I will Praise You Lord… I will Praise You Lord… I praise You Lord… I will Praise you Lord… If no man will Praise Your Name oooo I will Praise You Lord … If nobody will give You Praise I will Praise Your Name…// All honour, All Glory, All Power… To You(repeated several times) Precious Jesus our savior. Holy spirit we wait on you, Holy spirit we wait on you, Holy spirit we wait on you, For fire (several times)….
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee.. Ancient of Days.. We magnify Thee… O Lord… Who is like Thee… You are God and there is none like Thee… receive our praises Lord… All power be ascribe unto Thee alone in Jesus Name… We worship and adore Your Holy Name… We lift You up O Lord… Be Thou exalted Father in Jesus Name….. Amen!!!
O beloveth… how are doing today…. hope the Lord visited you at the place of prayer yesterday Praise the Name of the Lord…somebody!!!!
(Song)You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify… You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify… O Lord we give You glory and honour… You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify…. In Jesus Name….
(Song) I Thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord… I am Thank you Lord for Who You are what You have done Lord… Dan Sakari Baba….
Beloveth…is a beautiful day let us Praise the Name of the Lord… somebody shout alleluia… O Lord is good… all the time the Lord is good…. Let a believer shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!
When you look to the Lord…. in all situation…. I announce to you… there is a Hope and Future for you… The Lord has spoken and nothing shall hinder it… Beloveth there is a hope for you…. there is a future for you… if you believe shout a thunderous alleluia!!!!!!!!!! Amen!!!
I don’t know what you may be passing through but hear the Word of the Lord beloveth… there is a Hope for you….there is a future for you… don’t you ever be afraid … don’t be scared either the Lord Himself will perfect it … You shall His glory and you shall testify of the Lord goodness in Jesus Mighty Name Our God is a Good God…. yes He is… Praise the Name of Jesus!!!! somebody shout alleluia.. our God is Mighty in the midst of His people alleluia!!! Amen!!!
Come along with us for more:
Yes! We Do Have Hope And A Future!
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,‘” declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.‘” (Jeremiah 29:11)
I turned 60 years old the other day. And I am surprised! I thought by this age I would be shot. Angry. Out of breath. Cynical. Brittle. Burned out. Over the hill. A “Busted Flush“– as my Father would say.
Here are two good reasons why it does not need to turn out that way:
In 1951, at age 15 I stumbled forward in a Billy Graham Crusade and genuinely met Jesus Christ. Over the next several years God brought men into my life who discipled me. As my understanding developed, I set out to believe and obey the Word of God without equivocation.
As I began to grasp God’s eternal purposes, I chose to surrender my life to Him without reservation – To give my life away in serving others for the Gospel. That is not to say that I was always victorious, but I sincerely sought to grow in that direction.
I can testify from 45 years of experience with God that Joshua 21:45 is true!
“Not one of all the Lord‘s good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. “
What goes up, must come down. “A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7)
In those early years I chose to deal with my hang-ups; with the enslaving sins, the fears, and the bitterness. I brought these needs to Christ, claimed His promises, and appropriated His grace and victory.
So here I am at age 60 experiencing His joy and freedom in great measure. No “Busted Flush” here! Rather, I am encountering the truth of Psalm 18:19:
“He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because he delighted in me.“
What a joy! What an adventure! What hope and a future!
The good news is that this hope and future is available to anyone who chooses to live it His way!
I am sure you are excited just as I am… there is hope and future for anyone who believe in Christ Jesus… Who know that what the Lord has promised will surely come to pass…
Let your faith in Christ rise… with your eyes beloveth… behold the blessings from on high… and so shall it come pass in your life and situation in Jesus Name…
Further Reading- Ps.72:12-14, Mk.10:36, Prov.11:4, 1Jn.1:4, 1Thess.4:3-7, Prov.20:22, Matt.5:16, Deut.11:18
Remain blessed in the Lord.