Come O Lord and filled this place(respond)2x Lord we want to see Your face (respond),…the power of your glory, come O Lord and fill this place.// Praise the Lord alleluia, lift Him up alleluia 3x alle-l-u-i-a alleluia alleluia ia- ia.

Father that is our heartfelt cry this morning that You come and fill this place up with Your Presence. Father we want see You, to feel Presence, we want to touch You O God! Come and permute everywhere we set our feet today in Jesus Name.

Thank You Father for Your Ever-abiding presence with us Your children, let Your Name alone be praise in Jesus Name. You are the Lord that is Your Name, Your glory You will share with no one, make today beautiful we pray day in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, good morning! How are you doing? Great I suppose? Good. Praise God. am so glad we made it to the month of September, a promising month indeed, full with God’s power and glory for as many as that will embark on the walk of faith as instructed by the Spirit of God according to the theme of the month.

Jesus asked believes thou that am able to do it? Same question is being put across to you today, “do you believe that Jesus is able to walk with you in that situation? (Mk 9:23)

Last week we started by explaining some fact about faith. We said ‘faith’ is not a single action though it begins with a single act. We also said that it is not only a body of doctrine which one give assent, though what one believe can be described in statement of faith. We concluded by saying that “Faith is an action, a commitment of one’s life to Jesus Christ.”

Faith before now has been discussed by many authors including the bible. Let us consider what the bible said about – “faith is the reality of what is hope for, the proof of what is not seen. (Heb 11:1)(HCSB).” King James put it this way ‘faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen. While Weymouth New testament have this to say “Now faith is a well-grounded assurance of that for which we hope, and a conviction of the reality of the things we do not see.”

Many authors have also written on this subject of faith and by the grace of God we will be considering some of it and making reference to them as we go alone.

Faith as expounded by James Fowler’s discussed faith by describing six stages of faith. Projective faith, mythic-                      Literal faith, Synthetic- Conventional Faith, Individuating-Reflective faith, and Paradoxical- consolidated faith.

However, there is problem with fowler’s approach to faith development as it describe a generic developmental faithing process regardless of the object of one’s faith.  His approach is easily applicable to Hindu as to a fundamentalist Christian and to all religious and /or quasi-religious faith. An atheist goes through similar stages of faithing” as a Christian. What is different is the object of their commitment.

When we apply fowler’s contribution on faith development to the Christian faith, we need to do so with insights from scripture and a critical eye towards his stage description. For the Christians is not just the development of faith that is important but also the development of faith in the triune God of scripture, A mature faith in an incorrect or inappropriate object is ultimately worthless.

By the grace of God we will not only discuss the definitions of faith as we go along, we will also discuss the development of faith in Christian life and any other interesting topic that will help us in our faith walk.

Fowler further discussed Faith development under the following five stages namely – Simple faith. Stage 2- identification and beginning of internalization. Stage 3 – Internalization/Identification. Stage 4- Internalization and Stage 5 – Sustaining. These five stages is what we will be considering in the context of our discussion.

We will be considering all and many more as the Lord will us into as we run through the month. Beloved the promise of God is that this September is a month to be much remembered after it has gone. I will encourage you to visit this site and also encourage others to also visit so that together we will achieve more (TEAM).

Taking up the first stage in faith development – Stage one which is Simple faith- this is a childlike faith, this is the faith of a child or person who, like a child, places his or her trust in Christ and asks few if any question. People may or may not grow out of this stage. They can be stunted or entrenched into a nonthinking adoption of whatever the authority (Pastor, teacher, radio or TV preachers) says is the right thing to believe, accept and do.

There is so much at this stage of faith development. It is demanded of us from God though it has many things one can say is not very good but at the early stage of Christianity it can be tolerated. We will continue from here next time.

However, the topic of today took an angle from a ‘simple faith’ stage. That is why we tried to write p to this stage so as to get your understanding of what is ahead of us today.

Come with me as we consider the teaching of the day:


“The Lord will be with you.” 2Chron. 20:17


This was a great mercy for Jehoshaphat, for a great multitude had come out against him; and it will be a great mercy for me, for I have great need, and I have no might or wisdom. If the Lord be with me, it matters little who may desert me. If the Lord be with me, I shall conquer in the battle of life, and the greater my trials the more glorious will be my victory. How can I be sure that the Lord is with me?

For certain He is with me if I am with Him. If I trust in His faithfulness, believe His words, and obey His commands, He is assuredly with me. If I am on Satan’s side God is against me, and cannot be otherwise; but if I live to honor God I may be sure that He will honor me.

I am quite sure that God is with me if Jesus is my sole and only Saviour. If I have placed my soul in the hands of God’s Only-begotten Son, then I may be sure that the Father will put forth all His power to preserve me, that His Son may not be dishonored.

Oh for faith to take hold upon the short but sweet text for today! O Lord, fulfill this word to thy servant! Be with me in the house, in the street, in the field, in the shop, in company, and alone. Be thou also with all thy people.

In Jesus Name. beloved, what we just read above usually is not the case, so many people are in of signs and wonders, they are after miracles without attaining the minimum qualification for it. Have you ever seen yourself in a similar situation where you are seeking for a sign or wonder before believing what God is saying? Come let us read and discover what is expected of us as God’s own children:


“Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” John 4:48


A craving after marvels was a symptom of the sickly state of men’s minds in our Lord’s day; they refused solid nourishment, and pined after mere wonder. The gospel which they so greatly needed they would not have; the miracles which Jesus did not always choose to give they eagerly demanded.

Many nowadays must see signs and wonders, or they will not believe. Some have said in their heart, “I must feel deep horror of soul, or I never will believe in Jesus.” But what if you never should feel it, as probably you never may? Will you go to hell out of spite against God, because He will not treat you like another? One has said to himself, “If I had a dream, or if I could feel a sudden shock of I know not what, then I would believe.”

Thus you undeserving mortals dream that my Lord is to be dictated to by you! You are beggars at His gate, asking for mercy, and you must needs draw up rules and regulations as to how He shall give that mercy. Think you that He will submit to this? My Master is of a generous spirit, but He has a right royal heart, He spurns all dictation, and maintains His sovereignty of action.

Why, dear reader, if such be your case, do you crave for signs and wonders? Is not the gospel its own sign and wonder? Is not this a miracle of miracles, that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish”? Surely that precious word,

“Whosoever will, let him come and take the water of life freely” and that solemn promise, “Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out,” are better than signs and wonders!

A truthful Saviour ought to be believed. He is truth itself. Why will you ask proof of the veracity of One who cannot lie? The devils themselves declared Him to be the Son of God; will you mistrust Him?

Beloved, what a wonderful time I believe we had today in His Presence, be watchful and be resilience to go through the month with us because it is very likely that the Word that will settle you forever will be coming your way. Faith is a substance, remember. Desist from seeking for signs but believe what God is saying each time in your situation. (Matt 8:8-12)

I had an encounter recently that put my dominion in my hand and I believe someone is also going to have the same experience. So be ready and focus as we ride on daily.

This week is declared blessed in the Name of the Lord. Be empowered from above to do exploits for the week. Have a smooth ride for the week. Have a testimony full week in Jesus Name.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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