How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name. How Excellent is Thy Name. How Excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name. How Excellent is Thy Name. How Excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How Wonderful is Thy Name. How Wonderful is Thy Name. How Wonderful is Thy Name O Lord! // What a Might God we serve, What a Might God we serve, What a Might God we serve, What a Might God we serve.
Come and see the Lord goodness, His mercies and compassion, come and see the Lord goodness, alleluia Praise the Lord! There is Power Mighty in the Blood, there is Power Mighty in the Blood, there is Power Mighty in the Blood of Jesus, there is Power Mighty in the Blood.
Our Father we thank you we blessed Your Holy Name, we Magnify You Father, be Thou exalted above all Thy gods. We exalt You above other gods, yes! Father, we exalt You above other gods. Let Your Name be magnify now and forever in Jesus Name. Ancient of Day, we come to worship You toady at Your feet, to honour You for Your Kindness and Goodness to us from the month of January to August and now we are in September, Father receive our Praise in Jesus Name.
I will lift up Your Name Higher. I will lift up Jesus higher O Jehovah Alpha. Omega, I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah Alpha Omega, I will lift up Jesus higher. Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah, You are good, ever body testifies You are good, You are good Jehovah.
Beloved, are you singing praises with us, are you rejoicing before God Your Maker? Beloved, let us thank God for His goodness and mercies from the beginning of the year up until now, let us worship God, let us we exalt His Holy Name and magnify Him forever and ever in Jesus Name.
We are in the ninth month of the year and the number nine signifies Fruitfulness. That is the month of bringing forth, yes! Bringing forth God’s deposit in us from creation, therefore it is a very deceive month and every careful thoughts and actions must be put in place to secure and protect our destinies else we have still birth.
Beloved, the power to bring forth can be found in no other than God, Our Maker, He send forth His Word and it delivers us and brings forth that which He has spoken concerning us and will not return to Him void. Beloved laughter creates good atmospheric or enabling environment for good and great work. A merry heart hath a continual feast and is a good medicine to the heart (Prov 15:15, 17:22).
Having enjoyed this great virtue for a whole month we cannot but produce or yield increase in our lives, families, career, and ministries. The Lord has been gracious to us from the beginning of this year and will not leave barren. Never, it will be anti-Word. Beloved it was written that we will bear fruit and bring forth fruit and we must not cast our young. This blessing extended to our farm produces – animals and crops (Ex 23:23-32). Glory be to God on high.
Another new month is here and we are glad to thank God for making us a part of it. Beloved the Lord is here to bless us as never before. We have in the time past enjoyed every promise of the Lord; this month will not be an exception. The Spirit of God will help us and bring forth God’s promise to us and bring it to performance in Jesus Name.
We are glad to bring to you good tidings from the Lord, we rejoice with heaven as we declare to you the mind of God concerning us, we are glad to welcome you to Your month of Divine Lifting through Jesus Christ (Col 1:9-29).
The Lord you are so good to us in all circumstance, in all situations, in all circumstance. // It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, Praise the Lord alleluia, Praise the Lord alleluia.// Faithful God Oh oh Faithful God only you deserve all the glory faithful God! Only you deserve all the glory faithful God.
Yes! Only our God deserve all the glory, all honour, all adoration now and forever more in Jesus Name.
Beloved, are you ready for this lifting? Then you must be willing to obey God and follow Him step by step as He led us, the Spirit of God will lead us into God’s will and not out of it. He will supply all our needs to whatever has been committed into our hands in Jesus Name (Col 1:9 -11, Jas 5:16).
Beloved, it is not by own strength have we prevailed but by God’s grace and mercies (I Sam 2:9, Ps 33:12-22, Heb 3:4).
The Lord is our Helper and our Sustainer, He will perfect all that concerneth us, be calm and be patient and He will bear us up by His own strength in Jesus Name.
Come along for more insight:
Job 20:12-21:34, Psalm 105:7-15, Proverbs 21:22-24, 1 Corinthians 8:1-9:12
The Great Stimulator
There is one God, the Father. All things are from Him … And there is one Lord, Jesus Christ. All things are through Him.—1 Corinthians 8:6
In order to remain spiritually vibrant we must strive to be creative and outgoing. It is never too late to acquire this characteristic. We are made in the image of our Creator, and when we cease to be creative, we cease to be.
Kagawa, the famous Japanese Christian, used to refer to Jesus as “the great Stimulator.” One day some students asked him why he was so fond of this phrase, and he replied: “Because He stimulates the creative center in each one of us, making us first aware of God, and then aware of the infinite possibilities in God.”
When I was at school, I struggled with my studies, and although I passed all my examinations and went to college, my passes were always on the borderline. Then I found Christ as the great Stimulator—and what a change. He stimulated the creative center within me, and He so transformed my attitude toward work that within months I had moved from near the bottom of my classes to near the top.
When taking a seminar in Birmingham, I met a friend who had recently come to live there. “What do you think of Birmingham?” I asked. His reply was: “I have lived here for three months, and every day I keep seeing new horizons.” This is what happens when we stay close to Jesus—every day we keep seeing new horizons. In His company we begin to see farther, feel for people on a wider scale, act more decisively, and live on the growing edge of adventure. Why? Because a creative God gives to His creation the same creative impulses.
O God, stimulate my whole being, I pray, so that every day I shall see new horizons. Help me never to walk with my eyes focused on the ground, but with my eyes fixed on You. For Your own dear name’s sake I ask it. Amen.
Further Study
Who is at the center of creation?
What happens if He is the center of our lives?
Beloved, we are made in God’s image and because our Father is creative we too are to be creative. Our Father is not stagnant so we are not expected to be stagnant; therefore we are call forth to be fruitful and yielding increase to His glory for He made us in His great pleasure.
Beloved, I am so glad that Jesus loves us and has promised us good not evil, therefore good tidings will be our portion all through this year in Jesus Name. The Lord will sanctify us and make us whole to receive from Him. He will make His Name great again our lives in Jesus Name. He will give us testimonies that will gladden our heart and fill our mouth with laughter.
He has started well with us, He will not fail us in Jesus Name, on this note we declare the week open and blessed in Jesus Name. and at the end we will return with huge testimonies in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.