He is Alive; He is Risen. Christ is Alive; He is Risen.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, My Jesus lives, all fear is gone, because I know He holds my future, my life is worth living because He lives.

Beloved, I want you to read in between lines on the above song. Don’t sing it as usual, read in between the lines and discover something new.

So amazing to know that the Living Christ keeps fear at bar. The risen Christ make the devil tremble. O my God! if he (devil) knew that Christ death meant resurrection and restoration to all believers of Christ, he wouldn’t have dare it but his miscalculation was a good one for the things of the kingdom is hidden from him.

The joy of the Risen Christ is amazing, the Empty Tomb is so fascinating! They guarded the tomb with soldiers but when the time came for His resurrection, the angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled away the stone and sat on it and the soldiers became like dead men (Matt 28:2-4 NIV) . Praise the Lord!

Notice you something again so amazing, the first to see the Lord after He has risen from the dead was Mary Magdalene. The woman with seven demons; a woman cut in adultery. After Christ delivered her, she became a follower of Christ. Little wonder she was the first to get to the tomb only to discover that His body was no longer there. When the disciples had gone, she did something extra, she tarried a little longer at the tomb.

Weeping and looking for her Master. When she saw Jesus, thinking that he was a gardener, said, mister, tell me where you put Him so that I can care for Him (Jn 20:15 MSG). O My God! “CARE for Him”. Then Jesus called her “Mary”, she recognized her Master’s voice. Then, Jesus “sent” her.

Beloved, when you tarry a little longer, be it in the place of prayer or thinking about how to help the kingdom work grow, the Lord will manifest Himself to you. Discovering that you care for the flocks, will make God to “send” you.

Do not condemn yourself like we keep saying. Get up from where you are and “go” for the Lord. A prostitute became a great evangelist of the Jesus time. A notorious thief got repentance on the cross. Why are you sucking? Get up and go in the strength of the risen Christ.

Let’s look into our message for the day.

They said to her, “Woman, why are you crying?”

“Because they’ve taken away my Lord,” she told them, “and I don’t know where they’ve put Him.”—John 20:13

Mary Magdalene could vividly remember the day Jesus delivered her from her demonic bondage. She became His devoted follower that day (Luke 8:2). She watched Him heal the sick and teach people about God’s love. Her life was transformed as she experienced the joy of being with Jesus.

Then her world seemed to fall apart! Her Lord was arrested and brutally murdered. The crowds that had shouted “Hosanna!” at the beginning of the week cried “Crucify him!” by week’s end. A final blow came when she went to anoint Jesus’ body at the tomb. She saw that His tomb was empty. Someone had apparently stolen His body. As she sobbed in despair, angels asked the poignant question, “Why are you weeping?” She was standing before an empty tomb! Jesus had risen, just as He had promised! Knowing that Jesus was alive put everything back into perspective, and Mary joyfully raced to share the good news with others.

The Christian life is not always easy. There are joyful moments of walking with Jesus, but there are also times when nothing makes sense and when your world seems to be crumbling. The world will mock your Lord, and you may grow discouraged. At those times, you need to peer into the empty tomb. It is the abandoned tomb that gives you hope, for it symbolizes the life that is yours from your risen Lord. The empty tomb promises that nothing, not even death itself, can defeat the purposes of your Lord. Are you weeping beside an empty tomb?

Are like David, confessing your sin. Remember to call sin what it is, don’t make it any light than what it is, then will you find forgiveness from the Lord. More below:

“Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, Thou God of my salvation; and my tongue shall sing aloud of Thy righteousness.” Psalm 51:14

In this SOLEMN CONFESSION, it is pleasing to observe that David plainly names his sin. He does not call it manslaughter, nor speak of it as an imprudence by which an unfortunate accident occurred to a worthy man, but he calls it by its true name, bloodguiltiness. He did not actually kill the husband of Bathsheba; but still it was planned in David’s heart that Uriah should be slain, and he was before the Lord his murderer.

 Learn in confession to be honest with God. Do not give fair names to foul sins; call them what you will, they will smell no sweeter. What God sees them to be, that do you labour to feel them to be; and with all openness of heart acknowledge their real character. Observe, that David was evidently oppressed with the heinousness of his sin. It is easy to use words, but it is difficult to feel their meaning. The fifty-first Psalm is the photograph of a contrite spirit.

Let us seek after the like brokenness of heart; for however excellent our words may be, if our heart is not conscious of the hell-deservingness of sin, we cannot expect to find forgiveness.

Our text has in it AN EARNEST PRAYER—it is addressed to the God of salvation. It is His prerogative to forgive; it is His very name and office to save those who seek His face. Better still, the text calls Him the God of my salvation. Yes, blessed be His name, while I am yet going to Him through Jesus’ blood, I can rejoice in the God of my salvation.

The psalmist ends with a commendable vow: if God will deliver him he will sing—nay, more, he will “sing aloud.” Who can sing in any other style of such a mercy as this! But note the subject of the song—”thy righteousness.” We must sing of the finished work of a precious Saviour; and he who knows most of forgiving love will sing the loudest.

Mary Magdalene, David, and so many others sang the finished work of our precious Saviour, will you today choose not to be left behind.

My desire and prayer for everyone that will read this devotional that the power that raised Christ from dead will raise everything good called dead in your life in Jesus Name.

Be yea joyful for Christ is risen indeed!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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