I Praise the Lord, I will Praise the Lord.2x If nobody will Praise the Lord I will Praise the Lord if nobody will Praise the Lord I will Praise the Lord.// He is miracle working God. He is miracle working Father, He is the Alpha and Omega, He is a miracle working God.
Wonderful Father, the Great I AM, the Rock of Ages, Everlasting Father, The Mighty God in battle, My creator, My Redeemer, Eternal God, Jehovah Shammar, Jehovah Nissi, The Unchangeable Changer. Jehovah Elohim. My Provider, My Defender, You are Peace. Glory be to Your Name on high forever in Jesus Name.
Thank You Father for the gift of a new month, glory be to Your Name. Who can be like You, Father? I have search all eternity and I say there is none like Thee. Glorious God I thank You. Let Your Name Alone be glorified.
Dearly beloved, happy new month! Wahoo! Thanks be our God who preserved us from all evil and watch over us up until now. May He be Praise forever. This month is going to be an exciting month. Our God will be gracious to us and deliver to us all He have in store for us.
No evil news will be heard in the camp of the righteousness of God. The Lord will protect us from all evil and watch over us as we step into the month day after day in Jesus Name. Beloved, I want you to bless the Nam of the Lord for this wonderful blessing from above, of making you a partaker of a new month. Glory be to Him alone.
This is the ninth month of the year. The ninth month is always refer to as the month of delivery. Beloved, what are you pregnant for since the beginning of the month? The good Lord is available to bring it to birth this month. Just be sensitive and watchful at the move of the Holy Spirit.
In line with our practice to bring to you the mind of God for the month, beloved we are glad to announce to you the theme of the month. By the grace of God we welcome you to your month of “Everlasting Consolation in Christ Jesus.”(Jn 16:33; 1 Pet 5:10) Can you clap unto the Lord? The Lord will once again be merciful unto us as He will lead us through the path of righteousness and bring us to our expected end. Praise God!
Beloved, we have having a double blessing today. Today is also our PCL, and the Spirit of God will yet teach us all we need to grow and be fruitful in the Lord.
The topic of today is going to shed light to out month theme and I hope someone will be blessed. In Jesus is our comfort. He is our Solace, security, and our Satisfaction. Beloved if Jesus is all these what else are you waiting for?
Though things are not the way you think they should be but you must trust God and by the grace of God this month, things will begin to fall in pleasant places for you. The Spirit of the most High God will lead you and direct you to deliver your long time ideas in Jesus Name, Praise God.
Let these words comfort us as we lift our eyes unto Jesus in this new month. Let our heart not be trouble hitherto. The covenant of Lord for the year must be deliver fully to us before the end of the year in Jesus Name. Come and join me as we discover more from the ministration of the day:
“Although my house be not so with God; yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: for this is all my salvation, and all my desire, although he make it not to grow.” 2Sam. 23:5
This is not so much one promise as an aggregate of promises — a box of pearls. The covenant is the ark which contains all things.
These are the last words of David, but they may be mine today. Here is a sigh: things are not with me and mine as I could wish; there are trials, cares, and sins. These make the pillow hard.
Here is a solace — “He hath made with me an everlasting covenant.” Jehovah has pledged Himself to me, and sealed the compact with the blood of Jesus. I am bound to my God, and my God to me.
This brings into prominence a security, since this covenant is everlasting, well ordered and sure. There is nothing to fear from the lapse of time, the failure of some forgotten point, or the natural uncertainty of things. The covenant is a rocky foundation to build on for life or for death.
David feels satisfaction: he wants no more for salvation or delectation. He is delivered, and he is delighted. The covenant is all a man can desire.
O my soul, turn thou this day to thy Lord Jesus, whom the great Lord has given to be a covenant to the people. Take Him to be thine all in all.
Beloved, we have a better covenant in our Jesus, wherefore we should be glad and rejoice in the Lord. Praise the Lord:
“The sweet psalmist of Israel.” 2Samuel 23:1
Among all the saints whose lives are recorded in Holy Writ, David possesses an experience of the most striking, varied, and instructive character. In his history we meet with trials and temptations not to be discovered, as a whole, in other saints of ancient times, and hence he is all the more suggestive a type of our Lord.
David knew the trials of all ranks and conditions of men. Kings have their troubles, and David wore a crown: the peasant has his cares, and David handled a shepherd’s crook: the wanderer has many hardships, and David abode in the caves of Engedi: the captain has his difficulties, and David found the sons of Zeruiah too hard for him.
The psalmist was also tried in his friends, his counsellor Ahithophel forsook him, “He that eateth bread with me, hath lifted up his heel against me.” His worst foes were they of his own household: his children were his greatest affliction. The temptations of poverty and wealth, of honour and reproach, of health and weakness, all tried their power upon him. He had temptations from without to disturb his peace, and from within to mar his joy.
David no sooner escaped from one trial than he fell into another; no sooner emerged from one season of despondency and alarm, than he was again brought into the lowest depths, and all God’s waves and billows rolled over him. It is probably from this cause that David’s psalms are so universally the delight of experienced Christians.
Whatever our frame of mind, whether ecstasy or depression, David has exactly described our emotions. He was an able master of the human heart, because he had been tutored in the best of all schools—the school of heart-felt, personal experience.
As we are instructed in the same school, as we grow matured in grace and in years, we increasingly appreciate David’s psalms, and find them to be “green pastures.” My soul, let David’s experience cheer and counsel thee this day.
Yes! As we also being tutored in the same school through our light afflictions and cares we may be experiencing, be of good cheers and be comforted in Jesus Name. The power from on high will see us though and make us stronger to bring to birth our desires in God’s will in Jesus Name.
Have a wonderful weekend. Once again do not forget that Jesus told us that “He has overcome the world” despite the tribulation.
We therefore welcome you again to the month of “Everlasting Consolation” Watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu