Who is like unto Thee O Lord! Who is like unto Thee O Lord! among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia! always doing wonders alleluia! // How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord. How excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name! How Excellent is Thy Name! How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name! How Wonderful is Thy Name! How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord!

I will magnify the Lord! Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name! We exalt You for who You are, You are Mighty Man in battle El-Shaddia, let the living praise the Name of the Lord! Alleluia to Your Holy Name Father! We worship you we give You Praise forever and ever in Jesus Name!

Jehovah is Your Name! (Jehovah is Your Name!)  Jehovah is Your Name! Mighty warrior Great in battle, Jehovah is Your Name!

Beloveth, how are doing today? Our God is good to us all the time. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! my alleluia belongs to God! what about you?

Is another opportunity to pray! Beloveth where is a man to pray; there is a God to answer. Today’s pray is going be with fire because the Spirit of God will help our infirmities as we pray, to help us to pray right. Alleluia!

Are you ready to pray! We have been able to distinguish that we have two types of wisdom – the worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom. As a child we also learnt that world wisdom is a No, No for us. yesterday we learnt that we must not copy the behaviour and customs of the world rather we let God to transform us into a new person by changing the way we think, then we will learn to know God’s will  for us, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Beloved, our prayer today will center on asking God to grant us His wisdom. Remember Godly wisdom exposes to the “Will” of God, when we get understanding of the will of God, we than do things that are good, pleasing and perfect before God.

Let us do a little exposition with the first book of Psalms, Psalm chapter 1, let read verses 1 and 2

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night (NLT)

Beloveth, when God opened my eyes on this scripture I became aware of the mind of God on the things He put in my hands. I detest with passion ungodly advises which we receive often things from those who out of the love they have for us make us to make wrong choices not deliberately but because they have no understanding too.

Beloveth when an unbeliever advice you on things to do, what do you expect? You hailed from different kingdom and your Fathers are different, you operate a different system therefore he/she can never lead you right.

Beloveth let us pray and ask God to help us by granting us the Wisdom that is from above- Jesus personified. Then we cease to be in conformity with the world system and be transformed to a new person knowing the Will of God, good, blessed and perfect.

When you gain such a transformation beloveth, the Lord have liberated you from shackles from satan and his chains through the Blood of Jesus pour on the Cross. You will put on the “New person in Christ which is the mind of God towards His children, the old life is gone; a new life has begun! (2 Cor 5:17)

Let discover more below:

“Who of God is made unto us wisdom.” 1 Corinthians 1:30


Man’s intellect seeks after rest, and by nature seeks it apart from the Lord Jesus Christ. Men of education are apt, even when converted, to look upon the simplicities of the cross of Christ with an eye too little reverent and loving. They are snared in the old net in which the Grecians were taken, and have a hankering to mix philosophy with revelation.

The temptation with a man of refined thought and high education is to depart from the simple truth of Christ crucified, and to invent, as the term is, a more intellectual doctrine. This led the early Christian churches into Gnosticism, and bewitched them with all sorts of heresies. This is the root of Neology, and the other fine things which in days gone by were so fashionable in Germany, and are now so ensnaring to certain classes of divines.

Whoever you are, good reader, and whatever your education may be, if you be the Lord’s, be assured you will find no rest in philosophizing divinity. You may receive this dogma of one great thinker, or that dream of another profound reasoner, but what the chaff is to the wheat, that will these be to the pure word of God.

All that reason, when best guided, can find out is but the A B C of truth, and even that lacks certainty, while in Christ Jesus there is treasured up all the fulness of wisdom and knowledge. All attempts on the part of Christians to be content with systems such as Unitarian and Broad-church thinkers would approve of, must fail; true heirs of heaven must come back to the grandly simple reality which makes the ploughboy’s eye flash with joy, and glads the pious pauper’s heart—”Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.”

Jesus satisfies the most elevated intellect when He is believingly received, but apart from Him the mind of the regenerate discovers no rest. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” “A good understanding have all they that do His commandments.”

Beloveth are you with us? The mystery of Cross has prevented many especially the elite from entering into the true wisdom. They cannot understand it because it only God that give true wisdom and understand.

God help you by making you to believe, it is not as simple as we think, it is a mystery which is open to only those who humbled themselves before the Mighty Hand of God, He will grant them true salvation (Ps 27:1, 77:5-6).

Beloveth pray to gain wisdom from above so that you will live a worthy and pleasing life unto God your Father (1 Cor 1:30).

Father in heaven O God have mercy upon us , show us your kindness even as we seek Your face today in prayer, hear and answer us we pray in Jesus Name.

Beloveth let us pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord!

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