I will rejoice in the Lord my God x2, I lift my hands to You O Lord, This is a day He has made. Mellow x7 and see what the Lord can do.
Father we thank You for the month of August, which was indeed a month of Supernatural Abundance. God did all to the glory of His Name. Not us O Lord but to You be all the glory, all honour, adoration forever and ever Amen.
Thank You for all the Healings, Deliverances, Provision, Protections, Restoration, Breakthroughs, Salvations of souls, glory be to God in the Highest. Thank You for the grace that saw us through every circumstances and situations. Thank You for holding us on, thank You for even those that You restored unto Yourself when they came back like did the prodigal. Father, we say thank You for this great compassion towards Your children, Glory, Alleluia, Amen!
Beloved, hope you are thankful to God for the month that just went by, don’t forget that the highest gift apart of salvation is life itself. Once there is life every other thing will fall in place in their time God being on your side.
A new month is here again, the month of September. The ninth month of the year, is the beginning of the months of ‘embers’. This period mythically has been characterized by evil due to the mischievous acts of desperate and wicked individuals who are doom for destruction have continual perpetuate evils in the land. Those who are blood suckers and flesh eaters.
I have goodnews for you. The Lord said that no longer will this period known for evil in your life but it will known for rejoicing. As against the “embers’ is known for, it will be a period of ‘Remembers’ to every child of God that nameth the Name of the Lord.
So I want you to wear your dancing shoe to dance through the month as it a moment of remembrance by the Lord, a moment of harvest from your labour, it is a moment that will usher in joy against evil in the land. Therefore, whatsoever you are standing for, whatsoever you have are believing God for all through the year, whatsoever you have yet to accomplish in other years that are due for your taking, beloved, the time for your glorious uplifting is now.
For God even our God will remember you and gloriously lift you up above your fellows. Is someone saying amen to that?
When God remembered Noah, his feet step on the dry land, he planted and harvested new grain and his vets was once again with new wine. God remembered Sarah and made her laugh even in her old age. When God remembered Moses, God moved him from labour to leader, when Jacob was remembered, God took away his natural nature that is known for cheating to a glorious one that multiple him into a nation.
The remembrance of David moved him from behind as a shepherd boy to a frontliner, a pathfinder, to be king over the beloved people of God. O! the remembrance of Hannah made her a mother of a great prophet of God, who declared God’s words fearless and leads God’s people with clean hands.
Beloved, do remember Racheal, the beloved wife of Jacob, her remembrance by the Lord made a her mother to not just an ordinary son but the one who became next in command to pharaoh even in a foreign land God made him so great that even the owners of the land was asking favour from him.
Beloved, is all about God remembrance. When God remembers you, your story will never be the same again. He will transform you and make you a wonder to behold. All who have looked at you with disdain will soon celebrate you. It does not matter what he or she is thinking, saying or doing as you are reading this. If he or she refuse to stay off, the wrath of the Lord will consume him or her.
This period of ‘remembrance’ from the Lord must deliver in your life. All you need do is to make sure that you position yourself where Jesus must not pass you by when he is passing through.
Am glad to announce to you that your moment of glory has arrive. Welcome to your month of “Glorious Lifting” (Isa 60:1-3). It does not matter where you before now or what you are passing through presently just know that you case is presently receiving attention from the Lord. Rejoice and be glad in the Lord. Sing, O barren:
“Sing, O barren.” Isaiah 54:1
Though we have brought forth some fruit unto Christ, and have a joyful hope that we are “plants of His own right hand planting,” yet there are times when we feel very barren. Prayer is lifeless, love is cold, faith is weak, each grace in the garden of our heart languishes and droops. We are like flowers in the hot sun, requiring the refreshing shower. In such a condition what are we to do?
The text is addressed to us in just such a state. “Sing, O barren, break forth and cry aloud.” But what can I sing about? I cannot talk about the present, and even the past looks full of barrenness. Ah! I can sing of Jesus Christ. I can talk of visits which the Redeemer has aforetimes paid to me; or if not of these, I can magnify the great love wherewith He loved His people when He came from the heights of heaven for their redemption. I will go to the cross again.
Come, my soul, heavy laden thou wast once, and thou didst lose thy burden there. Go to Calvary again. Perhaps that very cross which gave thee life may give thee fruitfulness. What is my barrenness? It is the platform for His fruit-creating power. What is my desolation? It is the black setting for the sapphire of His everlasting love. I will go in poverty, I will go in helplessness, I will go in all my shame and backsliding, I will tell Him that I am still His child, and in confidence in His faithful heart, even I, the barren one, will sing and cry aloud.
Sing, believer, for it will cheer thine own heart, and the hearts of other desolate ones. Sing on, for now that thou art really ashamed of being barren, thou wilt be fruitful soon; now that God makes thee loath to be without fruit He will soon cover thee with clusters. The experience of our barrenness is painful, but the Lord’s visitations are delightful. A sense of our own poverty drives us to Christ, and that is where we need to be, for in Him is our fruit found.
Yes! The Fruit of the Spirit will you bear from this time forward, no more barrenness; no more weeping. Is time for rejoicing; is time to shine forth, the nations will come to your light and kings to your bright dawn.
“The voice of weeping shall be no more heard.” Isaiah 65:19
The glorified weep no more, for all outward causes of grief are gone. There are no broken friendships, nor blighted prospects in heaven. Poverty, famine, peril, persecution, and slander, are unknown there. No pain distresses, no thought of death or bereavement saddens. They weep no more, for they are perfectly sanctified. No “evil heart of unbelief” prompts them to depart from the living God; they are without fault before His throne, and are fully conformed to His image. Well may they cease to mourn who have ceased to sin.
They weep no more, because all fear of change is past. They know that they are eternally secure. Sin is shut out, and they are shut in. They dwell within a city which shall never be stormed; they bask in a sun which shall never set; they drink of a river which shall never dry; they pluck fruit from a tree which shall never wither. Countless cycles may revolve, but eternity shall not be exhausted, and while eternity endures, their immortality and blessedness shall co-exist with it. They are for ever with the Lord.
They weep no more, because every desire is fulfilled. They cannot wish for anything which they have not in possession. Eye and ear, heart and hand, judgment, imagination, hope, desire, will, all the faculties, are completely satisfied; and imperfect as our present ideas are of the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, yet we know enough, by the revelation of the Spirit, that the saints above are supremely blessed. The joy of Christ, which is an infinite fulness of delight, is in them.
They bathe themselves in the bottomless, shoreless sea of infinite beatitude. That same joyful rest remains for us. It may not be far distant. Ere long the weeping willow shall be exchanged for the palm-branch of victory, and sorrow’s dewdrops will be transformed into the pearls of everlasting bliss. “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”
Beloved, weeping may tarry in the night but joy come in the morning. Beloved, cast away your fear, your unbelief, look with the eye of faith and behold your glorious lifting in Jesus Name.
Once again dearly beloved, welcome to your month of “Glorious Lifting.”
Remain blessed in the Lord.