Amen… For His Mercies enduerth forever Amen… For His mercies enduerth forever Amen…// Who can battle with the Lord… Who can battle with the Lord …. Who can battle with the Lord … I say nobody…
Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we worship Your Holy Name … Thank You for the gift of the New Month… Even in midst of crisis You been Good to us… Alleluia… Thank You for Your Presence all through the month of February… Thank You for Provisions, Protections, Defense, Up-Lifting, Healing, Miracles that Only You can do… Father we come to say… Thank You… be Thou highly exalted forever and ever Alleluia… Amen!
Beloveth… Welcome to the New Month, the Month of March… It will gladden you to know that The Lord is already here to do you good… Yes! He promised us that His Goodness and Mercy shall follow us… all the Days of our lives in Jesus Name… Alleluia Amen… He will not fall us, He will not forsake us come what may, He will never leave us nor abandon us somebody shout alleluia….
If you are excited as I am… shout a believing seven (7) Alleluia to the King of kings, to the Lord of lords, to the Beginning and End, To The Everlasting God… and The Only True Wise God…. Alleluia…. Join us as we sing…
I will sing unto the Lord… A Joyful song… I will Praise His Name for the Lord is Good…. Alleluia…
Yes…The Lord is Good; all the Time and His Goodness enduerth forever… Alleluia!!!
Beloveth, we are glad to announce to you the theme of the New Month- Welcome To The Month Divine Honour… (Isa.12:1-6) Oh my God….
(Clap your hands) If you are happy and you can show it… join us to thunder Alleluia…. Somebody Praise the Name of the Lord…
Praise the Name of the Lord… (Song) Who can battle with the Lord… I say nobody… Praise the Name of Jesus…
No one can battle with the Lord… but if you say otherwise…. Good luck to you…
Beloveth, our God is A God of Awesome Wonders… Who will never fail us nor disappoint us…
I don’t know where you have suffered dishonour, I don’t know where you have been defeated before today, I don’t know where you suffered lack, I don’t know where you have bow down your head and could not lift it up again, where the devil has asked you “Where you is your God.” I don’t where situations and sickness and illness have ask Who can deliver you from our hands ….
I come with Good-news to such a one … the God of host is here to honour you… You may not hear the sound of the rain nor the wind but the trench will be filled with water… Your deliverance is on the way… You will shout a shout of joy and rejoicing, chains that keep you bound is falling off, the Power that raised Jesus from the dead is locating you right now in Jesus Name… alleluia…
Beloveth… your mouth with be filled with Joy and Laughter this month in Jesus Name disgrace and sorrow will be far from you in Jesus Name……
Beloveth… in this new month… you will not see shame, sickness will be far from you, habits and patterns that dishonour God will not journey with you in the Name of Jesus…Amen!!!
Just keep your eyes on Jesus… He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith… Alleluia!!!
Join us to discover more:
Joy For the Cast-Out
“Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name’s sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.” Isa. 66:5
Possibly this text may not apply to one in a thousand of the readers of this little book of promises; but the Lord cheers that one in such words as these. Let us pray for all such as are cast out wrongfully from the society which they love. May the Lord appear to their joy!
The text applies to truly gracious men who tremble at the word of the Lord. These were hated of their brethren, and at length cast out because of their fidelity and their holiness. This must have been very bitter to them; and all the more so because their casting out was done in the name of religion, and professedly with the view of glorifying God.
How much is done for the devil in the name of God! The use of the name of Jehovah to add venom to the bite of the old serpent is an instance of his subtlety.
The appearing of the Lord for them is the hope of His persecuted people. He appears as the advocate and defender of His elect; and when He does so, it means a clear deliverance for the God-fearing and shame for their oppressors. O Lord, fulfill this word to those whom men are deriding!
Beloveth… hear this, “In times of trouble, may the Lord answers your cry. May the Name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm. May He send you help from His sanctuary and strengthen you from Jerusalem. May He remember all your gifts and look favorably on your burnt offerings…May He grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory banner in the Name of our God. May the Lord answer all your prayers. (Ps.20:1-5) (NLT2).
On this note beloveth we release our faith unto God…In this new month according to God’s Word be it done unto us Amen in Jesus Name Alleluia! Amen!!! Is our PCL … don’t forget…
Once again “Happy New Month”… And “Welcome to Your Month of “Divine Honour.” Our God is Great… Alleluia!!!
Further Reading- Acts 14:32, Isa.12:2, 2Cor.9:15, Gal.3:26, 2Cor.13:11, Exo.33:19, Prov.7:1-4, Rev.2:10, Col.4:6, Acts.20:24,
Have a pleasant weekend see you on Monday if Jesus tarries…
Remain blessed in the Lord.