Glory be to God in highest… Amen! Glory be to God in highest… Amen… For His Mercy… enduerth forever Amen!!! for His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!!// Who is like unto Thee…o Lord! Who is like unto Thee… O Lord… among the gods who is like Thee… You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia…
Thank You Father… Thank You Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit… Thank You Ancient of Days… Glory Adoration to You O Lord… in Jesus Name… I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love…
Thank You Father the gift of a new month… Alleluia Jesus for making possible for us to be among the Living Alleluia… be Thou exalted O Lord forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth we are in the eleventh month of year 2023…. Can somebody shout Alleluia…. Our Good God kept you from January to the eleventh month for a reason… The reason will not be cut short… Alleluia….
This is the year the Lord has made to take you from penury to your place of glory… “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name” (Phil.4:8-11)….….
Yes… it is God that exalts a man above… In the remaining months of this year of Goodness… The Lord Himself will exalt You… He will make you to ride on your high places… Honey is coming out from the Rock for you beloveth… The lines will continue to fall in pleasant places for you… Beloveth no power from hell can stop what God has promised you…
I saw this in our year theme and I shudder… beloveth the theme text for the year is Psalms 23…. In verse 4 it reads “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid,” … and this hit me most… “You will prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies… You honour me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.”
Beloveth… we are feasting in the presences of our enemies… Praise the Living Jesus… so what you are seeing as evil may be ordained by God… yes… as they are gathering to harm you… The Lord is blessing you right in front of them…. They cannot stop you because they cannot stop God from blessing you…(Heb.12:12) Alleluia somebody!!!
Beloveth I am so excited and I know are too… Someone’s cup is overflowing with eleventh hour miracles in Jesus Name … Blessings that you never imagine or conceived are coming your way too in Jesus Name…
This month is that month you have been waiting for… God has anointed your head with oil…. So even as the year is gradually wrapping up beloveth…. The Lord has anointed you for exploits in Jesus Name… This last quarter of the year will deliver for you what you never envisaged in Jesus Name… The Hand of the Lord will deliver it in the Name of Jesus…
Beloveth the month is starting today being our prayer meeting day… Isn’t that wonderful… so we are taking the month head on by prayers… yes we take the 30 Days of the month by covering each second, minute, hour, day, week with the Blood of Jesus and the Blessings from on high… yes we put an end to negativity and every evil that have been projected against us in this month in Jesus Name…
Beloveth we are glad to Welcome You to Your Month of Overflowing Blessings with Greater Exploits (Ps.119:76, Deut.7:8, 1Pet.3:12, Prov.4:23)…. Someone is receiving new ideas that will grant you the visibility you have been waiting for since the beginning of the year…. Have you been believing God for breakthroughs beloveth the Power of God is doing same right now in Jesus Name… That which you have called impossible is happening now… is becoming possible in Jesus Name….
Beloveth… have you been crying and you are saying to God… this year is ending again without these blessings… Not to worry for The Hand of the Lord will deliver it to you right now … The year will not end without God glorify His Name in your life…
Beloveth we serve a prayer answering God and I know God answers prayers therefore let us pray like never before… Let us ask God to help us in the place of prayer… let us pray a prayer that will receive answered … A prayer that come down with power and shatter every obstacles standing on our way to victory… Yes… our God will grant us victory on every side in Jesus Name…
Some of us will encounter blessings that will leap us over to the coming year… Yes! The miraculous blessings that are coming our way will speak in the years to come… The power of God will bring it to pass in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Come along with us for more….Alleluia
Doing It God’s Way… Or The Hard Way
Yesterday while enplaning, I spotted a young Christian businessman whom I had attempted to influence a couple of years ago toward growing spiritually. At that time, he gently nudged me aside, explaining that the pressing demands of his newly formed consulting firm left little room for spiritual matters.
An hour later, as we deplaned, he commented on the current economic crisis in Asia and the extreme stress he was under. As we waited to go through immigration, I asked him if he was spending regular time with God. The answer was no.
Within minutes after clearing immigration, George, a friend who heads a mid-sized firm, picked me up. For some time now, he and I have been working together on developing his consistent walk with God. As we headed for the city the subject of the severe state of the economy again came up. Immediately I was struck, by way of contrast, with his calm response to the grave situation. God, he assured, would give wisdom in seeing him and his company through the downturn.
It was apparent to me that because he had been hiding the Scriptures in his heart during his daily times of prayer and meditation, he was indeed prepared to trust God through the current period of financial stress.
As George was sharing, several passages came to mind from my own time with God that very morning:
“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; He delivered me from all my fears… “
“This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles… “
“Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing… “
“A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all… “
“I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” (Psalm 34:4, 6, 9, 19; 37:25 )
QUESTION: So, what do you do when everything in the economic picture seems to turn sour? Tighten your stomach muscles and power through it? Invent new schemes for survival? Peddle faster? Panic?
Or rest? Trust? Wait? And quietly seek His direction?
I guess the answer depends upon to whom you have been looking to supply your daily needs: Yourself or God. If it is you, then you ought to be in a state of panic, because I doubt if any of us are that good!
Beloveth… where is your source? Yourself or God? Is possible for you begin now to hide God’s Word in your heart if you have not been doing so? Is possible for you to slow down, rest, trust and wait on God to led the way?
Beloveth we all have our weaknesses but the Word of God says where you are weak God is made strong for you…(Ps.71:16) alleluia somebody…
God is turning those weaknesses to strength right now… believe it in Jesus Name… Amen.. The month of November will do us good… in Jesus Name… This month will lift us to our glory land in Jesus Name… This month will enable us to gain visibility in Jesus Name…
Beloveth, the Hand of God will grant you visibility you have never witnessed in your life in Jesus Name…. This month will indeed deliver to us overflowing blessings you never witness from the beginning of the year in Jesus Name…Amen!!!(Neh.1:11)…
Once again beloveth, we welcome you to your month of Overflowing Blessings with Greater Exploits in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!
O Lord answer us as we pray in Jesus Name… Make the month a blessing indeed according to Word to us in Jesus Name… (Isa.45:23, Jer.32:41).
Further Reading 1Jn.1:3, 1Cor.5:7, Acts.4:31, Heb.13:8, Jas.5:11,Heb.10:36, Eph.1;18, Ps.68:19, Rom.11:33, Isa.45:23, 2Thess.3:16.
Remain blessed in the Lord.