I have a reason to praise the Lord 2x in my life I have a reason to praise the Lord. Lord You are so good I will forever fellow you, there is nothing you cannot do, I will forever fellow you.

Heavenly Father, we thank You, we blessed Your Name, we honour You, we give You praise, we adore You O king of kings, O Lord of lords. Faithful are You Lord, Faithful to be praise. With a heart full of joy, we come into Your Presence to worship and adore Thee. Father, thank You for the gift today and the blessings therein, be it done to us according to Your Word; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Beloved, are you celebrating with joy that can only be found in Christ? What is that one thing that is challenging the power of cross in your life? What is that one thing that makes you sigh each time it comes to your memory?

I want you to know that the One Who is your Father is above, therefore He is above all. I also wants to remind you that when Christ die, you die with him and as He was risen, you rose with Him and God made Him to seat far above and that where you are. Praise God!

Open your month and declare that you are sit far above principalities and powers and all the forces of hell put together will not stop your joy neither will they stop your rejoicing in the Lord our God.

Beloved, you must dominate all that have hitherto dominated you. You must rise above them and march forward. Beloved, you must make your first quantum leap this first quarter of the year. You will not be left behind, the power of the Holy Spirit of God is moving you from where you to higher height. He is lifting you from pit to praise and you cannot praise without joy.

This first Wednesday, all your prayers are receiving answers if you learn to pray with joy and thanksgiving. Let every bitterness be gone; let joy arise to pray and breakthrough.

There shall be rejoicing in your camp. Consider careful our study text, what have you just read?  Beloved those you hate you because of Christ, will see God glorifying Himself in your life and they will be shocked. Those who thought is over with you, will soon ask you to take them to your God, even if they cannot be bold enough to do that, they will fellow your God from a distance.

Let us pray for those who are hurting among us that the joy of the Lord will radiate through them and make them get over their hurts and hold tight to the faith in Christ the profess.

Beloved, a child of God must be alert and must covet discerning spirit, we must not live our life to chance or be insensitive when evil is in the land or around us.

Come as we go into detail reading about all of these, pray and receive our answers:

Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name’s sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.” Isa. 66:5

Possibly this text may not apply to one in a thousand of the readers of this little book of promises; but the Lord cheers that one in such words as these. Let us pray for all such as are cast out wrongfully from the society which they love. May the Lord appear to their joy!

The text applies to truly gracious men who tremble at the word of the Lord. These were hated of their brethren, and at length cast out because of their fidelity and their holiness. This must have been very bitter to them; and all the more so because their casting out was done in the name of religion, and professedly with the view of glorifying God. How much is done for the devil in the name of God! The use of the name of Jehovah to add venom to the bite of the old serpent is an instance of his subtlety.

The appearing of the Lord for them is the hope of His persecuted people. He appears as the advocate and defender of His elect; and when He does so, it means a clear deliverance for the God-fearing and shame for their oppressors. O Lord, fulfill this word to those whom men are deriding!

Amen! Beloved what are doing concerning the evil that you see around you? How are fighting corruptions that you are aware of? How are fighting sins that are done under your nose? Keeping off? Pretending that you are not aware of it or do you confront it? Come with me as we see what we are supposed to do in the message below:

“But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his ax, and his mattock.” 1Samuel 13:20

We are engaged in a great war with the Philistines of evil. Every weapon within our reach must be used. Preaching, teaching, praying, giving, all must be brought into action, and talents which have been thought too mean for service, must now be employed. Coulter, and axe, and mattock, may all be useful in slaying Philistines; rough tools may deal hard blows, and killing need not be elegantly done, so long as it is done effectually.

Each moment of time, in season or out of season; each fragment of ability, educated or untutored; each opportunity, favourable or unfavourable, must be used, for our foes are many and our force but slender.

Most of our tools want sharpening; we need quickness of perception, tact, energy, promptness, in a word, complete adaptation for the Lord’s work. Practical common sense is a very scarce thing among the conductors of Christian enterprises. We might learn from our enemies if we would, and so make the Philistines sharpen our weapons.

This morning let us note enough to sharpen our zeal during this day by the aid of the Holy Spirit. See the energy of the Papists, how they compass sea and land to make one proselyte, are they to monopolize all the earnestness? Mark the heathen devotees, what tortures they endure in the service of their idols! Are they alone to exhibit patience and self-sacrifice? Observe the prince of darkness, how persevering in his endeavours, how unabashed in his attempts, how daring in his plans, how thoughtful in his plots, how energetic in all!

The devils are united as one man in their infamous rebellion, while we believers in Jesus are divided in our service of God, and scarcely ever work with unanimity. O that from Satan’s infernal industry we may learn to go about like good Samaritans, seeking whom we may bless!

Is someone praying these prayers? Lord make my brethren regain their joy, we cause every power behind that is tormenting any of us in the Name of Jesus, every forces that are contending our belief in Christ Jesus be caused in Jesus Name. We break all their powers in Jesus Name. We command them to lose their hold over us and ever user of this devotional in the Name of Jesus.  We decree joy in their heart in Jesus Name. We decree peace into their life in Jesus Name. Receive your deliverance in the Name of Jesus. Be healed in the Name of Jesus.

We also pray that the spirit of oneness come into the lives of child of the Most High God. We cause every spirit of babel rising in the life of every child of God, every of their holds are broken now in the Name of Jesus.

Beloved, pray these prayer earnestly in Jesus Name, I see your joy overflowing from the Throne of grace. I see answers to your prayers descending. Beloved, rejoice and be glad today for Faithful is your God. Read this bible passages for more insight of whom you Eph 1:3-22; Col 1:11-28.

This is what the Lord is saying concerning this month “the word has gone out my mouth in righteousness and will not return void” Isa 45:23. Therefore submit yourself to God, resist the devil, self-doubt, fear and all these promises will be us (Jas 4:7)

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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