Glory be to God in the highest Amen! alleluia! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! alleluia! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen! // Who is on the Lord side I want to know I am on the Lord side…who is on the Lord side I want to know I am on the Lord side…can You join me singing I am on the Lord and Jesus is on my side…as long as I live, as long as I stay I am on the side…
Father we thank You for the gift of another month…If it had not been the Lord who was on our side? Let all Israel repeat: What if the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us. They would have swallowed us alive in their burning anger …Ps 124:1-3 (NLT2). Thank be to God Who protected us and kept us all through last month. He did not allow us to hit out leg against a stone, He led us as a Shepherd all through the valley and shadow of death and secured us from all sides.
Great is our God; He is greatly to be Praise. Thank You Father for preserving our faith in You and the privilege to be a witness to Your awesome Wonders and getting to know You better…Father thank You and thank You forever more. Have Your way again this month and do that which only You can do…make us to be doers of Your Word not hearers alone, make us wise and obedient to Your Word in all situation. Don’t allow us to fall by the way side else we will be consume….again and again we confess our love to You, hold us till the end in Jesus Name….Amen!
Beloveth, you are welcome to the month of the Lord, the month of April special made to make you a wonder to your world…I hope you are excited and joyful for thus far the power of God had led you…glory be to Him for another opportunity to be everything He has made us to be….our God is coming; He will not delay, keep your hope alive for a life with Jesus is a settle-life even in the midst of troubles our God is right there with us, He will not leave us nor forsake us…
Beloveth welcome to Your month of “Lifting through Christ Jesus”…. Ezek.37:1-14, Rom 8:9-15, Gen 6:8
Are you excited? Are you rejoicing? Let sing unto the Lord for His Word in a season
Lifted! I Am lifted…I am lifted by the Lord above sin and sorrow into the Presence of the Lord… I am lifted up…
Beloveth if the Lord count you worthy…no amount of accusation will make you guilty before Him for He is ‘truth’ personified. His glory are all over you and you are empowered to be everything you are made to be….if the Lord say ‘you are bless no authority can cause you. If the Lord sets you free… no power can hold you captive and if my God, our Father choose to lift you up, no principality nor powers, no dominion nor kingdom can keep down nor stand on your way as the power that says it more than able to bring it to pass…
Beloveth, this is the resurrection month and the power that raise Christ from death is here to lift you up…death could not hold Him captive therefore no power is permitted to hold you captive in the grave…beyond what you can do the Lord is set to do again in your life and situation…
Every thing good that is dead in your life is being lifted from the grave…the power that raised Jesus from death is position to lift them up from the grave… You will found grace in the sight of the Lord and you will be favoured as Noah was in Jesus.
I am so excited and I hope you are too as you going higher from where you are today…beloveth no power will stop you nor hinder you from being what God says you will be… Praise the Lord! So lift up your eyes unto the hills beloveth and see the glory of God radiating all round you, yes His Glory all over you.
Come along for more:
Carefully follow [them], for this will [show] your wisdom and understanding in the eyes of the peoples. When they hear about all these statutes, they will say, “This great nation is indeed a wise and understanding people.”—Deuteronomy 4:6
Wisdom is not what you know about the world but how well you know God. Human reasoning will not make you wise. It may even lead you to reject the ways of God (1 Cor. 1:18–25). God’s purpose in creating a nation for Himself was to demonstrate His wisdom to the world through the obedience of His people (Zech. 8:23). As the Israelites followed God, He would bless them, and the wisdom of obeying God would be evident to all.
God gives you the same opportunity to base your life on His wisdom. When unbelievers make important decisions, they must rely on their own knowledge and understanding. You, as a Christian, have access to God’s wisdom. God’s Spirit is within you to guide you (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit will open your eyes to the truth of the Scriptures so that you can see things from God’s perspective. Only God sees the future, so only He can accurately lead you to make correct decisions today.
As you allow God to direct your life, those around you will see true wisdom, wisdom not of the world but of God. Others will be confused about what to do in our complicated world, but God will guide you safely to the correct choices for you. Your family will be blessed because you make wise decisions. Your friends will have a wise counselor to come to for help. Your obedient life will demonstrate the wisdom of allowing the Holy Spirit to be your Guide.
Beloveth, God has spoken concerning you about what He is about to do in your life this month….if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of land….Jesus was raised from death likewise the power of God will lift you up from the grave and make you to sit among the prince and princess. You don’t need to be afraid or panic as the One Who said it is able to what He say He will do, keep on believing God, don’t give up, keep holding your head high…for our God is more than able to do all we think of….
Are you ready to see God in action? Please join us this month and see the power of God at work….
Once again welcome to your month of “Lifting through Christ Jesus…..”
Remain blessed in the Lord.