Come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good.// I will lift up Jesus Higher, I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah Alpha Omega, I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah Alpha Omega, I will lift up Jesus higher.// Lord you are so good, blessed is Thy Name, in heaven You are the Lord, on earth you reigneth forever O God I Praise You Name blessed is Your Name.

Excellent Jehovah, wonderful messiah, there is no one greater than Jehovah love Divine. Father, I bow before Your throne in worship blessed be Your Name in Jesus Name. Thank You for a beautiful day You have made and say we should rejoice and be glad in it. Beautiful Jesus, doing beautiful things glory, honour, and adorations belongs to You alone in Jesus Name.

Father, we thank You for the season of new songs ordained in our lives with outstanding breakthroughs accompanying it, we give you Praise adorations forever and ever in Jesus Name. You are wonder working Father be magnify in Jesus Name.

Let the Living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart all my care and burden unto Thee I come.

Beloved, are you serving a Living God? My God is not carved out from wood or is found in a location but the God I am serving is a Living God, He is alive forever more, great are His works and He is greatly to be Praise. My God is bound to a location but He is everywhere, even the breathing in my nostrils is He. Can you clap for Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord.

Beloved, I don’t know what You are passing through but I know that my God is too good to fail and in all He does no wisdom can topple. The situation may be not easy, friendly, or even palatable but at the end it will be for good. Praise Jesus.

I have come to realized that everything God do as eternal purpose and is for His own glory therefore we must being to seek His glory and honour in all that we do or else we will be frustrating ourselves for nothing. Praise the Lord.

Beloved the word of God say let this mind be in you as it was in Christ ….until we begin to walk in this revelation all we are doing will just be a waste.

If the favour you are expecting from God is for you own aggrandizement O wasteful effort you are applying. But if your aim and purpose for Great Favour as promised us is for Kingdom advancement then you are in for God’s Great Favour, He knows that the end will bring more honour to Him than your pleasure. Praise the Lord.

Apostle Paul as we will later read in our ministration saw opportunity to preach to King when he was imprison and got himself prepared for it, he saw his imprisonment as opportunity to serve others who are in darkness and imprisoned by satan and seek to set them free from their spiritual captivities.

We must being to also see thing in that manner than in any other and when become our intention in every of our endeavour, God will grant us favour to appear in places where He wants His Name glorified.

Job was also a man who suffered so much for the sake of righteous living. God bore witness for him that he is a righteous man, still He gave satan the chance to afflicts him, at the end Job did not fall though lost everything, He was still righteous and God restored to him all he has lost and he was richer than he hwas in the beginning, this is the potion of someone reading this devotional now in Jesus Name.

Though satan has afflicted you, though you lost everything hear me, the Spirit of God is saying “Your end will be better than your beginning and for everything you have lost, the Hand of God will restore back in folds as He did to Job”

One thing the Spirit of God wants to establish for us today is that “God cannot lie.” God said that “Job was a righteous man and at the end of his temptations Job was still counted as a righteous man.” Can you open Ps 100 verse 5, “’ the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” Psalms 100:5 (KJV)

Can we zero in 5c and it says “His truth enduerth to all generation.” It means therefore that what God did in the time of Job, He is still able to do in our time.

His Word went forth that this is our month of Great Favour, beloved, His Hand will bring it to past. Hear me whatever is the lost, my God is able to restored back to you as you obey His Word, live righteously, seeks His glory and honour in your endeavours going forward.

Dearly beloved, our God is too sweet to be with, too fun also if only you know that His thought towards you are for good and not for evil. He desires for you is to give you your expected end, therefore put your trust in Him, build your faith by believing in Him and your testimonies will be full.

Let us read more:

Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has actually resulted in the advancement of the gospel. . . —Philippians 1:12


There are two ways to look at every situation: How it will affect you, and how it will affect God’s kingdom. The apostle Paul was always concerned with how his circumstances might aid the spreading of the Gospel. When he was unjustly imprisoned, he immediately looked to see how his imprisonment might provide God’s salvation to others (Phil. 1:13; Acts 16:19–34).

When he was assailed by an angry mob, he used the opportunity to preach the Gospel (Acts 22:1–21). When Paul’s criminal proceedings took him before the king, his thoughts were on sharing his faith with the king! (Acts 26:1–32). Even when Paul was shipwrecked on an island, he used that opportunity to share the gospel there. Regardless of his circumstance, Paul’s concern was how he could use his current situation to tell others of God’s good news of salvation.

Often when we encounter a new situation, our first thoughts are not about God’s kingdom . When we face a crisis, we can become angry or fearful for our own well-being, rather than looking to see what God intends to do through our circumstances. If we remain self-centered we will miss so much of what God could do through our experiences, both for us and for those around us.

Ask God to make you aware of how He could use your present circumstances to bless others. Perhaps someone around you needs to see the difference Christ’s presence makes in your life. Are you willing for God to use your circumstances to demonstrate His saving power to those around you?

Even when Apostle Paul was facing death, all his desires was to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus of which he was in chains to do. What is your desire when an unseeming situation befalls you? Let our thought and mind be to further the “Kingdom work” Praise God more below:

There was a man in the country of Uz named Job. He was a man of perfect integrity, who feared God and turned away from evil.—Job 1:1

There is a tremendous sense of freedom in living a blameless life. Job was blameless. Neither Satan nor any person could accuse him of wrongdoing. Even through the most rigorous tests, Job remained above reproach.

The apostle Paul said he diligently sought to relate to others in such a way that he would never regret his actions (Acts 24:16). This desire should be ours as well. The Book of Revelation indicates that those in heaven will be blameless (Rev. 14:5). This condition does not mean they never sinned on earth, but that God forgave their sins and granted them His righteousness.

Blameless does not mean perfect. It means that in every situation you do the correct thing. If you sin against someone, you confess your sin and ask for forgiveness. If you sin against God, you repent and begin to obey Him (Prov. 28:13). Often the way you handle your sin is as important as the sin itself. When you become aware of your transgression, seek to be blameless in the way you deal with it. If you attempt to conceal your sin, deny it, justify it, or blame others for it, you make the original offense much worse.

Have you been blameless in your dealings with God and others? When you have failed to treat people as you should, have you responded with integrity as you reconciled with them? If you are to be blameless, you must do everything in your power to correct any wrongdoing and reconcile any broken relationship. There is a profound sense of peace for the one whose way is blameless!

Beloved have you read for yourself what the word Blameless means? Are you Blameless before God? Let us make a amend of our ways of life and it shall be well with us Amen!

Believe and trust in our Lord Jesus and You will appear before Kings and not mean men. Praise the Lord.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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