Glory honour power Majesty belong to Christ our Lord! Glory honour power and Majesty belong to Christ our Lord! Glory glory alleluia, Glory glory Praise the Lord! Glory glory alleluia, Glory glory Praise the Lord! glory glory Lord, we give you glory, we give glory Lord, Glory glory Lord You are Mighty God!// I will magnify the Lord! Who is worthy to be Praise, I will glorify the Lord! who is worthy to be Praise, the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord! honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted, the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord let the Rock of my salvation be exalted.
Father, we bow at Your Presence this morning to worship and adore Thy Holy Name! We give You Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name, Father be Thou glorify, arise in your Majesty and come down in your glory! Listen to our supplication Father as we come into Presence. Have mercy O God! Have mercy, let Your kindness location us this day and Your Favour encompass us as shield Father in Jesus Name!
Beloved, how are doing today? Hope your day is good? is praying time! Thank God that you still can call His Name in right standing! Do you have understanding about this?
What I saying is that you and I should still be grateful that God is preserving and keeping us safe in the knowledge of Him. beloved, many has lost their faith, so is important we remain grateful to God Whose Hand has preserved us and kept us from falling. Praise the Lord!
Beloved, let our heart be filled with thanksgiving this morning Praising and thanking God for keep us under the shadow of His wings and did not allow the forces of darkness to cloud out our mind, inflict sickness on us. They can try but it will stand, they can plan but it will fail because I will cry to the Lord and He will come to aid then my enemy will turn back, Praise the Lord!
He did not spare His Son but gave Him up for us. So that the plans of the evil one will not come near us alleluia! Beloved you will agree with us that evil is roaming around the world, but not for us. Why? Because our advocate Jesus our Saviour has over the world and all it satanic operation over two thousand years ago! There He said it is finish!
Beloved, don’t ever allow fear to cloud your mind, rebuke it with every power in you. Search the scriptures and pray intensively, rebuke fear and it will flee from you, don’t forget to cry to God anytime you are in a form of dilemma.
Don’t fail to cry out for as you the Lord will arise and your enemies will turn back Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come and read more:
“When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.” Psalm 56:9
It is impossible for any human speech to express the full meaning of this delightful phrase, “God is for me.” He was “for us” before the worlds were made; He was “for us,” or He would not have given His well-beloved son; He was “for us” when He smote the Only-begotten, and laid the full weight of His wrath upon Him—He was “for us,” though He was against Him; He was “for us,” when we were ruined in the fall—He loved us notwithstanding all; He was “for us,” when we were rebels against Him, and with a high hand were bidding Him defiance; He was “for us,” or He would not have brought us humbly to seek His face.
He has been “for us” in many struggles; we have been summoned to encounter hosts of dangers; we have been assailed by temptations from without and within—how could we have remained unharmed to this hour if He had not been “for us”? He is “for us,” with all the infinity of His being; with all the omnipotence of His love; with all the infallibility of His wisdom; arrayed in all His divine attributes, He is “for us,”—eternally and immutably “for us”; “for us” when yon blue skies shall be rolled up like a worn out vesture; “for us” throughout eternity.
And because He is “for us,” the voice of prayer will always ensure His help. “When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies be turned back.” This is no uncertain hope, but a well grounded assurance—”this I know.”
I will direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up for the answer, assured that it will come, and that mine enemies shall be defeated, “for God is for me.” O believer, how happy art thou with the King of kings on thy side! How safe with such a Protector! How sure thy cause pleaded by such an Advocate! If God be for thee, who can be against thee?
Glory be to God on high beloveth, our God is a good God! He hears when we call on Him, He hears us and will not turn us back in the day of battle rather He will fight and give us victory. Never be afraid neither be ashamed for the Lord our God is our banner and Jehovah is His Name!
Pray or do I say cry! Lift up Your voice on high and then you will Praise him forever more alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord