I will lift up my voice, I will joyfully sing not for what He has done but for You are. You are the song that I sing, melody in my voice the reason I sing is to Praise you Lord. He reign Jesus reign, He reigns forever more. He reigns He reigns Jesus reigns He reigns forever more. // Excellent Jehovah wonderful Jehovah, there is no greater than Jehovah love Divine. Excellent, excellent, Wonderful Jehovah, there is no one greater than Jehovah love Divine.

Thank You Father for all your wonderful love and protection all through the week. Thank You for being God indeed unto us. Blessed Redeemer we thank you we bless Your Holy Name be thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how are doing? Thank God for the end for another beautiful week. Is indeed a glorious one. Let us glorify the Name the Lord together for He is faithful and kind to all His elect. Praise the Lord.

Beloved in our PCL session we want to have a quick look at who we are. If I may ask this question “who are you?” it will amaze you that this question is being asked. Don’t be surprise at all if you have try in the time past to discover or know who you are, there are so many out there who are yet to ask this question to themselves and as such they just exist in life without value or sense of …

As we round off the year, we felt it necessary for us to find out if we still remember who you are. Beloved, do you know who you are? This question is pertinent as the answer give us the picture of what we should be doing. It will also shape us and position us better for the coming year.  Jesus asked his disciple this same question when He was with then “who do men say that I am? Peter with the help of the Holy Spirit answered correctly. “Thou are Christ.” In our text today, even demon recognized who Christ and Paul are.

Beloved, who do men say that you are? Who do your colleague says you are? What about those you conduct business with, what do they say that you are?

Beloved if Jesus was interested in the above question I need not remind you that you should also be interested to find out who you are.

The ministration speak clearly on this topic with evidence of what happened in the bible days and is still happening in this present time.

How are doing in kingdom school? There is no secondhand spirituality and no one else can develop Christian maturity on your behalf. Putting on a scale of i-10 how far have gone this year in your spirituality? We were told that this year of greater glory that we must turn away from unrighteous to righteous living. The Spirit of God ministered that it will be an aberration for a live full of impurities to be declaring God’s glory therefore we must purge ourselves from every uncleanliness and be ready for the outpouring of the glory of God upon our lives.

Many compromises their lives and still think because they sing or ministers the Word that they in tune with heaven. Don’t wait until demons will ask you who are you before you wake up spiritual and learn to walk like the wise. Praise God!

How is your relationship with God in the place of worship and services? No one can do this walk for you rather people help me to grow to maturity but they will mature on your behalf.

I think we don’t need to over flog the topic rather let’s go down to discover more below:

The evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize—but who are you?”—Acts 19:15

There is no secondhand spirituality. No one else can develop Christian maturity on your behalf. A strong Christian heritage is an asset, but it cannot take the place of your own vibrant, growing relationship with Christ.

Paul had a powerful walk with God. God used him so mightily that extraordinary miracles occurred through his life. Cloths that touched Paul were taken to the sick, and the sick were healed (Acts 19:10–12). Evil spirits were cast out. Paul’s preaching and teaching were instrumental in building a strong church in Ephesus. Paul’s ministry was so impressive, in fact, that others tried to duplicate it.

Seven sons of the chief priest, Sceva, attempted to cast out demons the way Paul did. They confronted an evil spirit and attempted to exorcise it “by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.” These men were trying to use a spiritual power that Paul had acquired after years of walking closely with his Lord.

They could imitate Paul’s words, but they could not duplicate the power that was his through his personal relationship with God. The evil spirit retorted, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?” The demon then viciously attacked them and humiliated them. The evil spirits were fearfully aware of Jesus (James 2:19); they were familiar with Paul’s influence over the powers of darkness. But the demons had no knowledge of the seven sons of Sceva.

You can duplicate the words and deeds of a spiritually mature Christian, but you cannot inherit his or her walk with God. Christian maturity takes effort; it comes over time. If you ignore the place of prayer and if you neglect your relationship with Christ, you will not grow in your faith. Imitating the faith of others will not give you victory. Only as you nurture your own relationship with Jesus will your life be filled with spiritual maturity and power.

Did you read that? Christian maturity takes effort; it come over time. The only speed flight to has also been mentioned- prayer, developing a relationship with Christ and growing your faith not imitating the faith of others as many people do. They call their Father in Lord and stand on his faith funny isn’t it.

This is another opportunity for you to reexamine your life and make amend. So many compromises are out there looking real but they are all false images appearing real. May God help us in Jesus Name. More discover below:

 Telling It Like It Is


In our convoluted world of excuse making and blame casting — the mother of all “no fault” societies — we have:

Ridiculed the absolute truth of God’s Word and called it pluralism;

Worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism;

Endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle;

Exploited the poor and called it the lottery;

Neglected the needy and called it self-preservation;

Rewarded laziness and called it welfare;

Killed our unborn and called it choice;

Shot abortionists and called it justice;

Neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem;

Abused power and called it political savvy;

Coveted our neighbor’s possessions and called it ambition;

Polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression;

Ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

 As a people, surely we are under His indictment: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness… ” (Isaiah 5:20a)

If you, as a professed follower of Christ are living Biblically, you are an affront to your non-Christian associates. They don’t like what you stand for. Your values, focus and application of Biblical truth angers and annoys them:Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12)

When my new neighbor found out I was a follower of Christ, his immediate reaction was, “You and I may have some problems.” (My determined purpose is to say less and love more – Such as helping him this morning dig out a leaky water main. And hey! It is working!)

QUESTION: Are you a cultural Christian or a Biblical Christian? Are your values, world-view, judgments, heart-involvement and lifestyle in line with Biblical truth or have you allowed the allurement – or pressure of the world to bend your values to conform to its seductive powers? “Dont let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God remould your minds from within… ” (Romans 12:2a – Phillips)

What are you going away with today’s PCL? Are there areas you need to amend or discard or grow?  We have discussed these earlier in November edition but I have don’t have the exact date. You experience hate among people. It look as if you are the evil one but it is all about what you stand for they are fighting against.

But you have read it again if you are for Jesus, you will be persecuted sorry to mention by your spouse or even your children can become rebellious all to weigh you down and discourage your Christian walk. But remember don’t give up, you just have to be deliberate about it and manifest Jesus everywhere you go because the gospel must get to the end of the world.

Wow! Christmas is in the air. How are preparing to welcome the Savour of the Whole world? Many year ago Jesus was in the manger; today Jesus should be resident in your heart. So while you prepare and get those groceries and latest clothing line, don’t forget the needful, Jesus in your heart; Jesus in your home. Jesus is what our world needs today. He is the answers.

Don’t join the band wagon. Be distinctive. “Be yea separate…” according to God’s Word (2 Cor 6:17). Also know that you are the child of God by faith in our Jesus Christ (Gal 3:26). Praise the Lord:

Join me to sign the song –

Jesus is the answer for the world today
Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way
Jesus is the answer for the world today
Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way

If you have some questions
In the corners of your mind
And traces of discouragement
And peace you can not find

Reflection of the old past
They seem to face you every day
There’s one thing I know for sure
That Jesus is the way

I know you got mountains
That you think you can not climb
I know that your skies have been dark
You think the sun won’t shine
In case you don’t know

Merry Christmas from us – overcomersfaith . See you next week by His grace.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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