Everybody testify you are good… You are good Jehovah… You are good… Everybody testify You are good… You are Jehovah.. You are so good!!!// Who can battle with the Lord… Who can battle with the Lord… Who can battle with the Lord I say nobody…. I say nobody… I say nobody…
Ancient of Days we bow in worship… as the month of June bows out… Father we reverence You… Who is like unto our God… I say nobody…. I say nobody… Our Lord strong in battle and Mighty… Our Lord, mighty in battle……. Thank You everlasting Jehovah…. Great are You Lord… for You are worthy to be Praise Alleluia to You O God for there is none like our God…. Lord we you’re your Name higher… we lift Your Name higher … O Lord we lift Your Name higher… Father we lift our Name higher…. Praise the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!! onederful… Twoderful, threederful… Fourderful… fivederful, sixderful…. O my God! we bow … we bow bow again… again and again… we say Thank You Jesus for the privilege to see the end of June… June did not see our end… If you are happy for what Jehovah our God did for us shout a thunderous Alleluia… for the gate of June did not close us behind… Our God is Great and Might…. His Hand is Stronger than that of our enemies…. Alleluia! Somebody…. Our God is Awesome ….heal me, heal me when am broken forever He is our God…. Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia…..
Beloveth… the last day of the month of June is here… what are we suppose to do… let the living soul shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!! Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Beloveth… I am super excited that our Father is the Mighty One in battle… He fought every battles and He is declared the Winner…. Alleluia somebody…. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!! Yes!
Beloveth… I believe the Lord has been so good to you… and you are a living witness…. Testimonies are abound and we cannot but be grateful for what our God did for us in the month of June…. Yes! He wrought wonders… He delivered us from our enemies, He lifted us up from the grave…. Yes our God showed mercies … without bound….
Today even today will deliver our last minute miracles, there will be no carryover… Yes it will delivery according to the Word of God to us… Some will be receiving a new frontiers even today…. Yes! it is not by power nor might… but the mercies and grace of God… It will deliver and your mouth will shout and your eyes will see the wonders of God… Praise the Name of Jesus…. Alleluia!!!
Beloveth… before we draw the curtain of June down … we want ask you … “What are you becoming? I want you to shout alleluia!!! Beloveth we ask you again “What are you becoming”
The end of the first half is coming to an end today… in few hours it will be over… June will roll over and we welcome July… Beloveth the Word of God which have been coming to us through this altar… beloveth what has it done in your life… Can you testify of anything positive thing you can say that has happened to you through this altar… Can you say of any positive change that can be attributed to your coming to this altar and consuming the Word of God…
Beloveth… remember God cannot be mocked… whatsoever a man soweth… same He will reap… Yes! Whatsoever you sow by words, actions and deeds beloveth, same you will harvest at the end Amen…
So beware of what goes on through your thoughts, actions and deeds, our God will come and He will recompense each man according… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!
Join us as we discover more:
What Are You Becoming?
“The gods we worship write their names on our faces, be sure of that. And a person will worship something, have no doubt about that either. One may think tribute is paid in secret, in the dark recesses of his or her heart, but it is not. That which dominates imagination and thoughts will determine life and character. Therefore it behooves us to be careful what we are worshipping, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.“
For a while we may appear to defy gravity by juggling our secret inner imagination and thoughts with our external world of studied conformity to accepted norms. In fact, some of us should get an Oscar for our acting ability!
God cautions us however, that sooner or later, the truth will emerge: “You may be sure that your sin will find you out.” (Numbers 32:23)
- God will expose our deepest secrets:
“What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” (Luke 12:3)
- Or we will come to a point where we will tire of acting. It is then that the true life and character that has dominated our thoughts and imagination will bubble to the surface for all to see.
Perhaps that is why some older people are so unpleasant to be around. Having grown weary of acting in an “acceptable” manner, they are now reaping what they have sown these many years by allowing their true inner imagination and thoughts to find expression.
“Don‘t be under any illusion: You cannot make a fool of God! A man‘s harvest in life will depend entirely on what he sows. If he sows for his own lower nature his harvest will be the decay and death of his own nature. If he sows for the Spirit he will reap the harvest of everlasting life by that Spirit.” (Galatians 6:7, 8 – Phillips Translation)
QUESTION: Just what is it that dominates your imagination and thoughts? Are you pleased with the fact that you are in the process of becoming what you have been thinking and dreaming about?
Beloveth, I believe the power of God is moving through you even as you are reading through this piece… listen there so level of anointing you cannot carry if God cannot trust you… there are levels of power God cannot invest in you if Jehovah our God cannot trust you… that is why God is interested in what you becoming… He wants you to grow into maturity that will make you useful instruments in His vineyard… Yes the Lord will show forth His Praise and he will decorate you more than you ever imagine…. Shout a believing alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
One Word from the Lord in whom there is turning of shadows… no variable with our God…. The month of June will not end without delivery all that God has planned for us…in the month of June in Jesus Name…. Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth… pray for the month July that it will meet us in peace… Yes the grace, favour and mercy will go ahead of us in Jesus Name… we will arrive safely and sail through in Jesus Name… Gates will open unto us… Goodnews will be our portion all through the month of July in Jesus Name… Beloveth… don’t forget this is our year of God’s Goodness … this month will deliver God’s Goodness to you and all that are yours in Jesus Name…. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Have a pleasant weekend… See you on Monday… In July in Jesus Name…. Alleluia!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.