Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy Throne…x2 We bow before the Throne.. We worship at Thy feet… We bow before Thy Throne You are a Glorious God….x2… You are Mighty God… You are the Great I AM… Alleluia… Alleluia… You are the Mighty God, You are the Great I AM…. Alleluia…. Alleluia…
What a Mighty God we serve… heaven and earth adore Him, angels bow before Him… What a Mighty God we serve…./// You are the Lord that is Your Name You will never share Your Glory with anyone…. You will share Your Glory with anybody… Almighty God…. That is Your Name…/// I have seen the Lord Goodness His mercy and compassion…x2 alleluia Praise the Lord….
Our Father we bow in Worship to Your Holy Name… we adore Thee… we give You Praise… All glory, All honour, all adoration, be unto Thee… Alleluia!!!
Thank You for the gift of February 2024… The month of Manifold Blessings…. O my God… With Your stretched Hand Father… You worked in the mist of Your people… You demonstrated Your Power in the midst of Your people.… Healing diseases, Making whole and Delivering the Oppressed… Lifting Your Name higher in the midst of us….(song) O Lord I dey hail; I throw salute…
Thank You Matchless Jesus for being God indeed unto us… Alleluia!!! Thank You for the month of February it was indeed a month that will not fade away in our memory so fast… According to Your Word to us… You made us part take of Your Blessing up until now… Glory be to Your Name forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth… today is a special day… because it only occurs once in four years… Wow!!! Is an extra day to us… added by God to us… therefore something good will happen to us today… Yes God’s Goodness and mercy will follow us today… Alleluia!
Do you know that those born today celebrate their birthdays… only once in 4years?…. This our God is Wonderful… God is going to raise a memorial for you and I that we will come to Him every four year to say Thank You
Something good and outstanding will locate us today and make us laugh, Alleluia… That which the enemy meant for evil will be a testimony to us in Jesus Name….
Come let us celebrate the Lord whose mercy never fail… and His Compassion faileth not… Alleluia!!!
Join us beloveth as we discover more below:
What Follows Us
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” Ps. 23:6
A devout poet sings-
“Lord, when thou Puttest in my time a day, as thou dost now, Unknown in other years, grant, I entreat, Such grace illume it, that whate’er its phase It add to holiness, and lengthen praise!”
This day comes but once in four years, Oh, that we could win a fourfold blessing upon it! Up till now goodness and mercy, like two guards, have followed us from day to day, bringing up the rear even as grace leads the van; and as this out-of-the-way day is one of the days of our life, the two guardian angels will be with us today also.
Goodness to supply our needs, and mercy to blot out our sins — these twain shall attend our every step this day, and every day till days shall be no more.
Wherefore, let us serve the Lord on this peculiar day with special consecration of heart, and sing His praises with more zest and sweetness than ever.
Could we not today make an unusual offering to the cause of God, or to the poor? By inventiveness of love let us make this twenty-ninth of February a day to be remembered forever.
Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!… Alleluia… It will indeed be a memorial for us in Jesus Name… Alleluia!
Beloveth as we graciously bow out today into the new month… may it bring to us Goodnews of Good Tidying Amen!…. Amen!! … Amen!!! Alleluia
Pray for God’s mercy to transit us gracefully into the New Month… Amen…
Further Reading – Tit.3:1, Gal.1:4, Ps.63:8, Phil.2:13, Rev.16:15, Rev.2:10, Isa.54:10, 2Thess.3:3.
Remain blessed in the Lord.