Good morning Jesus good morning Lord, I know You come from heaven above, thy Holy Spirit is on the Throne, good morning Jesus, good morning Lord.// Faithful are You Lord, all creature call You Lord, worthy is Your Name, we worship Your Majesty, Awesome God how great Thy are…
Heavenly Father, You are faithful to us, Thank You for all goodness and mercies towards us. Eternal Rocks of Ages how wonderful are Thou. Thank You the gift of another week, a brand new day in Your presence to be all You have made us to be, glory be to Your Name in the Highest.
Lord Jesus Thank You for being the Good shepherd Who laid His life for us and won victory over all principalities and powers. Great are You Lord. Help us to hold on to this truth.
Beloved, how was your weekend? Hope you good. Join me in praising God as one of my son had water baptism yesterday. It was a glorious one and my prayer for him is that God will continually uphold him all the das of his life. amen!
O death where is your victory? O death where is your sting? The fearful and timid disciples went and hid themselves when their Master was crucified. The women in their usual caring manner went to clean up their Lord but they had concern of which is who will roll off the stone that was used in covering the mouth of the tomb since the rulers were also concerned that His disciples will go and steal him as the speculated of His rising on the third day.
But at last their fear was taken care of before they got there, nothing only that Jesus is risen from the death, for angel asked “why are you looking for the living among the dead?”
Beloved, we got to zero in here, Jesus is risen, praise the Lord! What happened? How did it come about? Have you forgotten the prophesy? Have also forgotten that Jesus said so himself before He was crucified on the cross? (Mk 14:58) Interestingly He did it willing and then come the promised of the Father to raise Him after the third day. God did it, the quickening power of the Holy Spirit raised Christ from day.
And as it is, the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ won us freedom, unite us with the Father and made us co-heir with Christ (1 Cor 15:57). Praise the Lord! Do you know this resurrection power? – The Holy Spirit; the Power in the Word of God.
Do you have a relationship with Him? After my son was baptized in water yesterday, they were lead to speak in tongues- the language of the Holy Spirit. The language that speak mysteries unto God, the devil does not understand. Do you speak in tongues? If not, go ahead and covet this gift. It will help you a lot and a great deal.
Now my beloved, join me in asking death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?
O Death, where is your victory? O Death, where is your sting?—1 Corinthians 15:55
Over the centuries, death has been our relentless and unyielding enemy. No one, regardless of worldly rank, strength, or wealth has been able to escape death. As soon as we are born, death becomes our destiny. Many have tried, but no one has developed an antidote for death.
The reality of the resurrection is that death has been defeated! It is no longer the impregnable enemy, for Christ marched through the gates of Hades and claimed decisive victory over death. He conquered death completely; now He assures His followers that we, too, will share in His victory. Christians need not fear death.
Christ has gone before us and will take us to join Him in heaven. Death frees us to experience the glorious, heavenly presence of God. No illness can defeat us. No disaster can rob us of eternal life. Death can temporarily remove us from those we love, but it transfers us into the presence of the One who loves us most. God’s glory is His presence. Death, our greatest enemy, is nothing more than the vehicle that enables believers to experience God’s glory!
Do not allow a fear of death to prevent you from experiencing a full and abundant life. Death cannot rob you of the eternal life that is your inheritance as a child of God. Jesus has prepared a place for you in heaven that surpasses your imagination (John 14:1–4). Death will one day be the door by which you gain access to all that is yours in heaven.
It all happened in the place called Calvary but Thank God victory is ours. Please read on:
“The place which is called Calvary.” Luke 23:33
The hill of comfort is the hill of Calvary; the house of consolation is built with the wood of the cross; the temple of heavenly blessing is founded upon the riven rock—riven by the spear which pierced His side. No scene in sacred history ever gladdens the soul like Calvary’s tragedy.
“Is it not strange, the darkest hour
That ever dawned on sinful earth,
Should touch the heart with softer power,
For comfort, than an angel’s mirth?
That to the Cross the mourner’s eye should turn,
Sooner than where the stars of Bethlehem burn?”
Light springs from the midday-midnight of Golgotha, and every herb of the field blooms sweetly beneath the shadow of the once accursed tree. In that place of thirst, grace hath dug a fountain which ever gusheth with waters pure as crystal, each drop capable of alleviating the woes of mankind.
You who have had your seasons of conflict, will confess that it was not at Olivet that you ever found comfort, not on the hill of Sinai, nor on Tabor; but Gethsemane, Gabbatha, and Golgotha have been a means of comfort to you. The bitter herbs of Gethsemane have often taken away the bitters of your life; the scourge of Gabbatha has often scourged away your cares, and the groans of Calvary yields us comfort rare and rich.
We never should have known Christ’s love in all its heights and depths if He had not died; nor could we guess the Father’s deep affection if He had not given His Son to die. The common mercies we enjoy all sing of love, just as the sea-shell, when we put it to our ears, whispers of the deep sea whence it came; but if we desire to hear the ocean itself, we must not look at every-day blessings, but at the transactions of the crucifixion.
He who would know love, let him retire to Calvary and see the Man of sorrows die.
Thank for the resurrection morning Thank God that we can face tomorrow because Jesus lives. Thank God that when those horrible times and situation stand to face us, we will not run away from the fear but stand or place and tell him to “try me”.
Is someone excited this moment? Am so glad that Jesus loves me and you. so be strengthen in the power that raised Christ from death and move on to live out Your life in full and not in fear knowing that not even death has power over You rather it is a vehicle that give You access to Your heavenly heritage. Praise the Lord!
Dear beloved, this week is declared blessed. Rejoice and make merry as the day go by. Raise up and disciple other men to this heavenly banquet.
Remain blessed in the Lord.