Take Glory Father, Take Glory Son, Take Glory Holy Ghost now and forever more. // Faithful are You Lord, all creation calls You Lord , Worthy is Your Name, we worship Your Majesty, Awesome God, how Great Thou are, You are God Might are Your miracles…
Father we Thank You, looking up above the sky, the ocean, the hills and the mountain, looking at the Wonders of the world, I came to the conclusion that You are God, and nothing can be likened to Thee. In the Awesome of Who You are, we bow down before Your Throne and worship You. You are the very Beginning of the beginning, You made beauty to stream out of a foamless, waste and empty earth. At Your command darkness gave away to light and ages after Your Word came into being, no power has able to utter it. Lord, we worship and adore You O Lord, be thou exalted for ever and ever Amen!
Beloved, are you in awe of Who God is? He is Mighty and Powerful and nothing can withstand His Presence, no demon can survive the in His Presence. Our God is Great.
I believe by the grace of God we have been able to discover so many hidden things in Word of God this week. I am particular delighted at the move of the Holy Spirit in reminding us of those things that will help us to live a worthy live and be good ambassadors of Christ.
A rundown of this week activities. We agreed that another component that will help us in adding patience to our lives is ‘waiting’. We also discover that waiting sometime involves sitting and while sit we must as a matter of fact ‘rest,’ not just our physical bodies but also our Spirit man. It was also pointed out that waiting is not passive but must be accompanying with aggressive searching in Word of God, pleading our course before the Owner of our lives. And yesterday, we mention to you that patience is essential in our lives if we want our life to come alive afresh and meaningfully too, We must be willing to wait and get renewed.
Why are we taking out time to wait? Is to renew our strength so as to soar higher than ever before. If that is the point where you are now, the Lord is saying to you hold on, there are things ‘I’ need to do, perform, carry-out, implant, remove, before you advance further and you must be patient while all this are doing.
I quickly added also that to some ‘waiting’ can be tiring and frustrating but there is a cure. You searching the scripture and get involve in things that are of interest to you so that you don’t get morbid by the time you are meant to move forward.
You can also get involve in doing chores ordinary you will not like to get involved in but you know what? It getting your attention to something new. I am living proof to all am writing to you.
What is benefit of all these engagement while this virtue is been develop in you? You will be exposed to some many other things that will aid your journey in your desired field or and real people you will need eventually when the tide is down.
Sometime when you are in the state am discussing, you are also down financially and that means you cannot afford all you will love to have. A humbly Spirit is develop in you. You get to see people the way they are naturally irrespective of what they are saying to you or the relationship that exists between you.
Some will query your desire to an average good living just because you may need to depend on them for some time. So you don’t need to be told who is a friend or foe when you are eventual out.
Oftentimes, God uses it to bring out His purpose in our lives if we will be willing and obedient.
But what usually happen most time is what we are going to consider today in our teaching. When God is drawing us closer to Himself, we prefer to be on the move until crisis set in and everything come clashing down on us.
If you have not gotten to these point, beloved, hold on, wait, be patient else, let’s get into the teaching of the day for more discoveries:
Why Does It Often Take A Crisis Before We Totally Surrender Our Lives To God?
- A disintegrating marriage
- One of our kids on drugs
- A failed business venture
- Cancer
My guess is that total surrender to God is not something that comes easily for you, especially if you are the kind of person who can “make things happen” rather easily.
After all, why bother trusting God when you can pull things off so effortlessly on your own?
St. Paul, a man of no meager ability, also struggled with total dependence upon God. The fact that he was the product of an enviable pedigree, possessed the equivalent of two or three Ph.D’s, and had political connections that would be the envy of any power broker, made dependency upon God just that much more difficult.
After all, if anyone could pull things off on their own, it was Paul.
“We do not want you to be uninformed… about the hardship we suffered… We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life… Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death… “
“But this happened that we might not rely upon ourselves but on God… ” (2 Corinthians 1:8, 9)
So… if you tend toward cool-headed self-reliance that pushes God to the edges of your daily life, hold on to your hat:
Your loving Father is committed to arranging the circumstances in your world
- to get your attention, or
- to take you to the brink, if necessary:
Beloved, are you willing to humble yourself under the hand of the Almighty God or He will do it for You. Why must we get to such a stage of helplessness before it done on us to surrender to God? Methinks the next teaching have an answer to it. Let’s ride on:
We All Admire The Guy Who “Makes It”
We’re talking about that “Fortune 500” type who grabs the brass ring and makes things happen!
Here’s the brief autobiography of one such man:
“I built…
“I made…
“I bought…
“I owned…
“I amassed…
“I acquired… “
And finally:
In other words, he arrived, having achieved affluence. Visibility. Status. Perhaps even respect.
And then he indulged! “I denied myself nothing… ” (Ecclesiastes 2:1-10)
But here is the kicker: According to his autobiography:
“When I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 2:11)
How is this possible? Had he not achieved it all? The answer is, “No, he had not.” And the reason?
- None of his achievements could fill his inner emptiness. As Pascal sagaciously observed, “Inside of every man there is a God-shaped vacuum that only God can fill.“
- Jesus Christ cautioned, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?… A man‘s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (Matthew 16:26; Luke 12:15)
How tragic it would be to have climbed the ladder of success, only to realize too late (as did Solomon) that you had leaned it against the wrong wall.
SO THE QUESTION IS: “Which wall is your ladder leaning against?”
May we not learn this too late that our ladder in life is leaning against the wrong wall. Praise the Lord. Take it easy when the Lord said so and you won’t regret it.
The Lord is bring out beauty in our choratic and formless situation today in Jesus Name. You are created for His glory therefore anything in your life that is not honoruing must bow before God today in Jesus Name. receive the Light of God afresh in Jesus Name. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend. see You next week by His grace and be richly blessed in Jesus Name. Don’t forget that another Name for Jesus “is the soon coming King”, don’t be cut napping.
Remain blessed in the Lord.