Glory! Glory!… Alleluia Glory! Glory Praise the Lord… Glory! Glory… Alleluia Glory! Glory Praise the Lord… Glory! Glory! Lord… we give you Glory…we give You Glory Lord…. Lord… Glory! Glory! Lord… we give you Glory…we give You Glory Lord…. I feel like dancing… I feel like clapping… I feel like Jumping…. Jump! Jump! Jump!

Our Father, we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adored Thee… we give You Praise alleluia beloveth…. Praise and worship be unto Thee O Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name Amen!!!

Beloveth, Praise the Living Jesus!… Shout a befitting alleluia!!!… What a Wonderful God we serve… am so excited and am here to give our God Praise for delivering me from the plans of the evil ones… I don’t know what else to say… I am full of wonders and I don’t know how to appreciate God for His Goodness and Mercy bestowed unto me… Join me and shout alleluia….

Beloveth… I have had serials of reasons to question from God the experiences in my life…. There is this doubt in my spirit if truly am working for God… am I walking on the right path… beloveth I will call it spiritual stock-taking … Satan gave me reasons to doubt God’s Goodness and His Living Word… but after each tour in my spirit, I will simple say God I know You are Faithful… I know You will not fail me… I know you love and care for me… I know You will not forsake Your Own… and I keep trusting and believing Him…

Just yesterday I was practically crying and praying… and ministering at the same time… beloveth in our pain; may we see God’s Hand working out our salvation… beloveth even when all seem quite around you… still believe that God will not let you down… He will not forsake you… neither will allow the enemies to triumphant over us…

Beloveth… at the end of the day these my eyes that wept in the morning was singing praises of God’s deliverance from sudden death and loss of properties… God in His finite mercy averted fire that would resulted from the meter malfunctioning… never knew that the meter was burning gradually and trips off each time it get too hot… though I will still have light on…

Oftentimes I wonder the mysteries behind our Master Jesus doings… even to those who are experts … they could not explain it but draw the conclusion that, “Madam, God loves you…”

However  the devil who comes in form of a roaring lion… keep attacking my mind and thoughts line… as to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit but God held me on… beloveth when I don’t know what was going on in the background… God helped me, not only that, He held me up…. so that I will not hit my foot against a stone… What a wonderful God I serve… Father Thank You for loving me so much… Thank You for not allowing me my feet to slip or be caught in the snare of the fowler… O God Thank You so so much… I love You Jesus… alleluia!!!

Beloveth… at the beginning of this month God told us that we posses “Our New Frontiers through the Blood of Jesus” … and here I am the devil was planning to destroy my ten years labour….

What kept coming to my mind is that if God was not God how would this have been… How would I have survived the assault of satan… instead of moving into my New Frontiers… I would have been counting my losses but man is not God neither will the Word of God concerning us fail…

I don’t know what testimonies the Lord is doing in your life… I don’t know also what doubt satan is purporting in your spirit, I want you to know that nothing worth more than your relationship with God… Nothing is good enough to make you to derail in your walk with God…

Beloveth… God so love you that He gave you His only begotten Son to die your sins… so that you will live forever with Him …. Beloveth, this our God will never fail to uphold you, keep you, and preserve you…. He will ensure that your feet did not slip…

Keep on holding on to Him… He will do the miraculous… He will uphold you even to the end… because Jesus paid the price for your eternity… amen!!!

Come let us recount once again what Jesus paid for our sins and redemption…

What Jesus Paid For Your Redemption


  • The disciples deserted Him and fled
  • The authorities: Condemned Him
  • Spit at Him
  • Blindfolded Him
  • Struck Him
  • Beat Him
  • Bound Him
  • Handed Him over to Pilate to be crucified
  • Accused Him
  • Flogged Him
  • Led Him away
  • In derision put a purple robe on Him
  • Mockingly called out to Him, “King of the Jews”
  • Spit on Him
  • Ridiculed Him by paying “homage” to Him
  • Led Him out to be crucified
  • Forced Him to carry the cross
  • Crucified Him
  • The Father forsook Him
  • Joseph buried Him

And at each time we fall into sin we make our Master go through this process again…. beloveth   we cannot continue to be raising and falling into sins all the time… Get up from when you have fallen and make Jesus proud of you before His Father in heaven… alleluia somebody…. Alleluia!!! May His journey to Calvary never be in vain in your case in Jesus Name…..

Further Reading- Eph.1:17-19, Prov.10:28, 2Cor.5:21, Ps.16:11, Prov.7:1, 1Jn.1:4

Permit me to make this prayer… our negatives will not question our worship…. in Jesus Name…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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