Alleluia for the Lord our God Almighty reign! Alleluia for the Lord our God Almighty reign! Alleluia for the Lord our God Almighty reign! Alleluia for the Lord our God Almighty reign!..// He is Lord! He is Lord! Amen!!! He has risen from the dead He is Lord! Every Knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord! Amen!!!
Our Father we thank You for the gift of this week! For mercies that enduerth forever…alleluia! alleluia!! alleluia!!! we are entirely grateful for Your Awesome Power manifested in the live of men…show forth Your Beauty in the midst of Your Creature, Glory be to Your Name forever and ever Amen for ever You will be the Lamb upon the Throne…I gladly bow my knees to worship Your dear Lord!!!
Yes Father I don’t know how to show forth my joy for Your love upon me…Your Hand-maid… Thank You for Your Awesome Beauty radiating in our midst… Thank You Father for Your Ever-Presence Help in time of need be Thou exalted… for Your Word is settled forever in Jesus Name….
Beloveth…. is another TGIF… our Robust PCL session is here again … we are going to take off this way …. by asking question and giving the answers also. Are you among confessors? If you are….Praise God because every tongue must confess that Jesus is the Lord! Praise the Name of the Lord!!!! Alleluia! Alleluia!! Alleluia!!! but peradventure you are not please click here to join the this big family of God and you will be glad you did… Praise the Lord…
We have been with the Holy Ghost this week… is someone understanding me… our teaching this week centered majorly on The Third Person of the Trinity, I have a lot of encounter through it ever Presence with me… I am so glad…what about you?
Who is the Holy Spirit beloveth? The Holy Spirit is God, with all attributes of deity. He is a Person. He is not a force or an impersonal being. He posses Intellect, Emotion and Will. He is the third Person of Trinity. He is co-equal with God the Father and God the Son… put in another way He is the Hand and Leg of God the Father and God the Son… we cannot exhaust … His personality but one thing is clear… through the Holy Spirit, God is “I AM”
Why did the outpouring of the Holy Spirit … The Holy Spirit came to glorify Christ. On the eve of His crucifixion, Jesus said to the disciples, But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes he will guide you into all the truth. He shall glorify me.”
The Holy Spirit came to led us into all truth. The Holy Spirit inspired men to write Holy scriptures. As we read the Bible, He reveals its truth to us. There are times as you read the passages that you have read many times before, and suddenly, at that particular moment you need a particular truth, a certain passage comes alive. Why? because the Holy Spirit makes the Word of God relevant and meaningful when you need it. It is the Living Word inspired by the Holy Spirit. The only way to completely understand the truth of the Bible is to be filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit.
How can we live a Holy Spirit Controlled life? The Holy Spirit came to give us power to know and live for Christ…He enables us to do these things: to live the abundant life, to witness and to pray effectively.
What do it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit? To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be filled with Jesus Christ, the risen Son of God, and to abide in Him. It means the Holy Spirit to enable us to to live a Holy life. To bear spiritual fruit- according to the Lord Jesus Christ, the only way we can demonstrate that we are truly following Him is to bear fruit: which includes introducing others to our Saviour as well as living holy lives. And the only way we can produce fruit is through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Some time ago , a leading theologian was asked if he felt that one could be filled without being a witness to his way of life. His answer was an emphatic “no”.
Failure to witness for Christ with our lips is disobedience, just as much as failure to witness by living holy lives is to obey His command. As the Holy Spirit controls us, we will mature in Christ and the fruit of the Spirit will become increasing evident.
Beloveth why is the average Christian not filled with the Holy Spirit? Lack of knowledge- The average Christian continues to live in spiritual defect because they are being intentional to be filled with the Spirit, which result in lack of faith. Most Christian do not understand that from the moment of spiritual birth, God made His power available to enable us to go on growing toward maturity in Christ.
Most Christian do not understand how to draw upon the super-natural resources of God by faith… As a result the live in self-imposed spirit poverty, not knowing and experiencing the great riches and resources of Christ as revealed in the Bible through the Holy Spirit. Secondly Because of Unbelief…Many people are afraid of God; they do not trust Him. They do not believe in His trustworthiness. Trust is another word for faith.
In trials, we can sometimes live as though God does not exist. Even though we give up service to Him, we can sometimes refuse to believe His promises that are recorded in His Word.
Many feel that God will require the impossible of them; they doubt the extent of God’s unconditional love. Many are afraid that God will change their plans, require them to give up all their wealth, take all the happiness from their lives, and make then endure tragedies. But God is loving and concerned with His children. He has proven this over and over again.
How can you be filled with the Holy Spirit? You can be filled with the Holy Spirit through faith. You became a Christian by faith. You can walk in the Spirit by faith. You do not have to beg God for what He has already said is already said is already yours.
Several factors contribute to preparing your heart for the filling of the Holy Spirit by faith
You must desire to live a life that will please the Lord.
You must confess any sin which the Holy Spirit calls to your remembrance and claim his forgiveness.
You must be willing to surrender the control of your life to Christ according to the command of God.
Again, we are not filled with the Holy Spirit because we desire to be filled; not because we confess our sins or present our bodies to our Lord as a living sacrifice- we filled by faith and by faith alone.
Beloveth, what ever you want from God the Father and God the Son it is possible through the gift of the Holy Spirit … that is why is so important that you and I turn away from our sin and embrace Jesus so as to benefit from the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life….
Come along for more:
But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man.—Matthew 15:18
The Bible stresses that what you say is an accurate indicator of what is in your heart. If your words bless and encourage others, they give evidence of a compassionate heart. If you often share the good news about Christ, you demonstrate a heart that is grateful for your own salvation.
When others are in a crisis, do they know they will find peace and comfort in your words? Do you frequently and spontaneously offer prayers for others? Do your words and the manner in which you say them reveal a patient heart? All of these behaviors indicate a heart that is like the heart of the Father.
Or do you often regret your words? Are there people even now who are hurt or angry because of something you have said? Do you enjoy gossip? Do you tend to criticize others? Do you feel that you are not responsible for what comes out of your mouth when you are angry? Does your mouth spew grumbling and complaints? These behaviors come from a heart that is unlike God’s heart.
You may say, “Oh, but that’s just the way I am! I’m always saying the wrong thing!” Yet Scripture clearly states that an abusive tongue is not under the control of the Spirit (James 3:3–l0). A sanctified mouth is a wonderful instrument for the Lord.
A heart like the Father’s heart will produce only pure and loving words. Without making any excuses for your words, ask the Holy Spirit to forgive you for any words that have brought harm. Then ask Him to discipline your mouth so that every word you speak is used by God to encourage and edify others.
Beloveth… I hope we are blessed by this teaching …let us therefore ask the Holy Spirit to help us in all the areas we are weak and as we engage in prayers we will receive fresh auction and blessings from on high…. Praise the Name of the Lord….
Alleluia……. sing along with us….
Come Holy Spirit we need You… Come Sweet Spirit we pray… Come in Your strength and your Power… Come in Your Own special way….
Further Reading – Eph 2: 8,; 5:18, Col 2:6, Matt. 5:6,1 Jn 1:9, 5:14-15, Rom 1;17; 12:1-2,8:26; Jn 20:24-29, Matt. 7:11;6:33, Jn 4:21, 16:3.
Beloveth love you always… Have a weekend filled with great impaction by the Holy Spirit … See on Monday by God’s grace… Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.