Glory Honour Power Majesty be unto Lord Amen! Alleluia! Glory Honour Power Majesty be unto Lord Amen! All glory glory to the Lord…All glory, glory to the Lord alleluia Hosanna… Hosanna blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen …Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna blessed be Thy Name of the Lord… // I lift up Your Name higher… I will lift up Your Name higher O! Jehovah Alpha Omega I will lift up Your Name higher…O Jehovah.. Alpha Omega..i will lift up Your Name higher!!!!
Our Father in heaven we lift up Your Name higher above all…glory be to Your Holy Name…alleluia to the King of kings..The Lord of lords…the Ancient of Days… Lion of the Tribe of Judea, we worship and glorify Your Holy Name thank You for the month of May…it was an awesome month seeing at every step and every turn… indeed Your mercy and grace speak for us, we are most grateful Father for Your Protection, Provision, Safety, LovingKindness towards us, Your matchless healing, countless deliverance…. Who can be compared with You… We return to give You worship, we return to give You Praise…O Lord! We return to adore and glorify Your Holy Name… alleluia to You Father, be Thou exalted O Lord forever and ever Amen!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, the month of May is rounding off today according to order of time…but the blessings of this season will move on with us till we met Jesus in glory…Alleluia!!! Yes the blessing of Divine Mercy and Grace will follow us all the days of life. Our God will daily supply us our daily dosage as long as there breathe in our nostrils and when this time is over He will give eternal rest according to His promises to us in Jesus Name…. Praise the Name of the Lord… but wait a moment it is not over until is over…beloveth even unto this day you will encounter God’s ordained mercy and grace and your will testify indeed Our God is a good God… Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!
Beloveth…what an Excellent God we serve… again today we will be taking a look at Divine Mercy and Grace from our dossier and we believe you will be blessed indeed. Because of the robust nature of this topic…we will be coming up with teachings that will help us to run with focus on Christ the race set before us… Praise the Lord…so that at the end a crown of glory will be bequeathed to us by God our Father ……. Praise the Name of the Lord…..Alleluia!!!!!
Beloveth today, we want you to know the secret in accessing Divine Mercy and Grace…
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God…Rom 5:1-2
Beloveth God’s grace and mercy are relentlessly pursuing us all the days of our lives (Ps 23:6). Nevertheless, like a beautifully wrapped present given to us, if we fail to untie the ribbon, unwrap the gift, and truly receive it as our own. God’s grace and mercy can be that unopened gift that we never fully realize.
The answer to opening and applying what the Lord Jesus has extraordinarily supplied is simple. We access His grace and mercy by FAITH.
It often seems our journey with Jesus would be a whole lot easier if we could just do something. This faith stuff can really trip us up. However, just like every aspect of our journey in Him, faith is the prerequisite for opening and appropriating His lavish gifts.
Receiving His grace and mercy are no different. Even if our faith seems almost non-existent, especially in regard to our struggles with areas of weakness. At some point, we must ruthlessly begin to trust God’s Word no matter what our feelings or thoughts tell us otherwise. Then, guilt and condemnation have no hold, and we can fix our attention upon the Holy Spirit’s delivering work within us and by whatever means He lead us. these are our first out our struggles, stuff, and sin
Faith requires a relationship, and no one can live our relationship with God for us. We come to trust His Word concerning Grace and mercy as we grow in our confidence in Him personally. Not just by attending Sunday morning services or watching pastors online, but by cultivating day-in-day out personal intimacy with our Father and with His Word.
The Bible declares that the only way we can fall from God’s Grace is when we don’t believe it (Gal 5:4-5). A fall from Grace is not when we sin but when we choose to forget accessing His grace by faith, choosing instead to trust in our ability to work for it or earn it.
We must start somewhere. Even if your faith seems not enough- it is. Choose to radically believe what God’s Word states about His grace and mercy. Look to Jesus completely. Listen for His direction to you personally. Begin stepping into His life-transforming freedom.
Yes! begin by choosing to believe what God’s Word said concerning your situation and this twin sisters will work it out for you… because Faithful is He that speaketh…. Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth… the Divine Mercy and Grace grant us abundance of God… Strength… when we lean wholly upon it…
The moment you surrender and say, “ Lord, I cannot, but You can. Today I rest in your unmerited favour,”… whatever burden that is on you will disappear into a vast ocean of His abundant supply… Amen somebody!!!
Like Gideon you may feeling you are from the weakest clan…God’s Mercy and grace is available for you to tap into… or are like John Baptist who at one time in his ministry got despaired… God’s mercy and grace is here to locate you and lift you up again… You don’t have to die in that struggle… surrender it to God… He will abundantly supply you knowledge and give you understanding that will carry you through…. I am a recipient of these two great virtues from God and likewise you too can access it…is available to all that believe …however, if you are yet to give your life to Christ Press here to do so now…. so that you too can be a beneficial of God’s Mercy and Grace…
John the Baptist was the last to declared the coming of Jesus, yet Jesus testify that he is the greatest…what happened …. Join us to discover more:
“I assure you: Among those born of women no one greater than John the Baptist has appeared, but the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”—Matthew 11:11
John the Baptist’s role was to decrease in prominence while Jesus’ ministry increased (John 3:30). John allowed his disciples to leave him in order to follow Jesus. His ministry lasted only about six months before he was wrongfully imprisoned and executed on the whim of a cruel monarch. Yet Jesus said that no one who had come before John was any greater in the kingdom of heaven.
Moses had parted the Red Sea; Elijah had raised the dead and brought down fire from heaven; Isaiah had written a revered book of Scripture; yet in the brief time of service granted to John, he had matched them all for greatness in the kingdom of heaven!
Incredibly, Jesus said that we have the opportunity to be even greater in the kingdom of heaven than John the Baptist. He announced the coming of Christ, but we, as Christians, have Christ living within us. We must remember that service to God is the greatest privilege we can receive in life.
To serve God in even the most menial way is an honor far greater than we deserve. John was given less than a year to complete his assignment, and he did so with all that he had. We have the opportunity to allow Jesus to carry out His work through our lives, so that greater things are done through us than were ever accomplished through John the Baptist.
Our mandate is the same as John’s: to lift up Jesus while denying ourselves. Oh, that we would do so with the same fervor as John the Baptist!
Beloveth receive God’s abundance of Mercy and Grace to a greater service in the His kingdom in Jesus Name… covet it daily and see it abundantly in supply to you … I am a product of God’s mercy and Grace … and you are also.
See you in the new month… pray fervently for His seasonal Word that delivers destinies and opens you up to what He has planned for you…. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!
Further Reading Gal 5:2-6, Rom 5:1-2, Ps 23:6, Heb 11:6, Prov 3:5-6, Prov 16:3, 1 Pet 5:10, Rom 8:1, Heb 8:12.
Remain blessed in the Lord.