He has done for me, He has done it for me. He has done it for me, He has done it for me! What mama cannot do for me, He has done it for me what my papa cannot do He has done it for me.// I have a God that never fail, I have a God that never fail, Jesus is my God that never fail, that never fail, that never fail forever more.

Our Heavenly Father thank You, Eternal Creator thank You alleluia! thank You for being there for us and granting us the privilege to see another new month, the month of December, the last month in year 2019, our year of Glorious Manifestation, what a wonderful God we serve, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a great thing to serve the Lord, it is a great thing to serve the Lord, it is a great thing to serve the Lord, walking in the light of God. sister walk, walk, walk in the light, brother walk, walk, walk in the light, sister walk, walk, walk in the light, walk in the light of God!

Thank You Father for a brand new day, week and month ahead of us, we celebrate You Lord for all Your goodness, kindness, mercies, grace and faithfulness all through the year. Beloved, can you shout twelve (12) Alleluias to the Most High God for His Awesome Presence all through the twelve month of this year!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia,  Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dearly beloved, welcome to a new month of great joy, Praise the Lord, the end of the matter is better than the beginning. The Lord in His fathomless love gave us His only begotten Son Jesus to be born among men and at the due time He die on the Cross of Calvary to save us from everlasting destruction, beloved what can you qualify this action with except love, undying love, unmerited grace found only in the Hand of Almighty God, Whose love is unquantifiable and immeasurable.

He leads us as a shepherd leads His sheep and protects them from being hurt by wild animals and thieves among other things. He never allowed us to stumble or get hurt but He preserved us from all evils of the day and night. He healed our diseases and restores back to us all that we have lost to satan and His cohorts. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!

What more can we say than to fall down in worship with the twenty and four elders in heaven before the throne in appreciation of God in all the good things He has done for us this eleven months and will yet do in this remaining month of the year.

It has been a glorious one indeed and each day bears witness of a good Father, who oversees the affairs of His children, He stoop so low and ensure that we do not hit our feet against a stone. Praise the Lord!

Beloved with Jesus love in our heart we announce to you the mind of God to us as a ministry in this twelve month of the year, the last of it in year 2019. Beloved, we welcome you to your month of Resounding Joy in Christ Jesus! (Heb 12:1-13, Lk 2:8-20, Isa 55:1-13).

Yes! Our month of Resounding Joy! Beloved there will ceaseless Praise and rejoicing in your camp. God has said it, you have to receive it, believe it and that settles it. Alleluia somebody!!! Amen!

Is possible someone is compelling and murmuring about his/her situation and possible calling God a liar. I want to know that God will not lose anything by answering and fulfilling the desires of your heart however, it is possible that you are expecting God to work in a particular direction while God is pointing to you the way He wants you to go, but you are insisting in working in your direction.

Beloved, God is an instructor, He does His things only to the glory of His Name, He created you and have a plan and purpose for you, all you need do is to follow and obey ever instruction He gives to you. you are not meant to suggest how He should go else you become a clay giving the potter how you want to look or be use.

Beloved, oftentimes, we made it clear to us that when we pray or put our demand /desires before God all we need do is to leave it at the feet Jesus and walk way (Matt 11:28-30). You are free to keep remaining God as often as you wish, that is not faithlessness rather you keep praying about it until you receive a Word or assurance that heaven will back you up or it is not going to be done or not yet time.

You must desist from the temptation of giving God conditions for your salvation or serving Him. Many who have gone this way ever live to regret it, believe God and put your trust in His Name and all shall be well with you (Heb 6:13-18).

Why are we raising this at this point in time? Is because God has spoken again and instead of believing and taking your portion from the meal set on the table for you, you are murmuring and doubting. Go with the instructions you are given and for once and record God faithfulness in your life, family, career and ministry (Isa 55:11).

If I may asked you did you part take in the Praise gate on Saturday? For those who did and will continue to do just watch out and see the Hand of God in that situation, see God braking the yokes and bring shame to satan and his cohorts, see God doing that impossible and giving you victory. See God giving glory to Himself alone and giving you testimonies at the end.

Beloved, I know in who I believed. I am not startled by what is happening in the world because my kingdom like Jesus is of this world but I stand on every Word of God received or spoken to me by His Spirit. The worldview will never control my action but my actions will be controlled be every Word of God. Praise the Lord!

Make that your confidence and you will belong to the children of God with uncommon courage! and that’s who we are. If you are amongst us join us as we consider the word “Demandingness” in the context of our relationship with God, come and discover more:


Daniel 2:36-3:30, Psalm 138:4-8,Proverbs 29:24-25, 2 John 1-13

Demandingness in Action

We want you as king to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up.—Daniel 3:18

How does demandingness manifest itself? One way is by an insistence that God answer our prayers in the way we think He should. I talked with a woman whose husband had abandoned her and their three small children. As she talked, I grew uncomfortable, for she told me: “I know God is going to bring him back. If He doesn’t, then He is not as faithful as He says He is. That can’t be, so my husband will come back.”

Can you hear the spirit of demandingness in these words? I sympathized with her hurt to such a degree that it was painful for me to have to explain this: that faith is one thing but demandingness is another. Her “faith” in God was based not on unconditional confidence in His character and sovereign purposes, but rather in the hope that He would relieve her suffering in the way she thought best.

Deep hurt is a most suitable environment in which we can wrongfully nourish a demanding spirit. Nothing convinces us more that God must answer our prayers in the way we think He should than when we are experiencing continued heartache. And the line between legitimate desiring and illegitimate demanding is a thin one which is easily crossed.

How can we be sure our desiring does not turn into demanding? When we are willing to say: “If God does not grant what I desire, then I can still go on because I know that He will never abandon me, and in His love I have all the strength I need to handle whatever comes.”


O God, save me from an insistent and demanding spirit. You who are always reaching out to me in love and awakening me, help me to recognize the difference between a desire and a demand. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study

Mt 26:36-46; Ps 40:8; Eph 6:6; Php 1:1

How did Jesus express desire without demandingness?

How did Paul express it?

Beloved did you read the difference between desires and Demandingness? When you chose to follow God irrespective of how you feeling or what going through, Jesus did it, Paul did it and David did it too (Matt 26:392Cor 12:7-10, 1 Sam 24:1-22).

So why are insisting to have it done your own way, leave it at feet of Jesus and see the glory of God over that situation/life Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Beloved once again we welcome you to our month of “Resounding Joy,” the echoes of joy from the birth of Jesus will not cease in your life and in my life in Jesus Name!

On this note we declare the day open and by His grace will return with greater testimonies at the end of the week in Jesus Name. Shouts of rejoicing dearly beloved will be heard in your camp throughout this month in Jesus Name!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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