I will exalt You Jesus for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your over me is love. I will lift up your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up your Name above every other Name.2x// who is like unto Thee o Lord!, who is like unto Thee, O! Lord, among the gods who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, doing wonders alleluia.
Who is like unto Father, I have look round eternity and I know there is none like Thee. Thank You Father for the privilege to be in Your Presence to worship and adore Thee, we count ourselves blessed to be among the saints, angles and elders in heaven that bows at Your Presence, Father receive our Praise this morning, receive our adoration and worship, be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, I will exalt my Father, because He is Wonder to me. He is good to me and I don’t know what would have happen without His great love and kindness in my life. Do you that in His Word it says “the steadfast of the Lord never ceaseth, His mercies never comes an end, they are new every morning, new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness O Lord! Great is Thy faithfulness (2x). Great is His faithfulness every morning and so I will worship and adore His Holy Name.
Today is our first prayer meeting for the month and we want to worship. “GLORIOUS MANIFESTATION” is a Weighty and Robust Package from God to us as a ministry and in the Real Sense of it is not Limited but unlimited. So the closer and the more you are to God; the limitless to your manifestation. There are so many things you have carried over and has desired over years and could not get or you were hindered for whatever reason and this year God gave you and I an open cheques to draw as much as we can and more of which will be deliver through His power.
He is strong where we are weak, and by His stripe were are healed, His mercies has no end, His fountain can never run dry, beloved, what are you waiting for? This month from the mouth of the Holy One of Israel spoke to us that this is our month of “Wholesomeness, ” and further revelation tells us that “He inhabits the Praise of His people” so what are waiting for; we must worship and Praise Him so that His Hand will deliver to us what we have been longing for. Yes! Those things we have believed and trusted Him for and it seems someone is blocking it,
Join us to worship today and see a new you emerge. Beloved, I told you how a heart surgery was done on me in a split of seconds in the place of worship. I got total overwhelmed with His promises that sleep left my eyes and I worshipped with my voice not that I was humming the songs in my heart. I could not sleep as songs and songs kept rolling in as I worship and behold He looked down from heaven and perform that which has been an issue to me.
Wow! Are you ready to worship Him? When I woke yesterday morning satan want to steal my joy and possibly ruin the whole day for me but I was smarter than him, the Holy Spirit led me to start worshipping. so when I began to sing this song- for all the things You have done, for all the things You have done, thank You Lord, thank You Lord, for all the things you have done, thank You Lord, thank You Lord for all the things You have done.
Then a voice came and said ‘are we talking about the things He has done, what about the ones yet undone? I ignored the voice and was still singing but the voice keep interjecting my worship. Dearly beloved, before me is unmet need so is a fact and is also the truth. My pressures were coming from the things that were standing and were looking at me and I don’t have cue on how to overcome them. So I change the song to “for all the things You will do, for all things You will do, thank You Lord, thank You Lord for all things You will do, thank You Lord, thank You Lord for all things You will do. (He can never never fail me) 4x, Thank You Lord, thank You Lord for all the things You will do.
Beloved, a miracle happened, that burden was lifted and my heart was glad because of the truth I know He can never fail me (Ps 62:7-8, Matt 6:25-34) So when we talk about worship is not as simple as sing just songs or hymn, is true worship that comes from the heart, it swell up from your inner being and as you offer yourself back in worship to the One who knows the way and hold the plans for your life in His Hand than He will come down in His glory and do that which no one can do.
It is His choice how your challenge should be over, He can use any body; He can use anything, Praise the Lord. Yours is to obey and the blessings will be yours but you must first surrender yourself in worship, then you will see God at work. Praise the Lord!
Come for more:
2 Samuel 14:1-15:37, Psalm 69:5-12, Proverbs 15:8-9, John 11:7-20
Worship—Expected of All
The prayer of the upright is His delight.—Proverbs 15:8
When you can stop in the midst of life’s most pressing problems and give yourself eagerly to worshiping God, then you are moving along the road to knowing God more intimately. Sometimes when I have had the occasion to talk face to face with people who were going through difficult circumstances, I have asked them: “How does all this affect your ability to worship God?” Most have responded something like this: “I find it very difficult to give my heart in worship as I struggle with these problems.” And some have said: “I find it utterly impossible.”
Are we justified in refusing to worship God because life has dealt us some hard blows? Those who are at a standstill spiritually might react like this: “Yes, how can God expect me to worship Him when He has allowed these troubles to weigh me down?” Those moving slowly along the road of discipleship might say: “I know I should worship Him, but my preoccupation with my problems makes it almost impossible to do so.” The spiritually mature will affirm: “Nothing is more important than the worship of the One who holds my life in His hands. Because He is God then I know that no matter how things might look to the contrary, all will be well. Thus my heart delights to worship Him.”
Christian counseling ought to be seen (though in some parts of the church it isn’t) as restoring people to worship. This may be hard for some to accept, but it is true nevertheless—nothing that ever happens to us can justify a Christian’s refusal to worship God.
My Father and my God, may this emphasis on worship remain undiminished as I turn to other things. I see it is so central. Help me not only to remember it but to apply it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
1Co 1:1-17; Ac 3:11-16; 14:11-15
What was a problem in the early church?
How did Peter and John deal with this problem?
Beloved, I don’t need to remind you that you must be upright in your heart and conduct as our text depicts because a prayer/ worship of a sinner is an abomination before God. so we must worship God in truth and holiness for our worship to be an acceptable sacrifice unto God our Father.
As we proceed through month, take our time to worship even in that desperate moments and see God manifest His glory.
Have a loving worship time and share your testimonies and the Lord will honour you as you did Him. God bless you.
Remain blessed in the Lord