When I come into Your Presence Lord am happy… when I come into Your Presence Lord am glad… in Your Presence there is anointing the Spirit of God surrounds me in Your Presence anointing Praise the Lord….// You are Messiah… You are Messiah… You are Messiah… You are Messiah… You are Messiah… the Rose of the shadow… You are Messiah the Bright Morning Star… You are Messiah the Lily of the valley… You are Messiah….
Indeed You are Messiah… Everlasting King… hallow be Thy Name… Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth… as it is in heaven…. O Lord Thank You for watching over us all through this week… Thank You for guiding our spirit and our feet that it did stumble or fall.. O Lord we celebrate You for Your goodness and mercies… that enduerth forever… Almighty King of glory… Thank You for Your manifestation that has started in the new month…. Arise and take Your place in our midst… Come and show forth Your glory… Your honour, Your Power in our midst today… Blessed be Thou Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth… are celebrating Jesus in our midst… we encourage you … give a shout offering unto the Lord Who can do all things… Yes in Him is our Refuge and our Comfort… Do not allow satan and his cohorts to take your joy… take your peace and your place… press into the Presence of God with high Praise and you will His manifestation in your life… alleluia somebody!!! Praise the Living Jesus… Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our God is good all the time; all the time the Lord is good… Yes! Great is Thy faithfulness O! Lord and Your mercy is new every morning…. shout alleluia somebody…
Beloveth, TGIF…Wow… PCL is here again… let us shout alleluia!!!. today we will be considering… “Maxed Out.”
Are you maxed out… how do you know when you are Maxed Out…
Going through our Bible story… we have great men and women where in one time or the other was maxed out in their walk with God… when Abraham was maxed out … He asked God a question and said… “Is it my Eliezer of Damascus a servant in my household will inherit my wealth”….. God promised him that the one from his own loins will be his heir… (Gen.15:2-5).
When Jacob was maxed out … He wrestled with man who came to met in the camp till morning saying I will never leave you unless you bless me… and God indeed bless him by giving him a new Name (Gen.32:24-28).
When Elijah was maxed out… He ask God to take his life because he was afraid of Jezebel but God fed for another journey of 40 days and night and empowered His ministry by providing a successor… 1King.19:3-17.
Beloveth when you are maxed out…is not the time to ask questions but a time to call on God to be true to His Name over you… when God is called into a matter …He show forth like never before… He answers by fire and show forth His Praise… The Lord will never leave you nor forsake you if you turn to Him in our of when you are maxed out… Praise the Name of Jesus … alleluia!!!
Come along with us for the signs to look out for when you are maxed out …. more below:
When You Are Maxed Out
You know you are maxed out when you:
- Can’t Relax
If this is true, then guard your family time against all but life-and-death interruptions.
- Can’t Say No
Are you responding to the urgent rather than the important? Are the “squeaky wheels” deterring you from investing in people who will count for the future? Count for the Kingdom?
- Can’t Take A Day Off
When you find it difficult to take at least a day off a week, could it be that you are need-driven rather than God-driven?
- Find Little Joy In Family Life
If you are emotionally absent from the family, you can be sure that it will prove destructive in terms of unsatisfying family relationships. Your wife will be critical about your work, feeling you are not giving her quality (and quantity) time and attention.
- Think It’s All Up To You
Here, you are taking on your shoulders that which is God’s responsibility. A friend of mine with an “A” type personality used to say that periodically he had to resign as “Chancellor of the Universe”. Do you need to do the same?
- Find It Hard To Let Your Hair Down
We all need relationships where we can let our hair down. Perhaps this means being vulnerable. Sometimes it simply means just having fun. Beware of believing the lie that says time spent in fun is wasted time.
- Can’t Take Vacation Time
Extended vacations are a must, along with occasional briefer times away. If your work or ministry-load prohibits such breaks, then you are failing to delegate as much as you should.
Keep in mind that “Your enemy the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:7)
Beloveth… never allow this maxed out syndrome in your life… always pray and trust God for victory will surely be yours Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Reading Further-Jas.4:10, Jer.31:34, Lk.18:1, 1Pet.3:15, Tit.2:7, 1Chr.28:9, Isa.12:1-6…
Remain blessed in the Lord.