Who is like unto Thee O Lord! among the gods who is like Thee, glorious in holiness, fearful with praises doing wonders alleluia.
How excellent is Your Name O God! Come and join me sing alleluia, Jehova Jireh has done me well x2. Father we offer praise, we glorify Your Holy Name. It is good to praise the Lord, alleluia x3 Praise the Lord alleluia! x2.
Glorious God, Wonderful Redeemer, Who is like unto Thee. Blessed be Thy Holy Name. You are God and You liveth forever more. Thank You for another opportunity to hear from You and be blessed. Father make us doers and hearers alone in Jesus Name.
Eternal Rocks of Ages, we blessed Holy Name. We worship Thee, we glorify Thee. Thank You for ever and in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how has it been with You? Am hearing so many voices, some cheerful, others bemoaning. Be encourage by this, it only take Jesus to settle every life issues. Sooner than You think, the Lord will arise and show forth His praise in your live, family, business and career. The God of abundance will arise on your behalf and break every chains holding you bound and you will move forward.
The time to advance is now! You must move forward according to God’s Word to possess the land which He has promised your fathers (Deut 1:8). The Lord is saying you have been long on this mountain and the time to move forward is now.
Do not delay any longer, He will show forth His salvation. The Egyptians you see today you will see no more in Jesus Name.
Don’t forget that all the waiting is for a moment like this. The Lord Himself have fought and win your battles on all sides, now He is asking you to advance (Deut 1:7), you need not fear only be still and see the salvation of the Lord (Exo 14:14).
Remember, our hope is in the Name of the Lord Who make heaven and earth, so relax in His Presence and be bless for He knows all your needs:
Don’t be like them, because your Father knows the things you need before you ask Him.—Matthew 6:8
Even before we call on Him, the Father has already begun to provide all that we need (Isa. 65:24). Jesus wanted His disciples to learn how intimately God knew and loved each of them. That is why He told them to pray. He assured them that even before they prayed, God knew all about their situation.
Prayer is not designed for us to inform God of our needs, for He already knows them. Why, then, should we pray? Prayer enables us to experience God more intimately. The more a child experiences the loving provision of a parent, the more convinced he becomes of his parent’s unrelenting love. Often a parent will anticipate a child’s need before the child recognizes it and be prepared in advance to provide for that need. Our heavenly Father knows exactly what we will face today and next week. He is eager for us to experience Him as He provides for us.
To our surprise, we often discover that God knows far better than we do what is best for us. At times we assume that we know what would benefit us. We can even be foolish enough to assume that we don’t require anything of God. Yet God wants us to go to Him in our need (Matt. 7:7). He is ready to show His strength through our weakness.
Our heavenly Father knows exactly what is best for us, and He is prepared to provide for every need, if we will but ask (Phil. 4:13).
He is the one Who can take care of all that you will ever need. For all your trouble, shame and disgrace you will have double portion blessings, honour, and restoration:
After they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell [me] what I can do for you before I am taken from you.” So Elisha answered, “Please, let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.”—2 Kings 2:9
There had never been a man like Elijah. Elijah had raised the dead, called down fire from heaven, and revealed God’s plans for a devastating drought. The Israelites must have felt certain there would never be another prophet like Elijah, until Elisha came along. Moses was arguably the mightiest leader the Hebrews had ever followed, yet God prepared Joshua to accomplish what not even Moses had achieved. David’s reign marked a high point for the nation of Israel, yet it was Solomon who carried out the task that was denied his father, by building the spectacular temple.
We can be tempted to put more trust in the leaders God gives us than in God Himself. History teaches that, as wonderful as these godly people are, God always has another Moses, Elijah, or David. Often the successor will come with a double portion of their predecessors’ spirits.
God’s purposes do not depend on us. He has limitless ways to accomplish His will. The same God who led Moses could also use Joshua. If no one were willing to serve Him, the Lord would accomplish His work by His own divine power. We are not irreplaceable to the Lord. He will achieve His purposes.
The question is this: Will we be a part of God’s activity, or will He find someone else? We deceive ourselves if we think we are indispensable to God. Service to the Lord is an honor God bestows on us, not a favor we do for God.
If you are mourning the loss of one of your leaders, do not despair. God has another leader, for He will see that His will is carried out. It may even be that He has been preparing you to be that leader.
Is not possible that you are the next one in line to be use of God? Be sensitive to the move of the Spirit, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you on the way to go. Listen to the abundance of rain, resources, restoration, healings and provisions.
This week you will be a blessing, the Spirit of God will show you what to do. Listen and respond/obey.
Remain blessed in the Lord