Glory be to God in the highest Amen!x2 for His mercy enduerth forever Amen!x2/// Holy Spirit move again let me my life whole again Spirit move over me… Spirit move over me…
Our Father we give You Thank for Who You are… what more can we say… to a God who love us with an everlasting love… O Lord we worship and adore Your Holy Name… be though exalted O Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name… Thank You for being loving us so much… more we can even imagine and Thank about… glory and honour adoration to The only wise God Amen….
We serve a God that answers prayer… our God did not go market… He did not go to stream to fetch water… our God is not sleeping… our God do not forget… Yes! He lives forever more… What our God cannot do does exist… He reversed the irreversible…
He has broken every fetters He has broken every fetters my God has broken every fetters He has set me free…alleluia… I will sing alleluia… I will sing alleluia… He has set me free….
Praise the Name of Jesus …what a Wonder Working God we serve… Thank You Jesus… Thank You Father… alleluia Jesus… to the King of kings… to the Lord of lords… alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth how are doing today… beloveth… we serve a living God… our God is too Awesome … He is Wonderful… Our God is indescribable…. He is more than what we call Him… today as always He will show forth His Praise… He will honour us … He will heal us… He will show forth His Praise in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Beloveth why is it as soon some many believer gets born again… they grow cold, lose the fire and peak out spiritually?
Today’s topic is a very crucial one… this is the bane of Christendom… many believers falling by the way sides… why?
By the grace of God… the Spirit of God has exposed our spirit-man why many fall by the way side… the lust of the flesh and the eyes, and the proud glory of life (1Jn.2:16-17) …are not from God… but of this world… beloveth… we must run away from everything call evil and then the Spirit of God takes over.. Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth what can be said of you? are you fervent in spirit serving the Lord or are cold…loosing fire and spiritually peak-out….
The Lord wants you hot or He will spit you … beloveth… there is no lukewarm in the kingdom… is either you belong or you don’t belong… Rev3:15-16.
Come along with us for more:
Why Is It So Many Believers Grow Cold, Lose The Fire, And Peak Out Spiritually?
This was part of a conversation I had this morning with a 74 year old war horse of the faith who is still going strong for God. My mind reflected back on my early morning meditation on the passage in Revelation where Jesus admonished the Asian churches to stay on track spiritually. In effect he told them:
That is, stay vigilant like a person anticipating a thief: “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13) Don’t be lulled into the spiritual doldrums.
Seize what is already yours! Retain it. Don’t let it go! Don’t go back on what God has already given you! “If he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.” (Hebrews 10:38)
Recently I received an e-mail from a Christian friend of long-standing. Anticipating a spiritual challenge, my heart sank in disappointment as he launched into a discussion of his twin passions of soccer and the stock market. Scant mention was made of the things of God. Retaining his “first love“? One wonders. (Jeremiah 2:2; Matthew 24:12)
In two areas: (1) Idolatry: “Is there anything that commands your affections more than the Lord Jesus Christ?” (2) Sexual impurity: “Is the trend in your thought life and actions moving toward increased purity, or increased enslavement?” (2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7)
Tough times lay ahead, warned Jesus, so be prepared to suffer, even to the point of death. Many times I have rehearsed what I would do if it came down to a choice between preserving my life or confessing Christ. If pressed, I would, by His grace, point to my forehead and say, “Put the bullet right here!“
QUESTION: Music scores are often characterized by the diminuendo and the crescendo. With that metaphor in mind, are you moving toward a diminuendo-type existence of selfish refuge, self-indulgence and limited vision, or toward a crescendo of faith, sacrificial service, and investment in that which is eternal?
Beloveth… where do you belong…is your faith blowing hot or is going cold… where does it belong… Praise the Name of the Lord…
May God help us not fall out of faith in Jesus Name… Amen.. May His power help us to prevail over spiritual lethargy in Jesus Name….
Wow! What an Awesome God we serve……. Alleluia join us to celebrate Jesus….Alleluia beloveth… keep the fire glowing!!!
Further Reading – Ps.77:11, Col.1:9, Lk.6:21, 1Jn.2:12, Prov.3:33, 1Jn.4:8, 1Pet.1:25, Jas.5:16, Ps.36:5
Remain blessed in the Lord.