April 7
Thank You Lord
I just wan thank You Lord x2
Thank You Lord.
You Are Ancient of Days, Immortal, Invisible, The Only Wise God. Who can we compare You with? Glorious God, we praise Your Holy Name. Indeed, You are our strength, without You; we are nothing. Lord, You are beautiful for all situations. Let glory, honour, adoration be unto Thee alone Who is worthy of our praise.
Dearly beloved, hope you have a blissful weekend? Thank God for another wonderful week ahead of us and by His grace, it will be a blessed week.
Last Friday, we touched briefly on “Wisdom”. Talking about the wisdom of God and the World. Just for today, we are going to write more on it, while we will concentrate on the season we are in “Lenten Season” till the celebration of Easter by God’s grace.
Beloved, our theme for the month “Triumphant Entry” is no mean achievement, we therefore need a higher knowledge to get ahead and possess our possession. That wisdom, we can only find in our God, the Maker of heaven and earth. Who told us to sell all we have to possess it because it is our defense (Prov 4:7-9). It will set you apart from amongst your equals. Let get to read more below:
Carefully follow [them], for this will [show] your wisdom and understanding in the eyes of the peoples. When they hear about all these statutes, they will say, “This great nation is indeed a wise and understanding people.”—Deuteronomy 4:6
Wisdom is not what you know about the world but how well you know God. Human reasoning will not make you wise. It may even lead you to reject the ways of God (1 Cor. 1:18–25). God’s purpose in creating a nation for Himself was to demonstrate His wisdom to the world through the obedience of His people (Zech. 8:23). As the Israelites followed God, He would bless them, and the wisdom of obeying God would be evident to all.
God gives you the same opportunity to base your life on His wisdom. When unbelievers make important decisions, they must rely on their own knowledge and understanding. You, as a Christian, have access to God’s wisdom. God’s Spirit is within you to guide you (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit will open your eyes to the truth of the Scriptures so that you can see things from God’s perspective. Only God sees the future, so only He can accurately lead you to make correct decisions today.
As you allow God to direct your life, those around you will see true wisdom, wisdom not of the world but of God. Others will be confused about what to do in our complicated world, but God will guide you safely to the correct choices for you. Your family will be blessed because you make wise decisions. Your friends will have a wise counselor to come to for help. Your obedient life will demonstrate the wisdom of allowing the Holy Spirit to be your Guide.
The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. Part of this truth is that for you to follow Christ, you must be dead to self and sin, then will you bear much fruit.in order words, death brings much fruit. How? Someone wants to know. Let’s go a little further:
“I assure you: Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains by itself. But if it dies, it produces a large crop.”—John 12:24
Some things must die in order to be productive. Certain seeds will not germinate into a plant unless they freeze during the winter. Jesus knew that His death would bring salvation to the world.
The moment you became a Christian, your sinful nature died (Rom. 6:6), but there remained sinful aspects of your character that had not gone to their graves willingly. Before you became a Christian were you self-centered? You may discover selfishness lingering in your life when you ought to be freely sharing what you have in the name of Christ (Matt. 10:8). Did you have a volatile temper? Now as a believer, you experience moments when anger wells up within you. Were you driven by ambition? You may still find yourself with the same motivation as you strive for recognition and position in the kingdom of God.
If these sinful attitudes are allowed to remain alive, they will stifle the fruits of the Spirit. Your temper may prevent some from coming to Jesus. Your selfishness will hinder you from being a blessing to those around you. Your ambition could cause you to use others to meet your goals. Your family may be suffering because of some areas of your life that you have never allowed Jesus to put to death. It is futile to say, “But that’s just the way I am!” That is the way you were. But that person died with Christ; you are a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).
Allow God to complete His work in you and see what fruit your life produces. Incases you are not familiar with the fruit of the Spirit, please read Gal 5:22-26.
These fruit of Spirit is a pointer to your Triumphant Entry, get wisdom; get the fruit of the Holy Spirit and you will be on top.
So my dear, in all getting; get wisdom. For further reading on “Wisdom”, please read Proverbs chapter 1 to chapter 4; chapter 8 to 9)
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu.