Heavenly Father, King of glory, Everlasting God, we worship You. We offer praises to You for You are good, from everlasting to everlasting You liveth forever more. Thank You Father for the liberty in the Spirit. Thank You for the freedom we have in Christ Jesus (Gal 5:1).
Father, we offer praise, we glorify Your Holy Name. Thank You for the grace to come near Your Holy temple where You dwell, to behold You face to face. For whenever we call; You answer us. we are confident that You will show up today on our behalf in Jesus Name.
Beloved, another Wednesday is here, another time to call on the Name of the Lord and expect answers from Him. probably you have a burden in your heart grinding you to halt and your head is spinning not just aching, call on that Name and He deliver you or that your beloved one you are interceding on his or her behalf.
Today, God must show up on that outstanding issues of concerns, it is my/your turn to experience the supernatural turn-around from God. Suddenly, will the Lord show up on that issue of concerns and glorify Himself. Amen!
Beloved, in addition to our petition to God, we will be asking from the Lord to “gives us souls”. We will also be asking from Him to protect us from all “presumptions sins and all the wiles of devil” especially at this time of the year when iniquities are the order of the day, wickedness and unforgiveness abound.
May God again in His mercy remember us and do not allow us to fret at the prosperity of the wicked but to steadily look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Ps 73). Praise the Lord.
Are you crying along with others who are passionate for soul winning, “Lord give me souls to disciple for the kingdom”. If that is your heart desire, come along with me as we consider the first part of our message for today:
On Winning The Lost
“Proclaim the message,
Press it home on all occasions,
Convenient or inconvenient;
Reproof, and
With all the patience that the work of teaching requires.” (2 Timothy 4:2, 3 neb)
So wrote Paul to Timothy.
The ideal conditions for sharing the faith or plucking the fruit will rarely be there:
“Whoever watches the clouds will not plant; Whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4)
“Sow your seed in the morning and at evening let not your hands be idle,
For you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that,
Or whether both will do equally well.” (Ecclesiastes 11:6)
God has sovereignly placed you in the midst of lost people who desperately need to hear the message of Christ’s love.
From you. Today. Not tomorrow for you knew not what its hold. So let us work while it is still day, when darkness has not cover the earth. And as we do that May the good Lord bless and honour us all the days of our lives in Jesus Name.
Is possible you are visiting this site for the first time and no one has spoken to you about Christ and you want give your life to Christ or you have been reading this devotional but something happened today and you decided to give your life to Christ or you were once born again but along the way you backslide and go your own way, please click here to give your life to our Lord Jesus Christ or to be connected back to him NOW!
Now the bible warned us especially they that think they are standing to take heed lest they fall (1 Cor 10:12), this is a call for another stock taking as a born again child of God, spirit filled. Come and see how our foremost mother Eve was drawn away from the kingdom by Satan:
Satan Utilized Four “Strategims” To Entice Eve Into Sin
1. He played to her ignorance of the Scriptures: Satan to Eve, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?‘” (Genesis 3:1) In response, Eve stated, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.‘” (3:2, 3) In fact, God had said nothing about “touching” the fruit. (2:16, 17) Simply not to eat it. Sadly, Eve was ignorant of the Word of God that had been given to her.
“Ignorant… people distort… the… Scriptures, to their own destruction.” (2 Peter 3:16b) (See Matthew 22:29)
QUESTION: Are you steeping yourself in the Scriptures in preparation for Satan’s inevitable attacks of lies and deception? (See 1 Chronicles 21:1; John 8:44; Revelation 12:9; 20:12)
- He played to her ego: Satan to Eve, “You will not surely die… ” (Genesis 3:4)
Remember the bumper sticker, “Question Authority”? Translated it means, “No one’s gonna tell me what to do! I’m the captain of my ship, the master of my fate!”
“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way… ” (Isaiah 53:6a)
QUESTION: As God reveals His truth to you, are you choosing to respond in humble obedience?
- He played to her curiosity: Satan to Eve, “God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5)
Are we not often enticed into sin through our curiosity? That is, we choose to step beyond God’s ordained boundaries to experiment in areas that ultimately could (and would) harm us.
“Be careful not to be ensnared by inquiring about their gods… I want you to be… innocent about what is evil… innocent as doves… ” (Deuteronomy 12:30b; Romans 16:19b; Matthew 10:16) (See Ephesians 5:27; 1 Thessalonians 5:23)
QUESTION: Can we appreciate the fact that there are certain areas of knowledge and experience into which our loving Father desires us not to enter? Are we willing to surrender to His wise and protective care?
- He played to her senses: “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.” (Genesis 3:6) “David… saw a woman bathing… [She] was very beautiful, and… [he] sent… to find out about her… Then David sent… to get her… and he slept with her.” (2 Samuel 11:2-4 – excerpts) (See Joshua 7:21)
QUESTION: Just what level of arousal would it take to draw you into sin? Does “every man have his price?” What stimuli are you presently allowing in through your senses that, given the right opportunity, could prove to be your spiritual undoing? (See Matthew 6:22, 23; 1 Corinthians 10:12; 2 Timothy 2:22; 1 Peter 2:11)
Are you in shock as I was? Beloved, what are those things in our life that Satan can entice us with? Sometime, some of these things plays up and unknowingly to us we are entice away, drawn into sin unconsciously.
Let us pray fellow Christians on the pilgrim that we will not be enticed away from the Lord by our ignorance in the Word of God. May our ego and curiosity not lead us to sin against God. May every appearances of flesh be subdue in Jesus Name Amen!
God, keep us strong in faith and help us to do your will alone in Jesus Name!
Remain blessed in the Lord.