How Excellent is Your Name O Lord! How Excellent is Your Name O Lord! How Excellent is your Name O Lord! How Excellent is Your Name O Lord! How Excellent is Your Name, How Excellent is Your Name, How Excellent is Your Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Your Name, How Excellent is Your Name, How Excellent is Your Name O! Lord!// Baba Baba  Baba Baba  esi o Baba , esi o Baba , awa dupe Baba , Baba esi ooo Baba, esi Oluwa, esi Baba , awa dupe Baba.

Father, we thank you we bless Your Name for what did for us last month, we are indeed grateful and we blessed Your Holy Name. How excellent is Your Name Father, what a Mighty God we serve. Thank You for another privilege to be part of this glorious month ahead of us loaded with goodies and blessings from on high. Thank You and thank You, and Thank You again.

Beloved, we are gradually moving forward all to the glory of God and we are by grace walking towards our glorious manifestation as promised us from the beginning of the year. Our God is beautiful for all situation, How Excellent is His Holy Name Alleluia Amen!!!!

Beloved, have seen the goodness of God? Has God been good to you? Have you been cleanse by the blood Jesus? Have you been washed by the blood of Lamb?

Beloved, we have been redeemed and therefore we are New Creature, we are born again, we are no longer slave to sin and satan but we are the righteous of the Lord not by any work that we did but by the grace we are saved through faith; it is the gift of God (Eph 2). Glory be to Jesus.

Beloved, we are in for another blessings from above and am glad to announce to you what the Spirit of the Most High is saying to us at this time, you are free and secured in the blood of our Saviour Jesus, not of work but by grace through  faith. You are hereby welcome to your month of Grace, having been saved and sustain by the power from on High, we are glad to welcome you to The Month of Sustainability by Divine Grace (Eph 2; Gal 4:1-11).

Beloved, are happy that God did not leave you an orphan but will sustain His works of salvation and righteousness in you. I am not most excited, what about you? We cannot do anything by our self except by the Spirit of God, therefore Jesus say unto us Abide in me and I in you (Jn 15:4,6-7) Our God is good; all the time.

Are you willing to abide? Then read Jn 15:7- “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”

Come with us for more insight and then go to the Lord in prayer as we are positioned by grace to start the month with prayer. Do not let satan to take you into captivity again by His lies but having been set free you are free indeed. So you pray and believe that grace is available to bring down answers to you in Jesus Name.

Come on with me dearly beloved:

Joshua 19:1-51           

Psalm 51:10-13

Proverbs 12:11-12

Luke 18:1-23

Our Biggest Problem

God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me.—Psalm 51:10

What is the biggest problem we face? Some would say ill health; others, lack of money; still others, uncertainty about the future or fear of dying. My own view is that the biggest problem with which human beings have to grapple is the problem of guilt. It is the most powerfully destructive force in the personality. We cannot live with guilt—that is, truly live.

When I was a young Christian, I heard some great preaching in my native Wales, most of which focused on how God was able to release us from the guilt of inbred sin. Nowadays, apart from a few exceptions, that message is hardly heard in the pulpits of the Principality, nor for that matter in many other pulpits. The emphasis ceased to appeal to the modern mind and so was discarded. However, it is now coming back to us through the science of psychology. Someone said that the point at which psychology and religion meet is at the point of guilt. Christianity and the social sciences underline what the human heart knows so well: it cannot live comfortably with guilt.

In this simple prayer of Jesus, however, we have an adequate answer: “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” If we have fully accepted the forgiveness of God and we know that our sins have been forgiven, then the result is a pervading sense of peace. The human heart cannot be put off by subterfuge; it needs reconciliation, forgiveness, and assurance.


O God, my Father, I see that within the ways of men, You have a way—a way that is written into the nature of reality. And that way is the way of forgiveness. May I ever walk in it. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Further Study

Jn 8:1-11; Ps 40:12; 38:4; 73:21

What made the Pharisees leave?

How did Jesus respond to the woman?

Beloved, our God is not holding you captive again but He will by grace bolt out all the evil ordinances again you and raise you to reign with His dear Son Jesus Christ in heavenly place hereafter. Beloved, open your mouth and present to God all you desired to see in your life in this new month and I know that God will answer according to His Will, Plans and Purposes in your life.

We will together rejoice in our Lord our Saviour, may His Grace be sufficient for us all through this month and beyond in Jesus Name.

Watch out for the Grace working in your favour in Jesus Name.

Once again I want to say a big thank you for being there and always receiving the engrafted Word of God through His ministry entrusted into my hand and sustain ever by the Holy Spirit my senior partner with humility. I pray earnestly that the Spirit of God will preserve us to the end and we will meet our Lord Jesus face to face and we will wear the crown of life promised us by God. Amen!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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