I have seen the Lord goodness His mercies and compassion, I have seen the Lord Goodness alleluia Praise the Lord. I have seen the Lord goodness His mercies and compassion, I have seen the Lord Goodness alleluia Praise the Lord. // There is power mighty in the blood, there is Power and Mighty in the Blood, there is power mighty in the blood Jesus Christ there is power mighty in the blood.

Faith Father we thank You for a blessed You have made and said we should rejoice and be glad. Thank You for the gift of life and vitality. Glory be to Your Name O Lord! You are greater than greatest, Mighty than the mightiest, You are higher than the Highest, glory be to Your Name on high.

We have come today before Your throne to be blessed, look with pity upon us and cleanse us from uncleanness, make the way smooth before us and grant our prayers as we pray today in Jesus Name.

Beloved, good morning, how are doing today? Today is looking great and by the grace of God it gonna be so in Jesus Name. We devoted the past two days to our brothers and sisters who are yet to accept Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour and I had a burden in my heart as the Spirit of God pointed out to me after yesterday ministration that someone is reluctant to accept Christ because of how grievous the sins he/ she has committed. He/she is not sure if God can wash away such sins away.

If you are one and you have connected to read today pieces, I have good news for you. I want you to know that God love is greater and higher than anything you must have done in the past. God first loved us and gave His begotten Son to cleanse us from all righteousness so that we will enter into His glory at the end. Therefore Jesus went ahead of you to reconcile back to His Father so that you will enter into the temple unbarred (Jn 3:16, Eph 3:17-19, 2Cor 5:19).

Why are hindering yourself from benefiting from such love? Why are you hindering yourself from partaking in His profound love? Like the prodigal son can you rise up from where you are now and come to your Father for He is waiting for your return. The woman caught in adultery was forgiven, why are you allowing satan to hold you bound by his lies that your sin cannot be wash away by the Blood of Jesus?(Jn 8:3-11).

Arise now and come back to your Father, He is waiting for your return click here to accept Jesus now and it shall be well with you.

Today is another day for prayer, so we are having another prayer session and Jesus is already here, praise the Lord! Beloved, are you ready to pray today? Remember we were reminded of the need to pray all manners of prayer in our last prayer session, so now that  know there is no dull moment in prayer.

We can pray without uttering a word, we can pray through Praise and worship, we can pray by interceding, whatever style of prayer you want to engage in, God is ever ready to answer you but you must pray.

In today’s prayer meeting we will be discovering why we must always pray. We are call to arms. No child of God must stay ideal in the place of prayer. Our coal must not be covered with ashes rather it must brazening hot to keep away satan and his cohorts from our territories else we suffer what Adam and Eve suffered at their time, God forbid!

We have engaged in various teaching about spiritual armories according to Paul in Ephesians 6 as we also read in the passage below. We must therefore be ready and fully engage this weapon to benefit from it as supposed.

We must not be quite when we are being assaulted by satan, we must always remember that God’s plan for us is for good and not for evil, therefore, we must not condone evil in our life. When our life is not looking like what the Word of God, we must take out time to inquiry from the Lord and get answers to the prevailing situation, after which we must make a resolve to serve God irrespective of what we may be passing through, like Paul, we must resolved to serve God no matter what we may be.

We must not deny God nor give up in our service because things are not going the way we planned it or have expected it to be. God has the bigger picture, it is time to war beloved, arise pick up your arms to war:

Isaiah 48:12-50:11, Psalm 118:10-14, Proverbs 24:10-12, Ephesians 6:1-24

A Call to Arms

For our battle is not against flesh and blood.—Ephesians 6:12

Ephesians 6:10-20 concerns the spiritual protection that is available to every Christian when doing battle with the Devil. All those who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ know (or should know) that the kingdoms of God and the Devil are locked together in mortal combat. And Christians, whether they like it or not, are thrust right onto the cutting edge of that conflict.

Many Christians are pacifists when it comes to the matter of earthly warfare, but no one can be a pacifist when it comes to the matter of spiritual warfare. Once we enlist in the army of God, we are then expected to train in the art of offensive and defensive spiritual warfare. At certain times and occasions in the Christian life, we find ourselves in a battle that demands fierce hand-to-hand combat with the forces of darkness, and unless we know how to handle these trying situations, we shall easily be overthrown.

The Bible shows us that the Devil and his minions are bitter enemies of God, but because they are powerless against the Almighty, they turn their concentrated attention on those who are His followers—you and me. Notice how many times the word “against” appears in Ephesians 6:10-13. It occurs six times in all, showing that when anyone comes over to the side of Jesus Christ, they are immediately identified as being for God and against the Devil. There can be no compromise on this issue, no peaceful coexistence pact. To be for God is to be against the Devil.


Gracious and loving Father, help me get my perspectives clear. Train me in the art of spiritual warfare so that I will be able to resist every onslaught of the Devil and come through every conflict victoriously. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study

2Co 10:1-5; 1Tm 1:18; 6:12

What does Paul say about our weapons of warfare?

What was Paul’s charge to Timothy?

Beloved, have you seen why you must be battle ready all the time? Satan is not happy that you are a child of God, therefore he fight you with his cohorts. Will you be silent or be ready to face the battle knowing that victory is awaiting you at the end (for Jesus has won the battle for you at Calvary) if you play/fight by the rule of the game?

May God help us and give us the understanding we need for every battle of life, Praise the Lord!

Father, answer your children as we call upon today in Jesus Name. Be magnifying O! Lord! and be higher lifted high in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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